Thursday, February 25, 2021


How helpful are houseplants?
室內植栽知多少 室內植物有多少好處?

Four. That's the number of plants inside my house. Houseplants look good and can help reduce anxiety. Many people also believe indoor plants can help clean the air. But can they?

The idea started in the 1980s when a NASA scientist started reporting on houseplants. He was testing plants' ability to get rid of pollutants in the air. According to the scientist, plants seemed to be a "promising, economical solution to indoor air pollution."

But there was just one problem: He was in a lab.

The air quality inside a house is much harder to control than in a lab. Recently, a professor face-checked the claims about indoor plants. He reviewed the results from nearly 200 experiments. He found it would take over 100 plants per square meter to clean the air. Thousands of plants would be needed in a single apartment to do the job. I can't fit that many plants in my place! So my four houseplants don't give me cleaner air but I still enjoy having them. 

Info Cloud

green thumb 很會種花或是其他種類的植物

Hi, everyone. Welcome to Info Cloud. So, Rex, do you have a green thumb? 

Do I have a green thumb? Um... no, Andrea, I …  I do not have a green thumb. Look! My thumb is not green. 

OK. No, I'm not talking about the color of your thumb, though I can see how you would think that. I want to talk about the phrase, green thumb. When you have a green thumb, you are able to or have the natural ability to take care of plants that are often green, and you can do that very well. 

Oh, right, I have heard of that. And actually, Andrea, then I do have a green thumb. I have a small garden at home. And I love to take care of my plants, and they are growing well. I'm even growing herbs in the garden right now that my family uses for cooking. 

Wow. Rex, that is impressive. So, Andrea, do you have a green thumb? 

No. No, I do not have a green thumb. I actually have a black thumb. A black thumb? Yes. I can't keep any plants alive. I can't even keep a cactus alive. Plastic plants would probably even die in my home. OK, I'm... I'm joking about the plastic plants part. But having a black thumb is the opposite of having a green thumb. When you have a black thumb, you cannot keep plants alive. 

很多人喜歡種植一些花花草草,今天就跟大家分享跟種植植物有關、相當有趣的用語,首先,如果一個人很會種花或是其他種類的植物,你可以用 green thumb 來形容他,thumb 是拇指,green thumb 就是綠色的拇指,代表這個人的手指頭照顧過很多綠色的植物,John really has a green thumb. John很會照顧植物,只要經過他手中的花花草草,都長得很好。

另一方面,如果有人種什麼都失敗的話,那就要用 black thumb 黑色的拇指來形容他,因為經過他手指頭的植物,都死掉了,這樣子的形容方式是不是相當有趣?

Language Lab

pollutant n. 會污染的東西、汙染物
a substance that makes land, water, air, etc., dirty and not safe or suitable to use : something that causes pollution
- The pollutants in the air are making Neil cough.
空氣中的汙染物讓Neil 一直咳嗽。
- The pollutants in the pond are affecting the fish.
- Sarah is looking for an air filter to clear out the pollutants in her apartment.
Sarah 在找一台空氣過濾器,來清掉她公寓裡的汙染物。

economical adj. 經濟實惠、省錢的
using money, resources, etc., carefully
- Jeremy can’t afford to go on a vacation at a resort; he needs a travel plan that is more economical.
Jeremy 付不起到度假村旅遊,他需要一個比較經濟實惠的旅遊計畫。
- Sally is trying to be more economical so she can save up her money.
Sally 為了要存錢,試著更節約。
- Gary likes to shop online because he finds it is more economical. 
Gary 喜歡網購,因為他發覺這樣比較省錢。

lab n. 實驗室 (laboratory 的縮寫) 
a room or building with special equipment for doing scientific experiments and tests
- The scientist had been in the lab all day. 那位科學家已經在實驗室裡待了一整天。
lab n. 電腦教室 (=computer lab)
a room with equipment (such as computers or tape recorders)
- The students were busy in the computer lab. 學生們在電腦教室裡忙著。
lab n. 拉不拉多犬 (=labrador 的縮寫)
- The boy was playing with his black lab. 小男孩跟他的黑色拉不拉多犬一起玩。

