Monday, November 23, 2020

Should I Eat This? (1)

Genetically modified (GM) foods are safe to eat … aren’t they?
這種食物,該不該吃? 基改食物安全無虞……果真如此嗎?

Few things have caused as much controversy as genetically modified foods. These are plants or animals whose DNA has been changed in order to bring some benefit to either the producer or the consumer. A 2018 Pew Research Center poll found that 49 percent of Americans think foods containing GM ingredients are worse for one's health than natural foods. Slightly fewer people, 44 percent, are neutral on the question.

They believe foods with GM ingredients are neither better now worse for one's health. Only five percent say GM foods are better for one's health. The Pew poll thus reveals a nearly 50-50 split among Americans as to whether GM foods are harmful or not. 

Whatever they may believe about GM foods, it is almost impossible for Americans to avoid them. About 90 percent of all corn, canola and soy grown in the U.S. is genetically modified. One or more of these ingredients goes into nearly all of the food products processed in the U.S. Even some food staples such as potatoes and sugar beets come from GM crops. 

Info Cloud

weed out 過濾

Welcome back to Info Cloud. When I was a girl, one of my chores at home was helping my dad take care of the family garden. My job was to pull out any weeds that grew up around our vegetables. 

Anne Marie, this is a great topic to talk about today. We have a special verb for pulling weeds: to weed. 

If you are weeding the garden, it means you're pulling out anything that isn't supposed to be growing there. 

"Weed out" can be used in situations other than weeds, too. 

And our phrase for today, to weed out, it means to get rid of anything or anyone that isn't supposed to be there. 

You could weed out unsuitable candidates when you're interviewing people for a job. 

Or when deciding what you want to eat for dinner, you could weed out restaurants you know you don't like. 

Once Dora had weeded out all the movies she didn't want to see, it was easy for her to select a movie on Netflix to watch. 

I'm teaching my son to weed out bad influences in his life. 

And, students, by weeding out your bad study habits, your English learning can be more effective. 

當你必須要篩選或過濾一些人事物,你可以用今天分享的用語 weed out 來形容。weed 是雜草,weed out就是把雜草清除掉,讓菜園裡的蔬菜能夠好好地生長,用在日常生活中就是過濾的意思。John needs to weed out bad influences in his life. John需要清除生活中對他不好的影響。weed out 可以用來形容任何要過濾或清除掉的東西,它可以是不好的東西,或是不必要的人,像是一家公司在應徵員工時,就可以將不適任的候選人weed out。

Language Lab

controversy n. 爭議、爭論
argument that involves many people who strongly disagree about something : strong disagreement about something among a large group of people
- The plan to merge two of the company’s departments created a lot of controversy.
- There was a big controversy about the school’s decision to sell that piece of land.
- Allison always tries to stay away from any controversy.
Allison 總是會盡可能避開任何的爭議。

neutral adj. 中立的  
not supporting either side of an argument, fight, war, etc.
- Andy’s two best friends are having an argument, but Andy is staying neutral.
Andy 的兩位最要好的朋友正在吵架,但是Andy要保持中立。
- Reporters asked the actor how he felt about the recent controversy, but the actor gave a very neutral response.
neutral adj. 不容易引起人的注意或是中性的 
not connected with either side involved in a war, contest, etc.;
not bright or strong in color : able to go easily with other colors
- It’s rare to see Sabrina wear any bright colors; her outfits are mostly neutral colors.
Sabrina 很少穿顏色很亮的衣服,她的衣著大部分都是中性色系的。

split n. 在一群人當中因為意見不一樣所產生的分歧  
to separate or divide into parts or groups
- Because half of the company did not like the new plan, there was a split among the employees.
split n. 裂痕
to break apart or into pieces especially along a straight line
- The mother bird found a split in the rocks and decided to build her nest there.
split n.  一字腿、劈腿
to cut, rip, or tear (something) especially along a straight line
- The young dancer ended her performance with a split.

staple n. 基本的、主要的食物 
an important food that is eaten very often
- In many countries, rice is the staple.
- The man said he didn’t have any money to buy any staples for his family.
staple n. 訂書針 
a piece of metal or thick wire that is pushed into a surface to hold or attach something (such as rope or wire)
- While we were putting the handouts together, we ran out of staples.

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Why Do We Say It?

