Sunday, March 31, 2019

Inside a Volcano (2)

Arni Stefansson, a cave explorer, was the first person to enter the cavern back in 1974. For years, he hoped the public would be allowed to enter Thrihnukagigur.

Eventually, in 2012, the Inside the Volcano tour was created. The tour begins with a 40 to 50 minute hike to the volcano's crater. From there, you take a lift down 198 meters into the heart of Thrihnukagigur. Your descent takes about six minutes. As you go down, you can admire the rock walls.

The symphony of color will amaze you - reds, blues, yellows, violets and oranges. They almost don't look real. Take as many pictures as you like to try to capture the beauty inside the volcano.

At the bottom, you can walk around the uneven rocks while admiring the vastness of this secret world. It's like taking a peek behind the curtain of a play. A trip inside the Thrihnukagigur volcano is an experience like no other.

Language Lab
crater n. 火山口
a large round hole in the ground made by the explosion of a bomb or by something falling from the sky
- Days after the eruption, you can still see smoke, ash, and vapor coming out from the crater of the volcano.
- The crater of this extinct volcano can be reached on foot.
crater n. 坑洞
the area on top of a volcano that is shaped like a bowl
- This crater was formed by a huge meteorite.
- The explosion left a big crater in the ground.

admire v.
to feel respect or approval for (someone or something)
to look at (something or someone) with enjoyment
- Emily stopped in front of the shop window to admire the beautiful dress.
- Jonathan is smart and handsome; many girls at school admire him.
admirer n.
- Ethan is a huge admirer of Asian culture.

symphony n.
a long piece of music that is usually in four large, separate sections and that is performed by an orchestra
- Symphony No. 5 is one of Beethoven's most well-known pieces.
something regarded, typically favorably, as a composition of different elements:
- The oil painting is a symphony of warm hues like orange, yellow, red and brown.

capture v.
to describe or show (someone or something) in a very accurate way by using writing, painting, film, etc.
- The photographer successfully captured the sadness of the woman in this picture.
to take and hold (someone) as a prisoner especially by using force
 -The soldier was captured by the enemy and held captive for months.
to get and hold (someone's attention, interest, etc.)
- The boldly designed poster captured my attention.

Info Cloud

Hello and welcome to Info Cloud. It's time to raise the curtain on another episode. 

That's an interesting way to start. When we raise the curtain on something, we get it started, like the beginning of a play or a performance.

Exactly right! When an audience is sitting in a theater, raising the curtain on the stage, it is a signal that the play is about to begin. 

However, we can use this expression to mean something different. Raising the curtain on something, 
can be also reveal that something is behind the curtain. 

So, if we raise the curtain on our new project, we reveal it with the public. 

The opposite of the saying is to bring down the curtain on something. Just like at the end of a play. 

It's a way to say that the final end of something is occurring, so Joe is to say today we're going to bring down the curtain on Info Cloud.

Then, I would be saying that we are bring you the last episode. Thank, goodness, that is not the case.

  • raise the curtain
    - It's time to raise the curtain on today's Info Cloud.
    - We raised the curtain on our new project to the public.
  • bring down the curtain
    - The TV station is bringing down the curtain on the show. 

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Inside a Volcano (1)

Going deep into a whole new world

When a volcano erupts, orange bursts into the sky. Rocks and ash shoot up into the air, and lava rolls down the mountain. Who in their right mind would want to get close to something like that? No one, of course. But if it were safe, wouldn't it be exciting to go down inside a volcano? If you're interested, look no further than Iceland. Iceland is the only place on earth where you can go down inside a volcano. A guided tour takes visitors deep inside the Thrihnukagigur volcano for a look at its inner workings.

Thrihnukagigur lies about 30 kilometers from Iceland's capital, Reykjavik. It last erupted 4000 years ago and has remained dormant ever since. A dormant volcano is "sleeping" but is expected to erupt again sometime. Dormant volcanoes still contain liquid rock called magma. But it won't come to the surface until it is hot enough and under enough pressure. Thrihnukagigur is unique. Its magma chamber is empty, so visitors can now explore it.

