Saturday, November 7, 2020

Black Beauty (2)

Now that Beauty's knees are permanently scarred, he is no longer considered suitable for a wealthy estate. So he becomes a horse for hire, which is a difficult life. He is eventually sold to Jerry Barker, a cab driver in London. Barker is a first-rate cabbie and loves horses. He helps Beauty adapt to the disheartening life of a London cab horse. Then Jerry becomes severely ill and retires to the country. Beauty is sold to another series of owners who work him very hard. 

He meets Ginger again on the London streets, but she has been so cruelly treated that she dies. Beauty later sees her body on a cart and mourns her. Beauty himself is nearly dead from overwork and injury. But a kindly veterinarian nurses him back to health and then sells him. A kind grandfather and his grandson buy Beauty and care for him before selling him to two ladies who live in the country. As their groom cleans him up, he recognizes Black Beauty! It is Beauty's old friend Joe! Beauty enjoys a wonderful life in his final years. 

Info Cloud

horsing around 胡鬧

chomping at the bit  形容一個人很毛躁,想要趕快開始

Welcome to Info Cloud. Let's get started. There's no time to waste. 

Wow, Anne Marie, you're really chomping at the bit today. 

That's because I'm excited about today's lesson. 

OK, OK, fine. No horsing around. 

Both idioms we just said have something to do with an animal: a horse. 

Horsing around means playing in a way that is a little rough. 

Like an animal. Say students are running around the classroom, the teacher might remind them not to horse around. 

What about chomping at the bit? What does that have to do with horses? 

Well, a bit is a piece of metal that goes in a horse's mouth to control it. 

So if you think about horses at the beginning of a race, they are ready to go. They are impatient. They are chomping at the bit. 

Exactly. So this idiom describes someone who is eager to get started at something. 

You might also hear this idiom as "champing at the bit," spelled with an A. The racer is champing at the bit to become the champion. 

This is the original form of the word. But chomp, with an O, is more commonly used today. 

Both mean to chew or bite noisily. But whether you are champing or chomping at the bit, we hope you're excited to learn English. 

今天跟大家介紹的兩個用語都跟馬兒有關係,第一個是 horsing around,也就是胡鬧的意思。我們都知道當馬兒太興奮、失控的時候,情況就會有一點混亂。當有人正在 horsing around,那就代表他正在搗亂。No horsing around! The class is starting. 不要胡鬧,要開始上課了。

當有人很興奮地想要開始做一件事情,快要按耐不住的時候,那就要用 chomping at the bit 來形容,bit 是馬兒咬的那一根嚼口,當馬兒準備要往前衝之前,通常會很興奮地、不斷地咬住嚼口,因此,chomping at the bit 就用來形容一個人很毛躁,想要趕快開始。You’re really chomping at the bit today! 你今天有點毛躁,太興奮了喔!

Language Lab

dishearten v. 讓人很沮喪
to cause (a person or group of people) to lose hope, enthusiasm, or courage : to discourage (someone)
- Nothing could dishearten Tristan; he was determined to win.
- Don’t dishearten the children with the bad news right now; we’ll let them know later.
- Irene was a little disheartened when she heard she didn’t get the job.
Irene 得知沒有被錄取,而感到有一點沮喪。 

severely adv. 嚴重地 
very bad, serious, or unpleasant
- Ruby was in a car accident and was severely injured.
Ruby 出車禍,傷得很嚴重。
- The children in the refugee camps were severely malnourished.
severely adv. 很嚴厲地
- Tyler was severely punished when his parents found out he had been stealing.
當 Tyler 的父母得知他偷竊的行為後,就很嚴厲地懲罰他。 

mourn v. 因某人過世而哀傷悼念
to feel or show great sadness because someone has died
- In many countries, people wear black to show they are mourning.
- In some cultures, it is not acceptable to overly mourn a family member’s passing.
- Carla lost her daughter many years ago, and she is still silently mourning for that child.
Carla 多年前失去了女兒,直到如今他還是在默默地悼念那個孩子。 

overwork n. 工作超量  [over - 超過/ work- 工作] 
to work too hard;
to work on (something) too much
- If you combine overwork with low pay, you will discourage any employee.
overwork v. 工作超量
- The donkey was overworked and suddenly collapsed.
- The workers are on strike because they’ve been overworked and never paid.