These mental strength exercises will help you conquer your fear
別讓恐懼阻止你向前 有效鍛鍊心智強度 有助克服恐懼冒險
Your brain will try to convince you to play it safe. It will tell you that you can't succeed or that you shouldn't bother trying something new.
But even when these thoughts lack a rational basis, we sometimes allow our anxiety to prevail. Instead of thinking about what could be, we focus on "what if?"
But risks don't have to be reckless.
The problem is that we often base our decisions on emotion rather than logic. We incorrectly assume that there's a direct correlation between our fear level and the risk level.
But more often than not, our emotions are just not rational.
Weather you are afraid to take a leap with your career, or you're terrified to take a small social risk like inviting an acquaintance out for coffee, learning to take healthy risks can improve your life.
Sometimes, you need to take risks, challenge yourself and try harder at things, if you want to grow stronger and become better.
You only want to take the calculated risks that can truly improve your life (not just the risks that feel good now).
If you find yourself fearing to take healthy, calculated risks, there are two strategies that can help.
Info Cloud
adrenaline junkie 腎上腺素上癮的人
Welcome to Info Cloud, friends. Today we want to talk about the phrase, adrenaline junkie.
A junkie is defined as a person with a compulsive habit or obsessive dependency on something. This word is commonly used to describe someone who is addicted to drugs.
However, there are other things you can be addicted to, like if you are a news junkie, you can't get enough of reading or watching the news.
The kind of junkie we want to talk about today is an adrenaline junkie. Adrenaline junkies are obsessed with the feeling of an adrenaline rush.
Adrenaline is a hormone our bodies produce in response to excitement or stress. Do you know that exciting feeling you get when you are high up on a roller coaster and it suddenly drops? That's an adrenaline rush.
An adrenaline junkie is someone who is always seeking out this feeling. They love exciting or even dangerous activities.
Bungee jumping, roller coasters and driving fast vehicles are all activities many adrenaline junkies like. I've heard that some adrenaline junkies are really into horror movies because they like the feeling of feeling scared.
Not me. I don't like horror movies at all, and I'm definitely not an adrenaline junkie.
大部分的人都有 adrenaline rush 腎上腺素高漲的經驗,如果是去高空彈跳、做雲霄飛車,或是開快車,這些都會刺激人的腎上腺素。有些人對於這一種adrenaline rush 幾乎到了上癮的程度,經常喜歡做一些危險刺激的活動,讓自己極度亢奮,你可以稱呼這樣的人是 adrenaline junkie 腎上腺素上癮的人。junkie 是對一件事情極度著迷,迫使自己反覆不斷地做一些事情的人,這個字經常用來形容吸毒上癮的人。Bob is an adrenaline junkie who loves to race cars. Bob是熱愛賽車的腎上腺素上癮者。junkie 也可以用來形容對其他事情上癮的人,像是如果你喜歡看新聞,你就是一個 news junkie。
Language Lab
rational adj. 理智的
based on facts or reason and not on emotions or feelings
- Peter has always been a rational person, why would he suddenly make such a crazy decision?
Peter 平常都很理智,為什麼會突然做出這麼瘋狂的決定呢?
rational adj. 頭腦清楚的
having the ability to reason or think about things clearly
I don’t think you’re being rational, the things you’ve said just don’t make any sense to me.
rationalize v. 合理地解釋
to think about or describe something (such as bad behavior) in a way that explains it and makes it seem proper, more attractive, etc.
- Susie tried to rationalize her decision, but her mother wouldn’t accept it.
Susie 試著為她的決定做出合理的解釋,但是她媽媽就是不肯接受。
- Howard’s parents tried to rationalize Howard’s aggressive behavior by saying it was all because of stress.
prevail v. 戰勝、占優勢
to defeat an opponent especially in a long or difficult contest
- There is a lot of misinformation going around, but I believe the truth will prevail.
- Mr. Lawson’s opponents have said many terrible things about him but none of their accusations will prevail.
prevail v. 普遍
to be usual, common, or popular
- That superstition still prevails among the tribes in the jungle.
prevailing adj. (東西、狀況) 很普遍
usual, common, or popular
- According to historical documents, prevailing corruption was one of the reasons why the people rose up against the government.
leap n. 跳起來的動作
to jump from a surface
- The dog made a leap into the air and caught the Frisbee.
leap n. 大的改變(有增加或增進的關係)
to suddenly increase by a large amount
I don’t think you are ready to take that leap in your relationship.
leap v. 跳起來
a long or high jump
- To open the garage door, just push that button on the wall, but you have to leap if you want to reach the button.
leap v. 動作很快
a great and sudden change, increase, or improvement
- When Edgar saw that his girlfriend had arrived at his house, he leaped to the front door to greet her. 當Edgar 看到他的女朋友剛到她家,她快速地到門口去迎接他。
calculated adj. 計畫好的、蓄意的
calculator n. 計算機
a small electronic device that is used for adding, subtracting, etc.
- I need a calculator to figure out how much everything is going to cost.
calculate v.計算
to find (a number, answer, etc.) by using mathematical processes
- I think you didn’t calculate correctly, these numbers are not right.
calculated adj. 計畫好的、蓄意的
carefully planned for a particular and often improper purpose
- The suspect said everything had happened by accident, but in reality, it was a carefully calculated scheme.
- The wedding coordinator had a very calculated approach to planning her client’s wedding.