Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Just Four Seconds of Exercise (2)

Twenty seconds total exercise an hour sounds like nothing, but the data showed it made a big difference to the subjects' bodies. The next day they burned more fat and showed lower levels of triglycerides in their blood. In short, they didn't exhibit the usual ill effects of having sat all day. 

This study is small, but it's still both hopeful and relevant. "The results suggest that breaking up sitting with frequent, intense and extremely abbreviated exercise 'can undo' some of the adverse effects of being sedentary," explains Gretchen Reynolds in The New York Times. 

And while the study used a special type of bike developed by sports scientists, the researchers feel similar results are obtainable with home exercise equipment. However, you may have to work for a few more seconds to reach the same level of intensity. Your goal should be to get your heart pumping to its maximum as quickly as possible.

The research still suggests an actionable takeaway. "When you find yourself sitting for most of the day, try to rise frequently and move, preferably intensely, as often during the day as possible and for as many seconds as you can manage," Reynolds concludes. That sounds doable. 

Info Cloud

backpedal 當有人答應你一件事情但又反悔  

Welcome back to Info Cloud, friends. Hey, Rex. What's wrong? You look upset today. 

I just got off the phone with my old friend Scott, and I'm disappointed. 

What happened? 

I'm moving this Saturday, and Scott promised weeks ago he would drive his SUV over and help me move. But he just called and backpedaled when I asked him what time he could come on Saturday. 

Oh. I'm sorry to hear that. It's disappointing when friends pull out of something they committed to doing with you. Let's talk about the phrase, to backpedal. OK. 

To backpedal means to not keep your promise or to do something different from what you said you would do. 

Yes. So Rex's friend backpedaled on his promise to help Rex move. The image comes from pedaling a bike in reverse, so you are going back instead of going forward. 

This phrase can also be used when someone changes an opinion or position they expressed before. Sometimes politicians backpedal from their original positions when they find it is no longer beneficial to advancing their careers. 

Good point. Let's get back to your move, Rex. I'll ask my husband if he can help you move this weekend. We have a van, and I assure you we will not backpedal.

當有人答應你一件事情但又反悔,你可以用 backpedal 來形容這個人的行為。backpedal 就是騎腳踏車的時候,踏板往後踩,不再往前騎了,這是用來形容一個人食言而肥。Scott promised he would help me move, but he backpedaled. Scott 答應要幫我搬家,但是他反悔了。backpedal 也形容一個人改變原本的立場,像是在政治人物的領域裡面,如果你改變了原先的主張,你就可以說: 他已經 backpedaled。

Language Lab

relevant adj. 有意義的、適宜的 
- Tony wanted to major in literature, but his parents didn’t think the subject was relevant.
Tony 想要主修文學,但是他父母不認為那個科目很適宜。
relevant adj.相關的、有關係的
relating to a subject in an appropriate way
Let’s not waste our time discussing issues that aren’t relevant to the topic.
- The man wants to talk to the police because he has information that might be relevant to the case.

undo v. 消除
to change or stop the effect of (something) : reverse
- Whenever the king makes a bad decision and creates trouble, the queen steps in and tries to undo the damage.
- Once you’ve made the decision, there is no turning back. This is something you cannot undo.
undo v. 解扣、解開
to open or release (something) : to unfasten or loosen (something)
- I have trouble trying to undo the zipper on this jacket. Maybe I should have the zipper replaced.

obtainable adj. 能夠得到、辦得到的 [obtain v. 得到 able adj. 能夠 ]
to gain or get (something) usually by effort
- Sea food is obtainable in the supermarkets here in the mountains but it is very expensive.
- Those results are obtainable, but it will take a very long time.
- Beef was not often obtainable, so a steak dinner was only for special occasions.

actionable adj. 可行的  
able to be used as a basis or reason for doing something
- It’s great you have a goal, but you need to come up with actionable steps to reach your goal.
- There are all these great ideas out there, but what we need is actionable solutions.
actionable adj. 可以起訴的 
law : giving a reason to bring an action or a lawsuit against someone
- Adrian is in trouble, because his company is involved in several actionable activities.
Adrian 麻煩大了,他的公司被捲入好幾項可被起訴的活動。