experiment n. 實驗、試驗
a scientific test in which you perform a series of actions and carefully observe their effects in order to learn about something
- Jenny loves chemistry and enjoys doing experiments.
Jenny 很愛化學課,他非常喜歡做實驗。
- Brian wants to do an experiment to see how his cats respond to different kinds of music.
Brian 想來做一個測試,看看他的貓對不同音樂有什麼反應。
experiment v. 做實驗、做測試
to make or do an experiment: such as
- Mary is trying to bake the perfect cake and has experimented with different kinds of ingredients.
Mary 想烤一個完美的蛋糕,並請用了好多不同種的食材來做測試。

skepticism n.
an attitude of doubting the truth of something (such as a claim or statement)
- She regarded the researcher's claims with skepticism.
- It's good to maintain a healthy skepticism about fad diets.

Monday, February 22, 2021


A pain in your joints might be caused by a bigger problem
痛風 不就是關節痛?可能沒那麼簡單!

You wake up in the middle of the night with intense pain in your big toe. It feels as if it's on fire. It could be gout. The pain comes on quickly, often at night. The joint at the base of the big toe is where it usually hits. But it can occur in other joints such as ankles, knees or fingers. Gout happens when high uric acid levels in your blood cause uric acid crystals to form in your joints. The crystals cause pain and swelling. 

Your kidneys usually take the uric acid out of your blood. But sometimes there is too much for them to handle. 

Many people think gout comes from eating too much red meat and drinking too much. But research shows that gout is genetic. Diet and weight can bring on attacks of gout but do not cause it. Eating a healthy diet and staying at a healthy weight will help. However, the best way to treat gout is to take medicine. 

Info Cloud

stub one’s toe 腳趾頭踢到桌腳或是椅子

dip one’s toe 嘗試去學習或做一件新的事情

Hi, friends. Welcome to Info Cloud. Rex, are you OK? You look like you're in pain. 

I am in a bit of pain. I stubbed my toe this morning, and it still hurts. 

Oh, Rex. I'm so sorry. But that's a good point to talk about. 

You want to talk about my toe? 

No, no, no. The phrase, to stub your toe. When you stub your toe, you hit it against something. Rex, how did you stub your toe? 

I stubbed my toe by hitting it against my chair when I got up from the breakfast table. 

Oh, I see. Well, Rex, have you ever dipped your toe into something? 

What do you mean? And why are we still talking about my toe? 

OK, OK. It's just another fun phrase to teach. When you dip your toe into something, you try it out for the first time, or you try something that is unfamiliar. 

Ah, yes. I recently dipped my toe into baking. I'm slowly learning how to bake a few things. 

Well, that's great. Just don't stub your toe as you're in the kitchen dipping your toe into baking. And I do hope that your toe feels better soon. 

相信大家都有過腳趾頭踢到桌腳或是椅子的經驗,真的是很痛,英文可以用 stub one’s toe 來形容,例如,I stubbed my toe by hitting it against my chair. 我踢到椅子,傷了我的腳趾頭。另外一個跟 toe 腳趾頭有關的用語是 dip one’s toe,字面上是用腳趾頭去碰觸一樣東西,意思就是嘗試去學習或做一件新的事情。I’ve recently dipped my toe into baking. 我最近開始嘗試去做烘焙。

Language Lab

joint n. 關節
a point where two bones meet in the body
- When Mrs. Clark got out of bed, her joints felt very stiff.
Clark 太太起床的時候,她覺得關節很僵硬。
joint adj. 共同的、共有的
doing something together
- After Jim and Anita got married, they decided to open a joint bank account. 
Jim 跟 Anita 結婚後,就決定要在銀行裡開一個共有的戶頭。
joint n. 餐館、酒吧  
a cheap bar or club
- Kelly is meeting her friends at the joint across the street from her apartment.
Kelly 跟她的朋友們要在她公寓對面的餐館碰面。 

swelling n. (身體部位) 腫起來
an area on someone's body that is larger than normal because of an illness or injury
Greg hurt his knee, and he’s now putting ice on it to keep the swelling down.
Greg 傷了膝蓋,他現在在冰敷,以便控制膝蓋的腫脹程度。
- Rachel woke up with swelling on her right eye; she’s guessing a mosquito had bitten her.
Rachel 醒來時右眼是腫的,她猜是蚊子咬的。
- There is swelling on my arm; it doesn’t hurt but it itches a lot.

