Friday, January 29, 2021


Discover the benefits of living simply
生活新哲學:少即是多 發掘簡單生活的種種好處

Chinese New Year is right around the corner! This is the time of year when we "sweep away the dust". We give our homes a good, thorough cleaning. We do this in order to make a clean, fresh start in the New Year. 

Another great way to start fresh is to get rid of all the clutter. Over a year ago, I did just that. In preparation for a move, I gave away around 75 percent of my clothes. I then got rid of over 60 percent of my furnishings. At first, I was afraid I would miss those things. However, I soon realized what a burden on my life that excess had become. I found that caring for fewer things means more time to spend with friends and family.

These days it seems that many people are trying to live with less. They're discovering the joy of spending their time and resources on the things that matter most. 

Info Cloud

spring cleaning 春季大掃除

Welcome to Info Cloud, everyone. Today we want to talk about cleaning the house to get ready for the new year. 

You know, in America and in Canada, we wait until the springtime before we do our yearly deep cleaning. 

That's right. Spring cleaning. So, Andrea, can you tell us a little bit more about what it means to do a spring cleaning? 

Well, it is very much like doing a deep cleaning to get ready for the new year. But in North America, it's too cold to open up the windows at the beginning of the year to let the fresh air in. 

In the beginning of spring, the weather warms up. And it's a great time to open up the windows in your house and clean all that dust out. 

Exactly. And there's another benefit to waiting for early spring. It's warm enough to open up the windows but too cold for bugs. So you don't have to worry about letting a lot of bugs in. 

I've also heard of people using the expression doing some or doing a little spring cleaning and not just to refer to cleaning your home. 

Right. Spring cleaning also involves organizing the things that you have and getting rid of the things that you don't use. 

So if you are spending time re-organizing your office files, you can say that you are doing a little spring cleaning. 

Yes. You know, that reminds me, my desk is still filled with some old things from previous employees. I think it's time for me to do a little spring cleaning. 

每年春節來臨的時候,很多華人家庭都會做年度大掃除,其實西方人也有這種習慣。他們稱之為 spring cleaning 春季大掃除,在美國和加拿大,人們通常不會在冬季做大掃除,因為天氣太冷,不適合打開門窗打掃,讓屋子透透氣,只有等到春天來臨,陽光普照又不會太熱,再進行房子的年度清潔工作。

除了打掃房子之外,spring cleaning 還包含了除舊佈新,把舊的、不要的東西丟掉,只保留真正需要用到的物品,也把房子裡所有的東西排整齊,如果是在公司大掃除,也要把文件整理歸檔。西方人的 spring cleaning 文化,是不是跟我們的過年大掃除很像呢?

Language Lab

thorough adj. 完全的、徹底的
complete or absolute
- After a thorough search at the crime scene, police were able to find a clue.
thorough adj.  很小心的、很仔細的
including every possible part or detail
- The investigator was very thorough when he looked through all the files.
- Airport security was very thorough when they checked Patrick’s backpack.

preparation n. 預備、準備
the activity or process of making something ready or of becoming ready for something
- The food on the table might not look fancy, but the preparation took a long time.
- Andrew decided to take a trip without any preparation.
Andrew 沒有做任何準備就出去旅行了。
- Henry was in charge of the final preparation of the event, but he messed everything up.
Henry 負責活動的最後一部分的預備工作,但是他把所有的事情搞砸了。

furnishings n. 家具配備 
pieces of furniture, curtains, rugs, and decorations for a room or building
- Tyler is looking for an empty apartment to rent. He doesn’t want one with furnishings.
Tyler 要租空的公寓,不要有附家具的。
- Paula has decided that since she’s moving into a new place, she wants to get new furnishings.
Paula 決定既然要搬進新的地方,她打算要買新的家具配備。
furnish v. 用家具配備來布置裝潢一個地方 
to provide (a room or building) with furniture
- Mrs. Anderson has finished furnishing her guestroom because her grandson is going to stay with her.
Anderson 太太把她的客房布置好,因為她的孫子要搬去跟她住。

burden n. 重擔、負擔  
someone or something that is very difficult to accept, do, or deal with
- Your friend's job situation is not your burden to carry.
burden n. 重的東西
something heavy that is carried : load
- A long time ago, people relied on animals to carry heavy burdens.
burden v. 給人家添加麻煩、給人加壓力 
to make (someone) hold or carry something heavy or accept or deal with something difficult : to put a heavy burden on (someone)
- Noah has a problem but he’s not saying anything because she doesn’t want to burden us.
Noah 碰到了問題,但是她什麼都沒說,因為她不想給我們添加麻煩。

clutter n.
a large amount of things that are not arranged in a neat or orderly way : a crowded or disordered collection of things
- There's a lot of unnecessary clutter in the house.