Language Lab
erupt v.
to send out rocks, ash, lava, etc., in a sudden explosion
- The volcano suddenly erupted and almost half of the city was covered by lava.
to happen or begin suddenly and violently
- Riots erupted downtown, and many people left the area for safety.
eruption n.
- Luckily, the volcanic eruption was minor, and no casualties were reported.

inner adj.
located toward the inside of something : not on or at the edge or outside of something
- This exercise can strengthen your inner thigh muscles.
- The hotel guest requested an inner room facing the courtyard.
of or relating to a person's mind or spirit
- Even though Andrew seems to have it all, he's still looking for true inner peace.
— opposite outer adj.
located on or toward the outside of something : not on or at the inside or center of something
- Stay in the outer lane if you want to exit the freeway soon.

dormant adj. (hibernate)
not doing anything at this time : not active but able to become active
- This dormant volcano hasn't erupted for over three hundred years.
- This volcano is no longer considered dormant after its recent eruption; it's now an active one.
- You can deposit some cash to reactivate this dormant account.

chamber n.
a small space inside something (such as a machine or your body)
- The underground chamber was used to store firearms.
- Each chamber of the palace was decorated in a different style.
a cavity in a plant, animal body, or organ.
- You can see the four chambers of the patient's heart on the monitor.

Info Cloud

Hello and welcome to Info Cloud.

Blex, do you ever watch natural documentaries? Not really, why do you ask?

I was watching a documentary about volcanoes that blew my mind. It's about the eruption of the cracker volcano in the Philiphans. 

Joe, just used that impression that is rather cleave given what he talking about. When something blow's your mind, it amazes and excites you.

Exactly, that is exactly what happened. The size the effect of what explosion were amazing. It really did blow my mind, but what did you mean by cleaver?

Because what blew your mind was a show about a volcano blowing its top.  

Right, I guess that was a cleaver way to describe it. Although for people not familiar with the phrase to blow your top. We should explain it. 

So, when a volcano blows it's top, it exposed, but a more common way to use the same is people. 

When someone blow's their top, they don't expolred, they get angry very quickly.

When dad finds out that we wrecked the car, he is going to blow his top. 

That's a pretty typical fear for kids. Parents find out you did something wrong, they will get angry right away.

blow someone's mind 
informal : to strongly affect someone's mind with shock, confusion, etc. : to amaze or overwhelm someone's mind
- I watched a documentary about volcanoes that blew my mind.
The music really blew my mind. The thought of all she's accomplished at such a young age just blows my mind.

blow your top
informal or US blow your stack : to become very angry
- Sam's dad is going to blow his top, because Sam wrecked his car.
- Mom really blew her top when she found out I'd wrecked the car.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Doctor Miracle (2)

Year after year, Mukwege puts his life on the line to help injured women. In 2012, Mukwege's devotion to this cause was tested after experiencing an assassination attempt and having his daughters briefly held hostage. He and his family fled to safety in Sweden and then to Belgium. However, thanks to a campaign by local Congolese women who raised the funds for a return ticket, the doctor was able to go home.

Although Mukwege once again resides in the DRC, he is forced to live inside the hospital under protection of UN peacekeepers.

Last year while operating in the hospital, Mukwege heard the news that he, along with Nadia Murad, had been awarded the 2018 Nobel Peace Prize. The prize centers on acknowledging "their efforts to end the use of sexual violence as a weapon of war."

He a doctor, and she an Iraqi human rights activist who suffered in the same way that so many of Mukwege's patients have, should inspire everyone to take a stand for peace. For Mukwege, "When I see how strong women are, all my inspiration comes from them." Winning the Peace Prize could be the first step toward an end to violence against women.