attack n. 攻擊
to act violently against (someone or something) : to try to hurt, injure, or destroy (something or someone)
- The soldiers are planning an attack; it will happen at midnight.
attack n. 強烈的批評
to criticize (someone or something) in a very harsh and severe way
- The manager’s verbal attack during the meeting was very inappropriate.
attack n. 身體內的疾病突然發作
to begin to harm, injure, or destroy (something)
- Michelle was so stressed out that she had a panic attack.
Michelle 的壓力過大,造成她恐慌發作。 

genetic adj. 跟基因有關的、遺傳性的
of, relating to, or involving genes
- Sabrina is interested in becoming a genetic engineer.
Sabrina 有興趣成為一位基因工程師。
- Evelyn has diabetes and she says it is genetic; her mother has it, too.
Evelyn 有糖尿病,她說是遺傳的,因為她母親也有。
- His dysplasia is a genetic disease that affects German Shepherds.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021


Build friendships while playing paintball and taking cover
漆彈大戰! 玩漆彈、找掩護、交朋友 

What do you think of when you hear the word paintball? Some people think it’s a rough game. Getting shot during a game hurts! But over the years, paintball has become very popular. Here are five good reasons why you should play the game with your friends.

It’s a team game.

Teamwork is an important part of paintball. During a game, you have to cooperate with your teammates. Each member has to do their part to help the team win. And you always have to watch each other’s backs! By working together, friendships can become stronger.

It teaches problem solving.

Paintball is a strategy game. One of the most popular ways to enjoy paintball is to play capture the flag. You enter the enemy base, steal their flag and take it back to your base. So you need to think of ways to overcome difficulties. And that can help you face challenges in your daily life.

Info Cloud

watch paint dry 形容無聊的事情

Welcome to Info Cloud. Recently I watched a documentary about a famous composer with my kids. How was it? Well, I enjoyed it, but my kids said it was like watching paint dry. Oh. So they weren't interested in the subject. I guess. 400-year-old composers aren't exciting to children. But this phrase is fun to use. If you describe something as being like watching paint dry, that means you think it's boring. Just think about if you paint a wall in your house white. It takes several hours for the paint to dry. But you won't see any dramatic changes. The wall stays white. So sitting and watching paint dry isn't a fun activity. We might hear someone use this as a comparison. They will say they'd rather watch paint dry than do something else. I'd rather watch paint dry than go to another math lecture. Well, you're in luck because there's even an online video that shows 10 hours of paint drying! Unbelievable. Or you could tune in to Info Cloud. We promise that it's more fun than watching paint dry.

當你發現一件事情相當無聊的時候,除了用 boring,還可以用 watch paint dry 來形容,這是一種很有趣的表達方式,因為 watch paint dry 就是看著油漆乾掉,我們想想那會是多麼無聊的一件事情,通常油漆就放它風乾就好了,不需要看著它,不過西方人就會很幽默地用 watch paint dry 來形容無聊的事情。Watching this documentary is like watching paint dry. 看這部紀錄片就像等待油漆乾掉那樣無聊,意思就是超級無聊。如果要耍幽默到極點,你也可以說: I’d rather watch paint dry than watch this documentary. 我寧願看著油漆乾掉,也不願看這部紀錄片。

