Friday, February 25, 2022


A paradise for nature lovers
遇見沙巴 大自然愛好者的 魅力天堂

If you say you're going to Sabah, people will likely ask, "Where is that?" This Malaysian state on the island of Borneo entices some tourists but isn't very well known. But those who do visit experience amazing natural beauty. According to one National Geographic study, Sabah has more animals and plants in 10 square kilometers than North America and Europe combined.

Many people climb Mount Kinabalu, which, at 4095 meters, is Malaysia's highest mountain. Steep trails wind up the mountain through moss-covered forests. 

Four to five hours of climbing takes you to huts where you can spend the night. It is not unitl the next morning that you can climb to the top. The three-hour climb to the summit begins at 2 a.m. Once there you will be rewarded with a spectacular sunrise.

After your climb, enjoy the Japanese-style baths at Poring Hot Springs. The heat and the minerals in the water will soothe your sore muscles. You can also explore the rich vegetation nearby. You can take in the tropical gardens, a butterfly farm and an orchid conservation center. 

Language Lab

entice v.
to attract (someone) especially by offering or showing something that is appealing, interesting, etc.
- The aroma that flowed out of bakery enticed people to stop in and buy some bread. 
- The promise of money sometimes entices people to be criminals.
- Cigarette advertisements have been banned for a long time because they enticed too many young people to smoke. 

moss n.
a type of green plant that has very small leaves and no flowers and that grows on rocks, bark, or wet ground
- When Brody was fishing, he slipped on some moss-covered rocks, fell into the river and almost drowned. 
- The north side of the house, which receives a little sunlight, is covered with moss. 
mossy adj.
- The little boys kept slipping off the high, mossy fence when they tried to climb over it. 

steep vs. gradual

steep adj.
almost straight up and down : rising or falling very sharply

gradual adj.
moving or changing in small amounts : happening in a slow way over a long period of time

to be wound up (tight)
example: toy
nervous or excited

mineral n.

- The Acme Company is mining for minerals in the southern part of the continent. 
- Many food companies add vitamins and minerals to their products to make sure people are getting enough nutrition in their diets. 
- Nuts, eggs and beans are among the foods that have been found to be rich in minerals. 

soothe v.
- Emily picked up the crying baby and soothed her by rocking her. 
- On many British detective shows, you will notice that people have a cup of tea to soothe their nerves.
- Nora always plays some soft, soothing music while she's getting ready for bed.