Stories behind the words we use
詞彙濫觴 一些尋常字詞背後的源起故事

We say some things at the drop of a hat without knowing why. Here are two of them:


How often do you say "OK"? You likely say it dozens of times a day. That's not surprising. OK is one of the most widely used terms in the world. In Boston during the early 1800s, using abbreviations was popular. Among some of the most popular abbreviations was OK. The term was short for "oll korrect," a misspelling of "all correct." People thought misspelling all correct on purpose was humorous. Since then, people have continued to say "OK" as an easy way of confirming something. 

Say Cheese

"Say cheese!" Photographers use this simple phrase to command a smile from people. The "ch" and "ee" in "cheese" forces people's mouths into a smile when they say it. It was possibly made popular by an American newspaper article in 1943. The article offered a simple way to get an automatic smile: Say "cheese"!

Info Cloud

cheesy 代表很老套、很浮誇的意思

Hello, everyone. Welcome to Info Cloud. Rex, could we take a photo together? I want to post it to my social media. 

Sure. Why not? OK. 

Oh, no. My face looks so cheesy in this photo. 

Hmm. You don't have anything on your face. What do you mean? 

We say cheesy when something looks overdone, tacky or lame. I'm talking about my smile. It's too big and fake. 

Well, I think it looks fine. But while we're on the topic, let's talk more about the word cheesy. 

Anne Marie, what other things can be cheesy? 

Hmm. When I think of cheesy, I think of predictable movies, romance novels or overused costumes at Halloween. 

I have a good example. I wanted to get my wife a nice card, but all of the messages inside were too cheesy. I would never say those things in real life. 

Cheesy sometimes has a connotation of cheap as well. Like my favorite pair of big sunglasses, I love them, but everyone tells me they're too cheesy. 

當你跟外國朋友們聊天的時候,有時候會聽到 cheesy 這個字,或許你會以為他們是在形容跟 cheese 有關的食物,但通常不是那個意思。當你說一樣東西很 cheesy ,那就代表很老套、很浮誇的意思。My face looks cheesy in this photo. 我的臉部表情在這張照片看起來很誇張,也有點假假的。cheesy 也可以用來形容一件事情非常的老調牙,像是一段比較誇張的讚美,聽了可能會讓人翻白眼的那種,就可以用 cheesy 來形容。

Language Lab

misspelling n. 拼錯字
to spell (a word or name) incorrectly
- There is a misspelling in the news article.
- Alice is quick to find any misspelling because she used to be an editor.
Alice 能夠很快找到拼錯的字,她以前是一位編輯。
misspell v. 拼錯 
to spell (a word or name) incorrectly
- Erban didn’t do great on his essay, because he had misspelled a lot of words.
Erban 的作文分數不高,因為他拼錯很多字。 

humorous adj. 幽默的、滑稽的
causing laughter : funny
humor n. 幽默、幽默感
a funny or amusing quality
- Dereck has a strange sense of humor.
Dereck 的幽默感很奇怪。
- The children really enjoyed the movie because it was very humorous.
- Now is not the time to be humorous, we have a serious problem to discuss.

command v. 指示  
to have and be able to use or control (something)
- The dog trainer uses hand signals to command a response from her dog.
command v.  命令 
to give (someone) an order : to tell (someone) to do something in a forceful and often official way
- The general commanded his man to start digging holes in the ground.
command v. 指揮 
to have authority and control over (a group of people, such as soldiers)
- According to the record, this fort was once commanded by a notorious general.

automatic adj. 不自覺的 
happening or done without deliberate thought or effort
- If you asked Paul a question, his automatic response is “I don’t know.”
automatic adj. 自動的
of a machine or device : having controls that allow something to work or happen without being directly controlled by a person
- Gina used to take a lot of pictures with her automatic camera but now she just uses her phone.
automatic adj. 必然發生、自然而然
always happening because of a rule, law, previous agreement, etc.
- The school tries to attract students by promising automatic job replacement immediately after graduation.

at the drop of a hat :
very quickly and immediately
- He says he's ready to help us at the drop of a hat.
- She loses her temper at the drop of a hat.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Just Four Seconds of Exercise (2)

Twenty seconds total exercise an hour sounds like nothing, but the data showed it made a big difference to the subjects' bodies. The next day they burned more fat and showed lower levels of triglycerides in their blood. In short, they didn't exhibit the usual ill effects of having sat all day. 

This study is small, but it's still both hopeful and relevant. "The results suggest that breaking up sitting with frequent, intense and extremely abbreviated exercise 'can undo' some of the adverse effects of being sedentary," explains Gretchen Reynolds in The New York Times. 