Language Lab

rough adj. 粗野、有暴力性的、危險的
having or causing sudden, violent movements
- Hillary doesn’t want her son to play football because she thinks it is too rough for him.
Hillary 不要她的兒子玩美式足球,因為她認為美式足球太危險了。
rough adj. 氣候不佳 (像是有狂風暴雨) 
not calm : having large waves, strong winds, storms, etc.
- According to the weather report, the weather is going to turn rough.
rough adj. 狀況很艱難或很辛苦的
somewhat informal : difficult or unpleasant to deal with
- We had a rough trip; so many unfortunate things happened along the way.

v. 合作 
to work together : to work with another person or group to do something
- The neighbors cooperated and cleaned up the whole street.
- If the two departments cooperate, the job can be completed sooner.
cooperate v. 配合、順從、乖乖聽話
to be helpful by doing what someone asks or tells you to do
- The police are asking the residents in the apartment building to cooperate with the investigation.

overcome v. 解決、克服 
to successfully deal with or gain control of (something difficult)
- Taylor finally overcame his fear of public speaking.
Taylor 終於克服了對演講的恐懼。
The students were encouraged to face their problems and learn to overcome them.
overcome v. 讓人招架不住、讓人受不了
to affect (someone) very strongly or severely — usually used as (be) overcome
- The widow was overcome by grief and could not be comforted.

challenge n. 挑戰、問題 
a difficult task or problem : something that is hard to do
- The young entrepreneur is not afraid of challenges.
challenge n.考驗
- The teacher decided to give her students a challenge.
challenge n. 邀請對方來挑戰
an invitation to compete in a game, fight, etc.
- The winner from last year's tournament has decided to retire and will not take on any challenges.

Wednesday, February 3, 2021


New South Wales is home to several interesting World Heritage sites
新南威爾斯州 一探澳洲新州 令人讚嘆的世界遺產

"Stunning natural beauty" describes the Blue Mountains of New South Wales. This wilderness area, also on the World Heritage list, is a large, mountainous region that covers 1.03 million hectares. It is home to a vast number of Australia's birds and other forms of wildlife.

The Blue Mountains' scenery and closeness to Sydney make it a very popular tourist destination. One of the most visited sites is the Three Sisters, named for its unique rock formations. Everyone who visits is rewarded with majestic views.

Off the coast of New South Wales lies a remote island paradise called Lord Howe Island. Created by a volcano, the island is surrounded by beautiful reefs. Two mountains tower over a bay with sandy, white beaches. Visitors can enjoy beach walks, mountain hikes, water activities (both above and below the water), exceptional bird watching and more. 

About 380 people live on this World Heritage site, and a maximum of 400 visitors can visit at one time. New South Wales offers its visitors an abundance of experiences to choose from and many memories that will last a lifetime. 

Info Cloud


Language Lab


Tuesday, February 2, 2021


A few small improvements? The beauty mode on my friends' phones sometimes makes them look like total strangers! They post a selfie, and I think: Who is this? Do I know you? That can't be healthy!

Ha-ha. Well, I have to agree that people's pictures can look strange. Sometimes I think: Are you kidding me? What are you, a robot? Your face looks plastic! But it's fun to edit pictures, and besides, I don't see how it's harmful.

Think about it: Every day we're comparing ourselves with false beauty standards. Perfect skin, super white teeth, narrow faces - it makes real people look ugly by comparison. 

We look ugly by comparison!

I get what you're saying. You know, sometimes I feel that our real lives seem dull compared to the pictures that other people share. 

Now that is something to worry about. Psychologists say social media use lowers our sense of self-worth. This daily comparison with artificial standards is increasing our anxiety and making us unhappy. 

Well, if that's how you feel about it, why don't you just get off Instagram?

Quit Instagram? Are you crazy? How would I keep up with everyone?

Info Cloud

acronym 經常使用的用語和縮寫

Hello, everyone. Welcome to Info Cloud. Rex, did you get my PM about today's lesson? 

Uh... PM? Yes. I sent you a PM through FB. 

Andrea, I honestly don't know what you are talking about. 

PM and FB! These are acronyms that are used in social media. An acronym is the first letter of each word in a phrase or title. You say some acronyms by the letters, and some become their own word. 