Thursday, January 14, 2021


Climate change is destroying the environments needed to grow drinkable coffee
沒有咖啡的日子!? 氣候變遷恐造成咖啡品種滅絕

Coffee is probably [the] world's least expensive success power tool. Coffee builds better teams and increases your leadership ability. Coffee also increases your immunity. It increases focus and drive and my even increase your lifespan. 

Unfortunately, we may not be enjoying the benefits or pleasures of coffee too much longer according to ecologists, there's a good chance that in 20 or 30 years, the varieties of coffee that we drink today will be extinct. And we'll be drinking either a coffee substitute or some almost-coffee hybrid that vaguely resembles the drink we enjoy today. 

The problem, of course, is the pace of climate change. Successful coffee cultivation has three prerequisites: 1) a warm, highly stable tropical climate with elevations that keep air temperature between 18 and 20 degrees Celsius, 2) rich soil full of natural nutrients, and 3) an ecological environment that's pest and disease resistant. 

Coffee is a crop that is only grown in a thin band called the "coffee belt" close to the equator. It simply won't grow anywhere else. Unfortunately, the "coffee belt" is extremely vulnerable to climate change. If the air is too cold or too hot, it stunts the growth of the coffee plant. 

Info Cloud

running on fumes 形容身體疲累但還是必須工作的狀態

Hello, friends. Welcome to Info Cloud. Um, Rex, you are looking awfully tired today. What is going on? 

I have been working on several projects at the same time. After work, I have to take care of my kids at home. I feel like I'm running on fumes lately. 

Oh. I certainly know how you feel. Why don't we explain what you mean by running on fumes? 

Well, just look at me. Look at me. Running on fumes means you are extremely tired, but you have to keep going with not much energy left. 

Yes. OK. It's just like a car that is running out of gas or when overheated, fumes start to come out of the engine, but the car is still going. 

It is not a good condition to be in if you want to perform well. Another way to say this is running on empty, meaning you are running out of energy, but you are still working. 

Instead of running on empty, sometimes you would hear people say they are running on caffeine, meaning they are using coffee to give them a boost of energy to keep working. 

當你已經筋疲力盡,卻必須努力完成工作,或許可以用今天分享的用語 running on fumes 來表達自己的狀態。fumes 是煙,running on fumes 就好比一台車子因為過熱,引擎開始冒煙,但還是繼續在跑一樣,用來形容身體疲累但還是必須工作的狀態。I’m running on fumes lately working on so many projects. 最近我處理好幾個案子身體相當疲累。除了 running on fumes 之外,你也可以說 running on empty,意思是一樣的,empty 是空的,表示身體沒有力氣和能量了。另外,很多人也會 run on caffeine 靠著咖啡因繼續工作,因為喝咖啡可以讓身體短暫地恢復精神。

Language Lab

immunity n. 免疫、免疫力、抵抗力 
medical : the power to keep yourself from being affected by a disease — usually + to
- Proper nutrition can do wonders to your immunity.
- Andrew wants to boost his immunity because he gets sick quite often.
Andrew 想要增強她的抵抗力,因為他常常生病。
immunity n. 豁免、豁免權
special protection from what is required for most people by law — usually + from
- The foreign ambassador claimed diplomatic immunity when his car was stopped by the police.

extinct adj. 消失、滅絕 
no longer existing
- In 2011, the West African black rhinoceros was declared extinct.
extinct adj. 形容火山是死的 
no longer active
- Mount Fuji is not an extinct volcano; it can still erupt.
extinct adj. 因為沒有在用,所以消失了 
- Even though cellphones have replaced pagers, pagers have not gone extinct.
雖然手機已經取代了BB 呼叫器,但是BB機並沒有完全消失。 

resistant  adj.  能夠抗或防某樣東西 
opposed to something : wanting to prevent something from happening — usually + to
- James is trying to find something to make his shoes odor resistant.
James 在找能夠讓他的鞋子防臭的東西。
- This jacket is water resistant, but it is not waterproof.
resistant  adj.  抗拒的 
not affected or harmed by something
- Elois is resistant to new kitchen gadgets and prefers to prepare food in the old-fashioned way.
Elois 抗拒新式廚房用具,她選擇用傳統方式來做菜。 

stunt v. 阻礙發展、讓東西無法好好生長 
to stop (someone or something) from growing or developing
- The sudden drop in temperature stunted the growth of the seedlings.
stunt n. 特技動作  
a difficult and often dangerous action
- The actor insisted on doing all the stunts himself.
stunt n. 噱頭 
something that is done to get attention or publicity
- The politician’s appearance at the orphanage was just a stunt.

