Friday, November 6, 2020

Black Beauty (1)

A touching lesson in animal welfare narrated by a horse
黑神駒 從馬兒的角度看動物福利

The story begins right after the birth of Black Beauty, who narrates his own story. He tells of growing up with his mother as she teaches him important life lessons. She tells him to do good, always give his best effort and everything will work out. Beauty learns that humans can be great friends or cruel enemies. He realizes that not all horses are as well cared for and happy as he is. 

Beauty is trained to wear a saddle and bridle and carry a rider. He is sold to Squire Gordon of Birtwick Park. He spends some of the happiest years of his life at Birtwick. He becomes close friends with two other horses in the estate's stable, Ginger and Merrylegs. And he loves his groom, Joe. But sadness comes when Squire Gordon's wife becomes ill. Her doctor says that she must move to a warmer climate, so Squire Gordon sells his estate and horses. Beauty is then sold to a series of owners who neglect him. One night a drunk groom causes Beauty to fall. The fall kills the groom and scars Beauty for life. 

Info Cloud

Put up and tie up

Hello, and welcome to Info Cloud, friends. My daughter is growing so much recently. And her hair is growing, too. I love that I'm finally able to try different hairstyles on her. 

How about you share some vocabulary about hairstyles with us today? 

Great idea, Rex. If we are styling hair up, the verbs we use for this action are: put your hair up or tie your hair up. Put up and tie up. 

What is the end result of putting your hair up? 

Well, if it's tied together in one place, we call that a ponytail. 

A pony like a horse? Oh, I guess it does look like a pony's tail. I've seen little girls wear their hair in two ponytails on both sides of their head. What are those called? 

Those are called pigtails. Let me guess, because they look like a pig's tail? 

Exactly. Let's talk about what we use to secure these hairstyles. 

This I know. My daughter has many hair ties and hair clips at home. 

Some people even call those special rubber bands ponytail holders. My personal favorite, however, is the scrunchie. When I want to tie my hair up, the scrunchie is my go-to accessory. 

今天要跟大家分享一些跟綁頭髮有關的用語,首先 put your hair up 把頭髮磐起來,跟 tie your hair up 把頭髮綁起來,在英文都是一樣的意思。

如果後面綁一搓馬尾,那就是 ponytail, pony 是小馬的意思;如果是頭的兩邊各綁了一搓馬尾,那就是 pigtails,字面上是豬尾巴,因為有些人覺得那看起來像是豬尾巴的形狀。

另外,hair tie 是髮帶,hair clips 是髮夾,有些人會把綁頭髮的橡皮筋統稱為 ponytail holders 馬尾固定器。最後,那些被設計的很漂亮的髮束則是叫做 scrunchie。

Language Lab

saddle n. 馬鞍   
a leather-covered seat that is put on the back of a horse — see picture at horse
- Arnie is learning to put a saddle on the horse.
Arnie 在學習如何把馬鞍套在馬背上。
in the saddle ph. 控制、掌控
in control : in a position to decide what happens
- Richard might be in charge right now, but he won’t be in the saddle for too long.
現在所有事也許都由Richard 負責,但他很快就要失去控制權。
back in the saddle ph. 回到以前的工作、之前所做的事
- After being sick for several months, Anthony is back in the saddle again.
Anthony 生了好幾個月的病後,又回到工作崗位上。 

bridle n. 馬轡、馬勒   
a device that fits on a horse's head and that is used for guiding and controlling the horse
- It was difficult for Angela to put the bridle on the horse.
要把馬勒裝上馬,對Angela 來說是很難的事。
bridle n.  意志
- Dwayne was very careless with his money until his parents put a bridle on his spending habits.
Dwayne 很會亂花錢,所以他的父母嚴厲控制他亂花錢的習慣。
bridle v. 把馬勒套上
to put a bridle on (a horse) — sometimes used figuratively
- Evan noticed something was wrong with the horse as he was bridling it.
Evan 再把馬勒套在馬的時候,有注意到馬有一點怪怪的。 

groom n. 新郎  
a man who has just married or is about to be married
groom n. 馬伕、一位專門照顧馬匹的人  
a person who takes care of horses
- Clarence wanted to own some horses, but he would also need to hire a groom to care of them.
Clarence 想養幾匹馬,但是他也就需要一位馬伕來幫忙照顧。
groom v. 做動物美容 
to clean and care for (an animal)
- The dogs are all groomed before the dog show begins.
groom v. 訓練、培訓 
to prepare (someone) for a particular job or position
- The princess was being groomed to become the next ruler because she was the king’s only child.

scar  n. 疤痕  
a mark that is left on your skin after a wound heals
- The scar on my knee is from a motorcycle accident.
scar  n.心裡方面的傷痕
a feeling of great emotional pain or sadness that is caused by a bad experience and that lasts for a long time
- For Mark, losing both of his parents at a very young age left a huge emotional scar.
scar  v. 留下疤痕 
to mark (something) with a scar
- His arms were scarred by a terrible skin disease.