I see. But we don't really use these acronyms in spoken English, do we? 

Some social media acronyms have found their way into spoken English. But you're right, most are used in comments, captions and conversations between people on social media. 

So what does PM stand for? 

A PM is a personal message. You can send personal messages through FB, which is Facebook. They can also be called DMs or direct messages. That acronym is used on IG. IG is Instagram. Do you have an IG account? 

Whoa! That's a lot. No, I don't have an IG account. 

But don't you have FOMO? FOMO is fear of missing out. A lot happens on IG every day, and you miss out on it! 

I'm OK with that. But how are you supposed to learn all these acronyms? 

Honestly? There are hundreds of them, you don't have to learn them all. I often look them up online to find out what their meaning is. 

現在是 social media 社群媒體相當熱絡的年代,大部分的人都有使用社群媒體的經驗,今天我們要跟大家一起來分享一些我們在 social media 上經常使用的用語和縮寫 acronym,像是大家都很熟悉的 FB 就是 Facebook,IG 就是 Instagram,不過 FB 跟 IG是亞洲人比較習慣聽到的縮寫 acronym,西方人還是比較常說Facebook和Instagram。如果你跟西方人在 social meida 上面交流,可能會看到PM這個縮寫,意思是 private message 私訊。人們經常使用 social media 很多時候是因為 FOMO,也就是 fear of missing out 害怕錯失一些訊息的恐懼症。

Language Lab

edit v. 編輯、修訂(圖片) 
to be in charge of the publication of (something)
- Which app do you like to use if you need to edit your photos?
edit v. 文字編輯、校對
to prepare (something written) to be published or used : to make changes, correct mistakes, etc., in (something written)
- Melissa has written several stories, and now she needs someone to help her edit them.
Melissa 寫了幾篇故事,現在她需要一個人幫她做文字編輯。
edit v.  影片的剪輯   
- Caleb used a new software program to edit his video clips.
Caleb 用一個新軟體剪輯那幾個影片片段。

comparison n. 對照、比較 
the act of looking at things to see how they are similar or different
- In comparison with her twin sister, Helene is far more outgoing and talkative.
與她的雙胞胎妹妹相比,Helene 比較外向而且話比較多。
- This restaurant’s spaghetti is a lot better in comparison with that restaurant’s spaghetti.
comparison n. 相提並論 
the act of suggesting that two or more things are similar or in the same category
- There is no comparison between these two novels; one is a classic, and the other is trash.

dull adj.  無聊乏味、沒意思  
not exciting or interesting : boring
- The banquet was so dull that we decided to leave early.
dull adj.  東西沒有光澤、色澤不光亮
not shiny
- The old cabinets looked dull, but a fresh coat of paint should make everything look better.
dull adj.  刀片不是很利
 having an edge or point that is not sharp
- It’s hard to chop vegetables with a dull knife.

anxiety n. 焦慮不安的感覺  
fear or nervousness about what might happen
It’s normal to feel some anxiety before you give a speech.
anxiety n. 麻煩的事情、讓人感到焦慮的事情
- There is a lot of stress and anxiety going on at the office.
anxiety n. 焦慮症 
a feeling of wanting to do something very much
After Horace had that big accident, he began to suffer from depression and anxiety.
Horace 出了嚴重車禍後,就開始有憂慮症和焦慮症。

Monday, February 1, 2021


Do we have to choose between social media and self-worth? IG vs. REALITY
發現自我價值 不一定要完美無瑕

Are you one of the 3.6 billion people on earth who use social media? One app, Instagram, has over 500 million daily users and 1 billion users each month! This makes it one of the most popular social media platforms in the world. We average over two hours every day on social media. But does following friends, companies and influencers make our lives better or worse? Does sharing pictures and getting likes have a positive or negative effect on us? Phoebe and Joanna are friends, but they don't feel the same way about social media. 

Hey, did you see the article Lydia posted on Facebook this morning?

You mean the one about Instagram being bad for us?

Yeah, it talks about the psychological effects of comparing ourselves with pictures of artificial beauty. It also says people's real lives aren't as wonderful as they seem on Instagram.