Wednesday, January 13, 2021


A young boy faces many challenges because he is different
奇蹟男孩 一個關於「勇氣」的故事

Later, the story switches to the perspective of Auggie's older sister, Via. She began high school when Auggie began middle school. She has to come to terms with the fact that her family's life revolves around Auggie and his needs. 

If part four, the story changes to Jack's perspective. He figures out that Auggie overheard him and feels terrible. He really likes Auggie, but he got caught up in wanting to be accepted by kids like Julian. One day, Julian tells Jack that being friends with Auggie isn't worth it. 

Jack gets angry and punches Julian in the face. The incident results in Jack and Auggie renewing their friendship.

By the end of the book, almost everyone at school has accepted Auggie. Graduation arrives, and Auggie wins a special award for courage and kindness. He realizes how much he has grown since the beginning of the year. He now has a good group of friends and feels comfortable around people. The novel ends with his mother whispering to him that he is a wonder.

Info Cloud

to fit in / to stand out

Hello, friends. Welcome to Info Cloud. Recently I've been having flashbacks of my high school days when I was being silly and immature. 

Well, we all go through those times when we are young. But please, tell me about what you were like in high school. 

Well, you know, high school is like a little society where you try to fit in first. And then, if you're like me, you try to stand out. And that's exactly what I did. 

Oh. So you were trying to be one of those cool guys to attract girls' attention. I see. Well, why don't you explain to our students what you meant by fit in and stand out. 

To fit in means to be a part of a group by acting or looking the same way as everyone else in the group. 

So in order to fit in with the group, you cannot be too different than others. 

On the other hand, to stand out kind of means the opposite. You look different to attract attention from people. 

So you could stand out by looking differently in a physical way or to have outstanding performance in a certain area. Well, I can tell why Rex would stand out in high school - because of his talents in music. 

很多時候我們會面對如何融入一個群體的挑戰,今天要跟大家分享兩個用語 to fit in 還有 to stand out,首先 fit in 的意思就是靠著模仿其他人的言行舉止和穿著打扮來融入群體。John feels he should look smart to fit in with this group. John 覺得自己要看起來很聰明,才能融入這個群體。

另一方面,stand out 幾乎有相反的涵義,那就是看起來跟別人不一樣,透過行為舉止、個人風格或是突出的表現,讓你非常地顯眼,吸引眾人的目光。His outstanding performance makes him stand out from the crowd. 他在表演中的傑出表現讓他成為目光焦點。

Language Lab

come to terms with ph. 慢慢地或漸漸能夠接受 (通常是處在一個不愉快的狀況下 或因為某人過世的關係)
to learn how to accept or live with something that is difficult or painful — + with
- The young widow hasn’t come to terms with the sudden death of her husband.
- Harry has come to terms with having to share his bedroom with his little brother.
Harry 已經漸漸能夠接受弟弟跟他睡同一間房間。
come to terms with ph. 達成協議 
to reach an agreement
- After hours of discussion, both parties have finally come to terms.

catch up ph v. 在某種狀況或氣氛中,被吸引住或被迷住 
- Dorothy was caught up in the excitement of the performance and didn’t hear her phone ring.
Dorothy 完全被表演的熱鬧氣氛吸引住,而沒有注意到她手機再響。
catch up ph v. 趕上  
to move fast enough to join someone or something that is in front of you
- Arnie stopped to tie his shoes, and then he had to run in order to catch up with his friends.
Arnie 停下來綁鞋帶,然後要用跑的才能夠趕上他的朋友。
catch up ph v. 趕進度 
- Jimmy was away from the office for three days, and now he needs to catch up on his work.
Jimmy 因為離開辦公室三天,所以他現在必須趕工作進度。 

incident n. 事件 (通常是不太好的、很離奇、不尋常的)
an unexpected and usually unpleasant thing that happens
- A strange incident happened at the factory last night, and only the security guard was there at the time.
- The front desk receptionist writes down every incident that occurs in the lobby.
- Did you hear about that scary incident at the department store yesterday?

graduation n. 畢業  
the act of receiving a diploma or degree from a school, college, or university : the act of graduating
- Amos plans to travel the world after graduation.
Amos 打算畢業後去環遊世界。
graduation n. 畢業典禮
a ceremony at which degrees or diplomas are given out
- Melissa will be attending her nephew’s graduation.
Melissa 會去參加她侄兒的畢業典禮。
graduation n. 刻度 
- This ruler has the metric graduation on one side and the imperial graduation on the other side.