Language Lab
on the line 處于危險中
in danger of being lost or harmed : at risk
- These fire fighters put their lives on the line going into the burning building to save the people trapped inside.
- Michael put his job on the line when he told his boss she was wrong.

assassination n.
to kill (someone, such as a famous or important person) usually for political reasons
- Even after so many years, the assassination of J.F. Kennedy remains a mystery.
assassin n.
a person who kills someone (such as a famous or important person) usually for political reasons or for money : a person who assassinates someone
- The assassin was in disguise and successfully escaped from the crime scene.
assassinate v.
- The man was arrested for attempting to assassinate the ambassador.

activist n. 激進主義分子,行動主義者
a person who uses or supports strong actions (such as public protests) to help make changes in politics or society
- Patricia has been an animal rights activist since college.
- Many green activists devoted their time and money to promoting people's awareness of global warming.
active adj.
- Molly has been active in politics every since she was young.

inspire v. 鼓舞,激勵,驅使
to make (someone) want to do something : to give (someone) an idea about what to do or create
- Jacob was inspired by his literature professor and became a novelist.
inspiration v.
something that makes someone want to do something or that gives someone an idea about what to do or create : a force or influence that inspires someone
- This girl overcame her disabilities and completed the marathon. Her story is an inspiration for many people.

Info Cloud

  • immigrant
  • migrant
  • refugee
  • asylum-seeker
Hello friends and welcome to Info Cloud. Today, we want to share about a topic we often hear about in the news - immigration. 

If you read an article about immigration issues, you'll see terms like "immigrant", "migrant", "refugee" and "asylum-seeker." 

The term immigrant emphasizes that an individual desires to permanently reside in another country and may seek citizenship. They may have left their country for any number of reasons.

On the other hand, a migrant is someone who leaves their country and goes to another for a short period of time for work or education. In recent years, this term has taken on a negative conatentation*. 

Now, a refugee is someone flew an area facing on conflict or persaucution*. They are unable to return to their home until the situation changes. Refugees also have special international protections. 

But a asylum-seeker is someone who flews their country and it's not yet consider a refugee. When they reach a country's border, they can apply for protection in that  country.

The country then has a obligation to consider the silent request. Not every asylum-seeker will be recoganize* a refugee. 

Immigration is a complicated topic, but we hope that today's Info Cloud helps you to understand a little more the important issue. 

Doctor Miracle (1)

Nobel Peace Prize winner – Dr. Denis Mukwege – is helping heal his nation’s deepest wounds

Denis Mukwege never intended to become Dr. Miracle, an award-winning gynecologist. He grew up in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) as a preacher's kid. In fact, it was visiting the sick with his father that inspired him to become a doctor in the first place.

The country has endured more than two decades of conflict, and Congolese women have suffered worst. Warring for control of the country's gold and precious mineral deposits, rebel groups are brutally attacking the region's women. During the last decade, the DRC has actually been described as "the rape capital of the world." One study found that 48 women are raped every hour in the country.

One man stands strong against this trauma, and has done so for more than 20 years. He first set up the Panzi hospital - originally made of tents - in 1998. After losing the hospital the same year in the crossfire of the Second Congo War, Mukwege rebuilt the following year. Since then, Panzi hospital has grown to become a major health facility. There, Mukwege reportedly cares for more than 3500 women a year, sometimes performing as many as 10 operations a day.

Language Lab
gynecologist n.
- Diane went to see her gynecologist for a pregnancy test.
gynecology n. 婦科
a branch of medicine that deals with the diseases and routine physical care of the reproductive system of women
- After her internship, Jane decided to work in the field of gynecology.
- If you want to go to obstetrics, be prepared for late night deliveries.
obstetrics n. 產科
a branch of medicine that deals with the birth of children and with the care of women before, during, and after they give birth to children — compare gynecology
- If you want to go to obstetrics, be prepared for late night deliveries.

in the first place
— used at the end of a sentence to indicate what was true or what should have been done at the beginning of a situation

brutally adv. 殘忍地,野蠻地
extremely cruel or harsh
- The old man was brutally beaten by the robbers because he refused to give them his wallet.
brutally adv. 直言了當的
very direct and accurate in a way that is harsh or unpleasant
- The play brutally described the dark side of human nature.
brutal adj.
- The brutal murder shook the whole town.

trauma n. 精神創傷
a very difficult or unpleasant experience that causes someone to have mental or emotional problems usually for a long time
- Several years ago, Matthew experienced the trauma of getting a divorce and losing his job at the same time.
- For years, the victim of the kidnapping suffered physical and emotional trauma.
traumatic adj.
- The car accident was a traumatic experience for everyone involved.

reportedly adv. 據傳聞;據報導
according to what has been said — used to indicate what has been said or reported
- The player reportedly signed a $10,000,000 contract with the Lakers.
- Over 1000 civilians have reportedly been killed in the civil war.
reported adj.
- There are over 20 reported cases of malaria in this village alone.