I don't see what the big deal is. I love using Instagram! 

I use it, too, but I'm becoming worried. Don't you think that what people share is kind of fake?

Just because people use filters on their selfies doesn't mean they're fake. What's wrong with making a few small improvements?

Info Cloud

reality check 現實的檢驗

Hello, friends. Welcome to Info Cloud. Recently I have been teaching people how to sing. I have to say that the most challenging thing is getting people to practice every day. 

Well, I have tried playing the piano before. I know how hard it is to overcome laziness to practice. How do you do that with your students? 

I give them a reality check by asking them in detail how much time they spend practicing each day. That's when they realize they are not practicing enough, if at all. 

Wow. That sounds like a common problem with singers. 

It is. My voice teacher told me singers are lazy and sometimes they don't know it. So it is my job to bring them back to reality. 

OK. Well, let's talk about these two expressions you just used: reality check and bring someone back to reality. 

A reality check is something that forces someone to face what is really happening in reality. For example, the failed project is a reality check that the company has some internal problems to solve. 

On the other hand, when you bring someone back to reality, you're almost waking them up from any illusions that they might have so they can face the facts. 

For example, I wanted to buy a new computer, but my empty bank account brought me back to reality. 

So "reality check" and "bring someone back to reality" basically have the same meaning. They're both used to let people face the reality of what's really happening. 

有的時候過度樂觀或是悲觀都不是很好的事情,今天要跟大家分享兩個有關面對現實的流行用語,第一個是 reality check,reality 是現實,check 有檢查或檢驗的涵義,reality check 就是現實的檢驗,這通常是指一些讓我們面對現實的事件,例如: The failed project is a reality check for the company. 這個失敗的企劃案迫使公司必須面對現狀,有可能是因為長期以來,大家都不願意去面對現實,現在發生這些事情,可以讓大家正視一些問題。

另外,bring someone back to reality 幾乎是一樣的意思,只不過是動詞,My empty bank account brought me back to reality. 我那個已經沒錢的銀行帳戶把我打回現實,有可能是本來想買一些東西,可是想到沒錢就打消主意了。

Language Lab

billion n. 十億 
the number 1,000,000,000 : one thousand million
- The company made over two billion dollars last year.
billion n.  很多
- I’ve told you a billion times not to do this!
- Henry has driven by this store billions of times, but he has never once entered it.
Henry 開車經過這家店不知道有多少次了,但是他從來都沒有進去過。 

average n. 平均、平均數
a number that is calculated by adding quantities together and then dividing the total by the number of quantities
- I don’t need to see all the numbers; just give me the average.
average adj. 平均的
calculated by adding quantities together and then dividing by the number of quantities
- The factory workers are rather young; the average age is 18.
average v. 平均為
to have (a specified number) as an average
- Business was good last week, and the sales team averaged ten customers per day.

psychological adj. 跟心理學有關的、跟心理方面的 
of or relating to the mind : mental
- The school counselor cares about the psychological wellness of her students.
psychological adj. 心理作用 
of or relating to the study of the mind : of or relating to psychology
- Irma says the job is too hard for her, but I think it’s all psychological.
Irma 說那份工作對他來說太難了,但是我認為那只是她心理作用。
- This psychological thriller proves that a story doesn’t need ghosts in order to be scary.

fake adj.  假的 
not true or real 
- In the movie, a spy used a fake passport to travel through several countries.
fake adj.  虛偽的
- Cassandra might appear friendly, but don’t be fooled by her fake smile.
Cassandra 也許看起來非常友善,但別被她虛偽的微笑給騙了。
fake n. 東西或人是假的或是冒充的
a copy of something that is meant to look like the real thing in order to trick people
- Roberta is so mad because she had spent a thousand dollars on a fake purse.
Roberta 很生氣,因為她花了一千塊購買了一個冒牌的皮包。

self–worth n.
a feeling that you are a good person who deserves to be treated with respect : self-esteem
- a healthy sense of self-worth