And while the study used a special type of bike developed by sports scientists, the researchers feel similar results are obtainable with home exercise equipment. However, you may have to work for a few more seconds to reach the same level of intensity. Your goal should be to get your heart pumping to its maximum as quickly as possible.

The research still suggests an actionable takeaway. "When you find yourself sitting for most of the day, try to rise frequently and move, preferably intensely, as often during the day as possible and for as many seconds as you can manage," Reynolds concludes. That sounds doable. 

Info Cloud

backpedal 當有人答應你一件事情但又反悔  

Welcome back to Info Cloud, friends. Hey, Rex. What's wrong? You look upset today. 

I just got off the phone with my old friend Scott, and I'm disappointed. 

What happened? 

I'm moving this Saturday, and Scott promised weeks ago he would drive his SUV over and help me move. But he just called and backpedaled when I asked him what time he could come on Saturday. 

Oh. I'm sorry to hear that. It's disappointing when friends pull out of something they committed to doing with you. Let's talk about the phrase, to backpedal. OK. 

To backpedal means to not keep your promise or to do something different from what you said you would do. 

Yes. So Rex's friend backpedaled on his promise to help Rex move. The image comes from pedaling a bike in reverse, so you are going back instead of going forward. 

This phrase can also be used when someone changes an opinion or position they expressed before. Sometimes politicians backpedal from their original positions when they find it is no longer beneficial to advancing their careers. 

Good point. Let's get back to your move, Rex. I'll ask my husband if he can help you move this weekend. We have a van, and I assure you we will not backpedal.

當有人答應你一件事情但又反悔,你可以用 backpedal 來形容這個人的行為。backpedal 就是騎腳踏車的時候,踏板往後踩,不再往前騎了,這是用來形容一個人食言而肥。Scott promised he would help me move, but he backpedaled. Scott 答應要幫我搬家,但是他反悔了。backpedal 也形容一個人改變原本的立場,像是在政治人物的領域裡面,如果你改變了原先的主張,你就可以說: 他已經 backpedaled。

Language Lab

relevant adj. 有意義的、適宜的 
- Tony wanted to major in literature, but his parents didn’t think the subject was relevant.
Tony 想要主修文學,但是他父母不認為那個科目很適宜。
relevant adj.相關的、有關係的
relating to a subject in an appropriate way
Let’s not waste our time discussing issues that aren’t relevant to the topic.
- The man wants to talk to the police because he has information that might be relevant to the case.

undo v. 消除
to change or stop the effect of (something) : reverse
- Whenever the king makes a bad decision and creates trouble, the queen steps in and tries to undo the damage.
- Once you’ve made the decision, there is no turning back. This is something you cannot undo.
undo v. 解扣、解開
to open or release (something) : to unfasten or loosen (something)
- I have trouble trying to undo the zipper on this jacket. Maybe I should have the zipper replaced.

obtainable adj. 能夠得到、辦得到的 [obtain v. 得到 able adj. 能夠 ]
to gain or get (something) usually by effort
- Sea food is obtainable in the supermarkets here in the mountains but it is very expensive.
- Those results are obtainable, but it will take a very long time.
- Beef was not often obtainable, so a steak dinner was only for special occasions.

actionable adj. 可行的  
able to be used as a basis or reason for doing something
- It’s great you have a goal, but you need to come up with actionable steps to reach your goal.
- There are all these great ideas out there, but what we need is actionable solutions.
actionable adj. 可以起訴的 
law : giving a reason to bring an action or a lawsuit against someone
- Adrian is in trouble, because his company is involved in several actionable activities.
Adrian 麻煩大了,他的公司被捲入好幾項可被起訴的活動。

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Just Four Seconds of Exercise (1)

New science offers an easy way to offset all the sitting
只要四秒鐘 一種彌補久坐缺點的 簡易運動法

Sitting around doing nothing used to seem like one of the safest activities possible. Then a few years ago scientists discovered that sitting all day causes a cascade of harmful metabolic changes that together increase your odds of meeting an early end. Even regular workouts didn't counteract the ill effects of having your butt in a chair all workday. Suddenly, sitting became public health enemy number one. 

New research offers a hopeful answer, finding that tiny bursts of intense activity are enough to protect your body from the worst effects of your couch-bound lifestyle. 

Could 20 seconds an hour of activity lengthen your life?