Info Cloud
  • pick your battles
    - Joe chooses to pick his battles with his wife.
    - He tried to pick a fight with the opposing team on the court.

Monday, March 25, 2019

Model United Nations for Students (1)

This international program prepares students to become future leaders

We rarely get a chance to see the world through someone else's eyes. But as Model United Nations (MUN) participants, students get an opportunity to do just that.

One of our Studio Classroom staff members, Davis Lee, was an MUN delegate. He shared his experiences in a recent interview:

Q: What is MUN?
A: Model United Nations is a simulation for students to learn how the United Nations operates. Students also learn about international relations and diplomacy.

Q: How many years did you participate?
A: I participated all four years in high school and also joined a team in Singapore one year.

Q: As a delegate, what were your responsibilities?
A: My responsibilities were to research an assigned country or organization. We had to prepare an opening speech and write up a resolution which addressed our committee's topic.

Q: What was the most exciting thing you did as a delegate?
A: The most exciting thing was to find delegates who represented other countries with similar resolutions and try to merge them together. Everyone walked around talking to strangers and sharing their own views on the topics.

Info Cloud
Hello everyone, welcome to Info Cloud. Today, we're going to talk about expressions related to our eyes and opinions. Let's start with seeing something through someone else's eyes.

This means to see something from someone else's view point or someone else's perspective. It's an expression that talks about understanding.

But, it doesn't automatically mean agreement. Understanding why someone thinks or acts the way they do means just that.

Now, if you agree with someone, you can use another expression that refers to sight. Seeing eye to eye with someone on or about something.

So, if Joe and I see eye to eye on the amount of preparation needed for performing something, it means that we think the same way.

You can also use this in the negative. If you are not eye to eye on something or about something, it means you don't agree.

It's also a softer way to express disagreement with someone. If Joe and I disagree on something, then it be a small or a big disagreement.

Sometimes we might not see eye to eye, or we won't exactly see eye to eye. The expression has the sense that we don't agree, but it won't stop us from working together.

  • I'm trying to see things through her eyes.
  • seeing something through someone's eyes
  • eye to eye: Joe and I see eye to eye on how we should teach.
  • We don't see eye to eye on this. 

Language Lab

delegate n. 代表
a person who is chosen or elected to vote or act for others : representative
- All the delegates representing their regions will vote in today's meeting to decide who will be the new chairperson.
- Daniel was appointed by the boss to attend the conference as the company's delegate.

delegate v. 委託  授權
to give (control, responsibility, authority, etc.) to someone : to trust someone with (a job, duty, etc.)
- Eric doesn't know how to delegate jobs to his team members, so he ends up doing all the work himself.
Eric 不知道如何委派工作給其他的成員, 所以最後只好都自己做所有的工作。

diplomacy n. 外交;外交手腕
the work of maintaining good relations between the governments of different countries
- The news report revealed the secret diplomacy between the two countries.
- The country's recent efforts in international diplomacy improved their relationship with other countries.

diplomat n. 外交官
a person who represents his or her country's government in a foreign country : someone whose work is diplomacy
- Robert's father used to be a diplomat who served in Spain and Greece.

simulation n. 模仿;模擬
something that is made to look, feel, or behave like something else especially so that it can be studied or used to train people [count] — often + of
- a computer simulation of spaceflight
- simulations of body movements

assign v. 指定
to give someone a particular job or duty : to require someone to do a particular task
- The boss assigned Rita to represent him to sign the contract.
- Julia was assigned the task of compiling the sales data last month.
assignment n. 委任, 被委任的任務或功課
a job or duty that is given to someone : a task someone is required to do
- The teacher gave an extra homework assignment for the long weekend.

resolution n. 解決
an answer or solution to something
- The air pollution is getting really serious, and we need to find an effective resolution to the problem.
resolution n. 決心, 決定
a promise to yourself that you will make a serious effort to do something that you should do
- I always have the same new year's resolution at every beginning of the year, which is to lose weight.