Wednesday, January 13, 2021


A young boy faces many challenges because he is different
奇蹟男孩 一個關於「勇氣」的故事

Later, the story switches to the perspective of Auggie's older sister, Via. She began high school when Auggie began middle school. She has to come to terms with the fact that her family's life revolves around Auggie and his needs. 

If part four, the story changes to Jack's perspective. He figures out that Auggie overheard him and feels terrible. He really likes Auggie, but he got caught up in wanting to be accepted by kids like Julian. One day, Julian tells Jack that being friends with Auggie isn't worth it. 

Jack gets angry and punches Julian in the face. The incident results in Jack and Auggie renewing their friendship.

By the end of the book, almost everyone at school has accepted Auggie. Graduation arrives, and Auggie wins a special award for courage and kindness. He realizes how much he has grown since the beginning of the year. He now has a good group of friends and feels comfortable around people. The novel ends with his mother whispering to him that he is a wonder.

Info Cloud

to fit in / to stand out

Hello, friends. Welcome to Info Cloud. Recently I've been having flashbacks of my high school days when I was being silly and immature. 

Well, we all go through those times when we are young. But please, tell me about what you were like in high school. 

Well, you know, high school is like a little society where you try to fit in first. And then, if you're like me, you try to stand out. And that's exactly what I did. 

Oh. So you were trying to be one of those cool guys to attract girls' attention. I see. Well, why don't you explain to our students what you meant by fit in and stand out. 

To fit in means to be a part of a group by acting or looking the same way as everyone else in the group. 

So in order to fit in with the group, you cannot be too different than others. 

On the other hand, to stand out kind of means the opposite. You look different to attract attention from people. 

So you could stand out by looking differently in a physical way or to have outstanding performance in a certain area. Well, I can tell why Rex would stand out in high school - because of his talents in music. 

很多時候我們會面對如何融入一個群體的挑戰,今天要跟大家分享兩個用語 to fit in 還有 to stand out,首先 fit in 的意思就是靠著模仿其他人的言行舉止和穿著打扮來融入群體。John feels he should look smart to fit in with this group. John 覺得自己要看起來很聰明,才能融入這個群體。

另一方面,stand out 幾乎有相反的涵義,那就是看起來跟別人不一樣,透過行為舉止、個人風格或是突出的表現,讓你非常地顯眼,吸引眾人的目光。His outstanding performance makes him stand out from the crowd. 他在表演中的傑出表現讓他成為目光焦點。

Language Lab

come to terms with ph. 慢慢地或漸漸能夠接受 (通常是處在一個不愉快的狀況下 或因為某人過世的關係)
to learn how to accept or live with something that is difficult or painful — + with
- The young widow hasn’t come to terms with the sudden death of her husband.
- Harry has come to terms with having to share his bedroom with his little brother.
Harry 已經漸漸能夠接受弟弟跟他睡同一間房間。
come to terms with ph. 達成協議 
to reach an agreement
- After hours of discussion, both parties have finally come to terms.

catch up ph v. 在某種狀況或氣氛中,被吸引住或被迷住 
- Dorothy was caught up in the excitement of the performance and didn’t hear her phone ring.
Dorothy 完全被表演的熱鬧氣氛吸引住,而沒有注意到她手機再響。
catch up ph v. 趕上  
to move fast enough to join someone or something that is in front of you
- Arnie stopped to tie his shoes, and then he had to run in order to catch up with his friends.
Arnie 停下來綁鞋帶,然後要用跑的才能夠趕上他的朋友。
catch up ph v. 趕進度 
- Jimmy was away from the office for three days, and now he needs to catch up on his work.
Jimmy 因為離開辦公室三天,所以他現在必須趕工作進度。 

incident n. 事件 (通常是不太好的、很離奇、不尋常的)
an unexpected and usually unpleasant thing that happens
- A strange incident happened at the factory last night, and only the security guard was there at the time.
- The front desk receptionist writes down every incident that occurs in the lobby.
- Did you hear about that scary incident at the department store yesterday?

graduation n. 畢業  
the act of receiving a diploma or degree from a school, college, or university : the act of graduating
- Amos plans to travel the world after graduation.
Amos 打算畢業後去環遊世界。
graduation n. 畢業典禮
a ceremony at which degrees or diplomas are given out
- Melissa will be attending her nephew’s graduation.
Melissa 會去參加她侄兒的畢業典禮。
graduation n. 刻度 
- This ruler has the metric graduation on one side and the imperial graduation on the other side.