[A] study was conducted by scientists at the University of Texas at Austin and published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. [The scientists] closely observed eight young, healthy volunteers as they sat around. On the first day of the experiment they simply lounged for six hours. On the second day they got up from their lazing each hour and engaged in five rounds of four seconds of intense exercise on a specialized exercise bike. 

Info Cloud

Just like riding a bike 一次學習,終身受用的益處。

Welcome to Info Cloud, friends. I'm a little nervous. I will need to give a short speech in Spanish at the local university I teach at next Monday. 

Why in Spanish? How did you get roped into giving a speech in Spanish in Asia?

Well, I teach English at the university once a week. I bumped into the head of the Spanish Department last week, and we chatted. I told him I took Spanish classes in high school. 

So he invited you to give a talk? 

Yes, to the incoming freshman class. But I haven't used Spanish in years. 

Don't worry. It will come back to you because it's like riding a bike, once you learn, you never forget. 

I sure hope so, but I'm not so sure. But that is a useful idiom. 

"Just like riding a bike" means once you have learned or done something, you never forget. Like riding a bike, once you learned to ride a bike, you can get on a bike many years later and still be able to ride it. 

I sure hope I still remember all those words in Spanish I learned years ago. I hope giving my speech will be just like riding a bike. 

我們都知道學習是永無止境的,不過有些事情一旦學會了,就很難忘記。英文有一句很有趣的用語: just like riding a bike,就是在形容這種一次學習,終身受用的益處。Just like riding a bike 字面上是就像騎腳踏車一樣,這是用來表達一旦學會了,你一輩子都不會忘記。例如,Sarah 小時候練過鋼琴,長大之後再次彈奏,還是可以彈得很好,你可以說: It’s just like riding a bike!

Language Lab

offset  v. 抵銷、彌補
to cancel or reduce the effect of (something) : to create an equal balance between two things
- The hilltop shabby interior was offset by the magnificent view.
- The appliance’s durability has offset its expensive price tag.
- You just had a two-hour workout and you want to offset that with a pizza dinner?

cascade n. 瀑布群裡的小瀑布 
a small, steep waterfall
- The cascades might not look dangerous, but it is slippery around there, so be careful.
cascade n.  一連串的東西或是狀況
a large amount of something that flows or hangs down
- No one knew there was a garden behind the wall because a cascade of ivy has covered up everything.
cascade v. 像瀑布流水那樣落下
to flow or hang down in large amounts
- The bag of rice got knocked over, and rice cascaded off the kitchen counter.

lounge n.  等候室、休息廳  
a room with comfortable furniture for relaxing: such as a : a comfortable room where people can spend time while they are waiting in an airport or other public place
- Our guests are waiting for us in the lounge.
lounge v. 很悠哉地做事或懶散地靠著、躺著 
to sit or lie in a relaxed way
- I was planning to go out and clean the yard, but I ended up lounging in the house.
lounge v. 悠閒地度過時光 
to spend time resting or relaxing
- Ivan just lounged through the whole weekend.
Ivan 整個周末就很悠閒地度過。 

specialized adj. 專門的 (專門為某一種狀況特別設計的) 
made or used for one particular purpose, job, place, etc.
- After Mr. Swanson had a stroke, his family had to get him a specialized wheelchair.
Swanson 先生中風後,他的家人給他找到一台專門為中風患者設計的輪椅。
specialized adj. 受過特別訓練而成為專科的
- Kenny is a personal trainer who works with cancer patients; his specialized skills have helped a lot of people.
Kenny 是一位服務癌症病患的私人教練,他的專科技術幫了許多人。
specialized adj. 跟專科有關的 
- It’s impossible to teach all these specialized terms in one afternoon.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Kimonos (2)

Kimonos declined in popularity during the Meiji period (1868 - 1912) as the Japanese adopted Western clothing in the effort to create a modern, industrialized state. Men were encouraged to wear Western styles during daily life, and Western clothing was required for official functions. During that time, the image of graceful women in kimonos came to represent a connection to traditional Japanese culture and values.

Today, the kimono is experiencing a revival. Japanese youth are starting to wear kimonos to festivals and everyday events. Foreign visitors to Japan can also try them on as they visit historic sites. A group called Kimono Jack organizes events where large numbers of people appear in public places wearing kimonos. 

They tend to ignore strict rules about how kimonos should be worn, encouraging people to take joy in the kimonos' stunning colors and patterns. These events have taken place in several different countries, connecting people from around the world who are interested in kimonos.

