Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Kimonos (2)

Kimonos declined in popularity during the Meiji period (1868 - 1912) as the Japanese adopted Western clothing in the effort to create a modern, industrialized state. Men were encouraged to wear Western styles during daily life, and Western clothing was required for official functions. During that time, the image of graceful women in kimonos came to represent a connection to traditional Japanese culture and values.

Today, the kimono is experiencing a revival. Japanese youth are starting to wear kimonos to festivals and everyday events. Foreign visitors to Japan can also try them on as they visit historic sites. A group called Kimono Jack organizes events where large numbers of people appear in public places wearing kimonos. 

They tend to ignore strict rules about how kimonos should be worn, encouraging people to take joy in the kimonos' stunning colors and patterns. These events have taken place in several different countries, connecting people from around the world who are interested in kimonos.

Wearing a kimono has become a way for Japanese youth to connect with their history, as well as to express their individuality. Perhaps soon the streets of Japan will once again be filled with people in kimonos just as they were centuries ago.

Info Cloud

march to the beat of your own drum 你跟大家的節奏不同,你有自己的節奏,自己走自己的

Hello, friends. Welcome to Info Cloud. Rex, I saw you talking to John earlier. What were you talking about? 

Current events. I enjoy talking to him because his opinions aren't conventional. He thinks in a different way than most people do. 

It sounds like John marches to the beat of his own drum. Let's talk about that phrase today. 

We use this phrase to describe someone who doesn't conform to social standards, someone who enjoys being different marches to the beat of their own drum. 

You could say Erika's clothes don't follow current fashion trends. She marches to the beat of her own drum. 

So, Anne Marie, in the example you just used, it sounds like a positive thing. Can this phrase ever be used in a negative way? 

Sure it can. People who march to the beat of their own drum sometimes forget to take others into consideration. Some people might even feel that they are weird or odd. 

It may seem like Steven is rude. But don't take his comments to heart. He just marches to the beat of his own drum. 

How about you? Do you march to the beat of your own drum? 

如果你不喜歡跟隨群眾的腳步隨波逐流,或許可以用今天介紹的用語 march to the beat of your own drum 來形容自己。march 是遊行或是行軍,遊行隊伍經常用鼓聲來打拍子,指揮所有人的腳步。march to the beat of your own drum 就是跟著自己的鼓聲來前進,意思就是你跟大家的節奏不同,你有自己的節奏,自己走自己的。

Do you march to the beat of your own drum? 你是不是比較特立獨行呢? 當然,march to the beat of your own drum 可以是正面的-- 堅持做對的事情,也可以是負面的- 不合群或是不喜歡遵守規定。 

Language Lab

decline v. 減少、降低 
to become lower in amount or less in number
- After the sixteenth century, the empire’s power started to decline.
decline v. 拒絕、謝絕 
to say that you will not or cannot do something
- Because Mr. Jackson had too many things to do, he had to decline the dinner invitation.
Jackson 先生因為有太多事情要處理,所以只好謝絕邀請。
- Martha declined to answer the reporters’ questions.
Martha 拒絕回答記者們的問題。

revival n. 復興、復甦 
a period in which something becomes popular again after a long period of time;
the growth of something or an increase in the activity of something after a long period of no growth or activity
- There has been a revival of trade between the two countries.
- Thanks to that art exhibit, there is now a revival of that style of artwork.
revival n. 戲劇、歌劇、舞台劇影片的重演
the showing of a play, a movie, etc., to the public usually many years after it was last shown : a new production of an old show
- Rumor has it the famous director’s next project is a revival of a Hitchcock movie.

stunning adj. 非常漂亮的 
very beautiful or pleasing
- I want to take a photo because the view is absolutely stunning.
- The bride looked stunning in her wedding dress.
stunning adj. 震驚的
very surprising or shocking
- We didn’t know what to say when we heard the stunning news.
stunning adj. 讚不絕口、讓人印象深刻 
- The pianist gave a stunning performance in the concert hall.

individuality n. 個人特質
the quality that makes one person or thing different from all others
- The designs weren’t ugly, but they lacked individuality.
- In the process of trying to express their individuality through fashion trends, these kids all end up looking the same.
- Lana claims her choice of clothes is an expression of her individuality.
Lana 說他所選的衣著是為了表達他的個人特質。