Wednesday, February 17, 2021


Build friendships while playing paintball and taking cover
漆彈大戰! 玩漆彈、找掩護、交朋友 

What do you think of when you hear the word paintball? Some people think it’s a rough game. Getting shot during a game hurts! But over the years, paintball has become very popular. Here are five good reasons why you should play the game with your friends.

It’s a team game.

Teamwork is an important part of paintball. During a game, you have to cooperate with your teammates. Each member has to do their part to help the team win. And you always have to watch each other’s backs! By working together, friendships can become stronger.

It teaches problem solving.

Paintball is a strategy game. One of the most popular ways to enjoy paintball is to play capture the flag. You enter the enemy base, steal their flag and take it back to your base. So you need to think of ways to overcome difficulties. And that can help you face challenges in your daily life.

Info Cloud

watch paint dry 形容無聊的事情

Welcome to Info Cloud. Recently I watched a documentary about a famous composer with my kids. How was it? Well, I enjoyed it, but my kids said it was like watching paint dry. Oh. So they weren't interested in the subject. I guess. 400-year-old composers aren't exciting to children. But this phrase is fun to use. If you describe something as being like watching paint dry, that means you think it's boring. Just think about if you paint a wall in your house white. It takes several hours for the paint to dry. But you won't see any dramatic changes. The wall stays white. So sitting and watching paint dry isn't a fun activity. We might hear someone use this as a comparison. They will say they'd rather watch paint dry than do something else. I'd rather watch paint dry than go to another math lecture. Well, you're in luck because there's even an online video that shows 10 hours of paint drying! Unbelievable. Or you could tune in to Info Cloud. We promise that it's more fun than watching paint dry.

當你發現一件事情相當無聊的時候,除了用 boring,還可以用 watch paint dry 來形容,這是一種很有趣的表達方式,因為 watch paint dry 就是看著油漆乾掉,我們想想那會是多麼無聊的一件事情,通常油漆就放它風乾就好了,不需要看著它,不過西方人就會很幽默地用 watch paint dry 來形容無聊的事情。Watching this documentary is like watching paint dry. 看這部紀錄片就像等待油漆乾掉那樣無聊,意思就是超級無聊。如果要耍幽默到極點,你也可以說: I’d rather watch paint dry than watch this documentary. 我寧願看著油漆乾掉,也不願看這部紀錄片。

Language Lab

rough adj. 粗野、有暴力性的、危險的
having or causing sudden, violent movements
- Hillary doesn’t want her son to play football because she thinks it is too rough for him.
Hillary 不要她的兒子玩美式足球,因為她認為美式足球太危險了。
rough adj. 氣候不佳 (像是有狂風暴雨) 
not calm : having large waves, strong winds, storms, etc.
- According to the weather report, the weather is going to turn rough.
rough adj. 狀況很艱難或很辛苦的
somewhat informal : difficult or unpleasant to deal with
- We had a rough trip; so many unfortunate things happened along the way.

v. 合作 
to work together : to work with another person or group to do something
- The neighbors cooperated and cleaned up the whole street.
- If the two departments cooperate, the job can be completed sooner.
cooperate v. 配合、順從、乖乖聽話
to be helpful by doing what someone asks or tells you to do
- The police are asking the residents in the apartment building to cooperate with the investigation.

overcome v. 解決、克服 
to successfully deal with or gain control of (something difficult)
- Taylor finally overcame his fear of public speaking.
Taylor 終於克服了對演講的恐懼。
The students were encouraged to face their problems and learn to overcome them.
overcome v. 讓人招架不住、讓人受不了
to affect (someone) very strongly or severely — usually used as (be) overcome
- The widow was overcome by grief and could not be comforted.

challenge n. 挑戰、問題 
a difficult task or problem : something that is hard to do
- The young entrepreneur is not afraid of challenges.
challenge n.考驗
- The teacher decided to give her students a challenge.
challenge n. 邀請對方來挑戰
an invitation to compete in a game, fight, etc.
- The winner from last year's tournament has decided to retire and will not take on any challenges.