Wearing a kimono has become a way for Japanese youth to connect with their history, as well as to express their individuality. Perhaps soon the streets of Japan will once again be filled with people in kimonos just as they were centuries ago.

Info Cloud

march to the beat of your own drum 你跟大家的節奏不同,你有自己的節奏,自己走自己的

Hello, friends. Welcome to Info Cloud. Rex, I saw you talking to John earlier. What were you talking about? 

Current events. I enjoy talking to him because his opinions aren't conventional. He thinks in a different way than most people do. 

It sounds like John marches to the beat of his own drum. Let's talk about that phrase today. 

We use this phrase to describe someone who doesn't conform to social standards, someone who enjoys being different marches to the beat of their own drum. 

You could say Erika's clothes don't follow current fashion trends. She marches to the beat of her own drum. 

So, Anne Marie, in the example you just used, it sounds like a positive thing. Can this phrase ever be used in a negative way? 

Sure it can. People who march to the beat of their own drum sometimes forget to take others into consideration. Some people might even feel that they are weird or odd. 

It may seem like Steven is rude. But don't take his comments to heart. He just marches to the beat of his own drum. 

How about you? Do you march to the beat of your own drum? 

如果你不喜歡跟隨群眾的腳步隨波逐流,或許可以用今天介紹的用語 march to the beat of your own drum 來形容自己。march 是遊行或是行軍,遊行隊伍經常用鼓聲來打拍子,指揮所有人的腳步。march to the beat of your own drum 就是跟著自己的鼓聲來前進,意思就是你跟大家的節奏不同,你有自己的節奏,自己走自己的。

Do you march to the beat of your own drum? 你是不是比較特立獨行呢? 當然,march to the beat of your own drum 可以是正面的-- 堅持做對的事情,也可以是負面的- 不合群或是不喜歡遵守規定。 

Language Lab

decline v. 減少、降低 
to become lower in amount or less in number
- After the sixteenth century, the empire’s power started to decline.
decline v. 拒絕、謝絕 
to say that you will not or cannot do something
- Because Mr. Jackson had too many things to do, he had to decline the dinner invitation.
Jackson 先生因為有太多事情要處理,所以只好謝絕邀請。
- Martha declined to answer the reporters’ questions.
Martha 拒絕回答記者們的問題。

revival n. 復興、復甦 
a period in which something becomes popular again after a long period of time;
the growth of something or an increase in the activity of something after a long period of no growth or activity
- There has been a revival of trade between the two countries.
- Thanks to that art exhibit, there is now a revival of that style of artwork.
revival n. 戲劇、歌劇、舞台劇影片的重演
the showing of a play, a movie, etc., to the public usually many years after it was last shown : a new production of an old show
- Rumor has it the famous director’s next project is a revival of a Hitchcock movie.

stunning adj. 非常漂亮的 
very beautiful or pleasing
- I want to take a photo because the view is absolutely stunning.
- The bride looked stunning in her wedding dress.
stunning adj. 震驚的
very surprising or shocking
- We didn’t know what to say when we heard the stunning news.
stunning adj. 讚不絕口、讓人印象深刻 
- The pianist gave a stunning performance in the concert hall.

individuality n. 個人特質
the quality that makes one person or thing different from all others
- The designs weren’t ugly, but they lacked individuality.
- In the process of trying to express their individuality through fashion trends, these kids all end up looking the same.
- Lana claims her choice of clothes is an expression of her individuality.
Lana 說他所選的衣著是為了表達他的個人特質。

Monday, November 9, 2020

Kimonos (1)

This beautiful traditional clothing is returning to the streets of Japan
和服之美 傳統優雅服飾 美麗重現日本

The kimono, a garment with a long history, has always been associated with traditional Japanese culture. Yet now it is making a comeback because more and more people are seeking to bring back its status as everyday clothing. 

Worn by both women and men, kimonos are long robes with wide sleeves. They are wrapped around one's body and held in place by a belt called an obi.

The kimono was popular during the Edo period, which lasted from 1603 to 1868. This time of political stability and economic growth followed centuries of civil war. This time of political stability and economic growth followed centuries of civil war. High-class samurai, who had traditionally made a name for themselves through combat, turned instead to clothing to demonstrate their status through beautiful materials in bright colors. 

But the growing merchant class, who were of lower status, began to develop new kimono styles during the Edo period. These merchants showed off their growing wealth by wearing kimonos of distinctive patterns and materials. The upper classes responded with laws forbidding merchants from wearing certain colors and using materials such as silk. So the merchants turned to using subtle details such as patterns of delicate lines to add beauty to kimonos that initially appeared plain. 

Info Cloud

Japanese words that English has borrowed

Konnichiwa, everyone. Welcome to Info Cloud. 

Uh, Rex, what did you just say? 

I said hello in Japanese. 

Oh. No wonder I didn't understand you. 

Today we are talking about Japanese words that English has borrowed. 

There are more than you might think. 

English borrows words from other languages and cultures all the time. 

They are usually nouns that describe something originating in that country. 

There are foods like sushi, wasabi and teriyaki, a sweet Japanese barbecue sauce. 

There are types of weather like the typhoon and tsunami, which is a huge tidal wave. 

There are also some types of art that come from Japan. They are now popular all around the world. 

Origami is the art of folding paper like the paper crane. 

And a haiku is a special type of Japanese poem. It only has three lines. 

And each line has a certain number of syllables. The first and last line have five syllables each, and the second line has seven. You can try to write one in English. 

It's a great way to practice. Let me try writing a haiku about what we learned today. Sushi, wasabi, Japanese food is so fun to say and to eat. 

很多人不知道其實英文也有很多外來語,今天就跟大家介紹一個從日本來的英文外來語,最受歡迎的當然就是 sushi 壽司、wasabi 芥末還有 teriyaki 照燒,聽到是不是口水快要流出來了呢? 除了食物之外,跟天氣有關的 typhoon 颱風和 tsunami 海嘯,其實都是從日語來的。在藝術和文學方面,origami 就是日本的摺紙藝術,haiku 是日本的三行俳句詩,這種詩通常只有三句話,第一和第三句話只有五個音節,第二句則有七個音節,用英文也可以寫出 haiku 的詩。以上介紹的這些生字,都是英語系國家經常用到的外來語。

Language Lab

comeback n. 捲土重來、再一次流行起來  
a return to being popular or fashionable
- Do you think the large hairdos of the 1980s will ever make a comeback?
comeback n. 東山再起
a new effort to win or succeed after being close to defeat or failure
- The actress has not been in any movies for a very long time, but she is thinking of making a comeback.
comeback n. 反敗為勝
- Everyone had thought the team was going to lose, but then they made an incredible comeback.
comeback n. 反駁、回嘴
a quick reply or response
- Aaron couldn’t think of a good comeback so he chose to stay silent.
Aaron 因為不知該如何反駁,所以選擇保持沉默。 

combat n. 鬥爭、格鬥  
active fighting especially in a war
- Andrew is an army officer and he has a lot of experiences in combat.
Andrew 是一位軍官,他有不少戰鬥的經驗。
combat n. 雙方之間的爭奪
- What started out as an innocent debate between two students turned into an intense verbal combat.
combat v. 打擊  
to try to stop (something) from happening or getting worse
- The mayor promised the public that he would do his best to combat the issues of crime. 

distinctive adj. 獨特的、跟其他的不一樣的
having a quality or characteristic that makes a person or thing different from others : different in a way that is easy to notice
- Linda decided to buy the rugs because of their distinctive patterns.
Linda 決定要買下那幾張地毯,因為他們有獨特的圖案。
- Although Mitch didn’t have a lot of work experiences, he was able to get a job because of his distinctive personality.
Mitch 雖然沒有很多工作經驗,但是因為他的獨特個性,所以能夠找到工作。
- Only members of the royal family were allowed to wear that distinctive robe.

subtle  adj. 不明顯、不容易被注意到 
/ˈsʌtl̟/ [有 b 這個字母,但不發音]
hard to notice or see : not obvious
- I didn’t think the cake was that good; the flavor was too subtle.
subtle  adj. 很細、細到很難察覺
- There is a difference between these two products, but the difference is very subtle.
subtle  adj. 東西非常精巧、微妙的 
clever and indirect : not showing your real purpose
- The queen was very wise and knew how to make subtle suggestions to the stubborn king.

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Black Beauty (2)

Now that Beauty's knees are permanently scarred, he is no longer considered suitable for a wealthy estate. So he becomes a horse for hire, which is a difficult life. He is eventually sold to Jerry Barker, a cab driver in London. Barker is a first-rate cabbie and loves horses. He helps Beauty adapt to the disheartening life of a London cab horse. Then Jerry becomes severely ill and retires to the country. Beauty is sold to another series of owners who work him very hard. 

He meets Ginger again on the London streets, but she has been so cruelly treated that she dies. Beauty later sees her body on a cart and mourns her. Beauty himself is nearly dead from overwork and injury. But a kindly veterinarian nurses him back to health and then sells him. A kind grandfather and his grandson buy Beauty and care for him before selling him to two ladies who live in the country. As their groom cleans him up, he recognizes Black Beauty! It is Beauty's old friend Joe! Beauty enjoys a wonderful life in his final years. 

Info Cloud

horsing around 胡鬧

chomping at the bit  形容一個人很毛躁,想要趕快開始

Welcome to Info Cloud. Let's get started. There's no time to waste. 

Wow, Anne Marie, you're really chomping at the bit today. 

That's because I'm excited about today's lesson. 

OK, OK, fine. No horsing around. 

Both idioms we just said have something to do with an animal: a horse. 

Horsing around means playing in a way that is a little rough. 

Like an animal. Say students are running around the classroom, the teacher might remind them not to horse around. 

What about chomping at the bit? What does that have to do with horses? 

Well, a bit is a piece of metal that goes in a horse's mouth to control it. 

So if you think about horses at the beginning of a race, they are ready to go. They are impatient. They are chomping at the bit. 

Exactly. So this idiom describes someone who is eager to get started at something. 

You might also hear this idiom as "champing at the bit," spelled with an A. The racer is champing at the bit to become the champion. 

This is the original form of the word. But chomp, with an O, is more commonly used today. 

Both mean to chew or bite noisily. But whether you are champing or chomping at the bit, we hope you're excited to learn English. 

今天跟大家介紹的兩個用語都跟馬兒有關係,第一個是 horsing around,也就是胡鬧的意思。我們都知道當馬兒太興奮、失控的時候,情況就會有一點混亂。當有人正在 horsing around,那就代表他正在搗亂。No horsing around! The class is starting. 不要胡鬧,要開始上課了。

當有人很興奮地想要開始做一件事情,快要按耐不住的時候,那就要用 chomping at the bit 來形容,bit 是馬兒咬的那一根嚼口,當馬兒準備要往前衝之前,通常會很興奮地、不斷地咬住嚼口,因此,chomping at the bit 就用來形容一個人很毛躁,想要趕快開始。You’re really chomping at the bit today! 你今天有點毛躁,太興奮了喔!

Language Lab

dishearten v. 讓人很沮喪
to cause (a person or group of people) to lose hope, enthusiasm, or courage : to discourage (someone)
- Nothing could dishearten Tristan; he was determined to win.
- Don’t dishearten the children with the bad news right now; we’ll let them know later.
- Irene was a little disheartened when she heard she didn’t get the job.
Irene 得知沒有被錄取,而感到有一點沮喪。 

severely adv. 嚴重地 
very bad, serious, or unpleasant
- Ruby was in a car accident and was severely injured.
Ruby 出車禍,傷得很嚴重。
- The children in the refugee camps were severely malnourished.
severely adv. 很嚴厲地
- Tyler was severely punished when his parents found out he had been stealing.
當 Tyler 的父母得知他偷竊的行為後,就很嚴厲地懲罰他。 

mourn v. 因某人過世而哀傷悼念
to feel or show great sadness because someone has died
- In many countries, people wear black to show they are mourning.
- In some cultures, it is not acceptable to overly mourn a family member’s passing.
- Carla lost her daughter many years ago, and she is still silently mourning for that child.
Carla 多年前失去了女兒,直到如今他還是在默默地悼念那個孩子。 

overwork n. 工作超量  [over - 超過/ work- 工作] 
to work too hard;
to work on (something) too much
- If you combine overwork with low pay, you will discourage any employee.
overwork v. 工作超量
- The donkey was overworked and suddenly collapsed.
- The workers are on strike because they’ve been overworked and never paid.

Friday, November 6, 2020

Black Beauty (1)

A touching lesson in animal welfare narrated by a horse
黑神駒 從馬兒的角度看動物福利

The story begins right after the birth of Black Beauty, who narrates his own story. He tells of growing up with his mother as she teaches him important life lessons. She tells him to do good, always give his best effort and everything will work out. Beauty learns that humans can be great friends or cruel enemies. He realizes that not all horses are as well cared for and happy as he is. 

Beauty is trained to wear a saddle and bridle and carry a rider. He is sold to Squire Gordon of Birtwick Park. He spends some of the happiest years of his life at Birtwick. He becomes close friends with two other horses in the estate's stable, Ginger and Merrylegs. And he loves his groom, Joe. But sadness comes when Squire Gordon's wife becomes ill. Her doctor says that she must move to a warmer climate, so Squire Gordon sells his estate and horses. Beauty is then sold to a series of owners who neglect him. One night a drunk groom causes Beauty to fall. The fall kills the groom and scars Beauty for life. 

Info Cloud

Put up and tie up

Hello, and welcome to Info Cloud, friends. My daughter is growing so much recently. And her hair is growing, too. I love that I'm finally able to try different hairstyles on her. 

How about you share some vocabulary about hairstyles with us today? 

Great idea, Rex. If we are styling hair up, the verbs we use for this action are: put your hair up or tie your hair up. Put up and tie up. 

What is the end result of putting your hair up? 

Well, if it's tied together in one place, we call that a ponytail. 

A pony like a horse? Oh, I guess it does look like a pony's tail. I've seen little girls wear their hair in two ponytails on both sides of their head. What are those called? 

Those are called pigtails. Let me guess, because they look like a pig's tail? 

Exactly. Let's talk about what we use to secure these hairstyles. 

This I know. My daughter has many hair ties and hair clips at home. 

Some people even call those special rubber bands ponytail holders. My personal favorite, however, is the scrunchie. When I want to tie my hair up, the scrunchie is my go-to accessory. 

今天要跟大家分享一些跟綁頭髮有關的用語,首先 put your hair up 把頭髮磐起來,跟 tie your hair up 把頭髮綁起來,在英文都是一樣的意思。

如果後面綁一搓馬尾,那就是 ponytail, pony 是小馬的意思;如果是頭的兩邊各綁了一搓馬尾,那就是 pigtails,字面上是豬尾巴,因為有些人覺得那看起來像是豬尾巴的形狀。

另外,hair tie 是髮帶,hair clips 是髮夾,有些人會把綁頭髮的橡皮筋統稱為 ponytail holders 馬尾固定器。最後,那些被設計的很漂亮的髮束則是叫做 scrunchie。

Language Lab

saddle n. 馬鞍   
a leather-covered seat that is put on the back of a horse — see picture at horse
- Arnie is learning to put a saddle on the horse.
Arnie 在學習如何把馬鞍套在馬背上。
in the saddle ph. 控制、掌控
in control : in a position to decide what happens
- Richard might be in charge right now, but he won’t be in the saddle for too long.
現在所有事也許都由Richard 負責,但他很快就要失去控制權。
back in the saddle ph. 回到以前的工作、之前所做的事
- After being sick for several months, Anthony is back in the saddle again.
Anthony 生了好幾個月的病後,又回到工作崗位上。 

bridle n. 馬轡、馬勒   
a device that fits on a horse's head and that is used for guiding and controlling the horse
- It was difficult for Angela to put the bridle on the horse.
要把馬勒裝上馬,對Angela 來說是很難的事。
bridle n.  意志
- Dwayne was very careless with his money until his parents put a bridle on his spending habits.
Dwayne 很會亂花錢,所以他的父母嚴厲控制他亂花錢的習慣。
bridle v. 把馬勒套上
to put a bridle on (a horse) — sometimes used figuratively
- Evan noticed something was wrong with the horse as he was bridling it.
Evan 再把馬勒套在馬的時候,有注意到馬有一點怪怪的。 

groom n. 新郎  
a man who has just married or is about to be married
groom n. 馬伕、一位專門照顧馬匹的人  
a person who takes care of horses
- Clarence wanted to own some horses, but he would also need to hire a groom to care of them.
Clarence 想養幾匹馬,但是他也就需要一位馬伕來幫忙照顧。
groom v. 做動物美容 
to clean and care for (an animal)
- The dogs are all groomed before the dog show begins.
groom v. 訓練、培訓 
to prepare (someone) for a particular job or position
- The princess was being groomed to become the next ruler because she was the king’s only child.

scar  n. 疤痕  
a mark that is left on your skin after a wound heals
- The scar on my knee is from a motorcycle accident.
scar  n.心裡方面的傷痕
a feeling of great emotional pain or sadness that is caused by a bad experience and that lasts for a long time
- For Mark, losing both of his parents at a very young age left a huge emotional scar.
scar  v. 留下疤痕 
to mark (something) with a scar
- His arms were scarred by a terrible skin disease.