Friday, August 21, 2020

Digital Health (1)

The doctor will Skype you now
數位健康 遠距醫療讓醫師透過Skype看診

Our health care technology developed by leaps and bounds in the last century. We have developed many tools to help doctors diagnose illnesses. As we continue to develop better methods for understanding, detecting and treating disease, we can enjoy healthier, longer lives. But good health care depends on access to good information, which our digital devices easily provide. Digital health could be the next big development in how we approach health care. 

Digital health might sound like it's intended to keep your digital devices healthy. Instead, it is a term that describes the system of interconnected devices that can monitor and report important health information. Doctors can then use that information to ensure that your treatment is tailor-made to your situation. 

To really appreciate digital health's potential, you need only look at how digital devices have already changed your lives. Take travelling as an example. Before smartphones, online translators, GPS and the internet, travel in unfamiliar areas was difficult. You either had to use a map, find a guide, or constantly ask people to help you get from one place to another. Now, all the information you need can be carried with you in your pocket. 

Info Cloud
Change is the only constant in life. 改變是生命中唯一不變的現象

Welcome to Info Cloud. I have a quote to share with you today. 

I enjoy hearing a good quote. What is it? 

Change is the only constant in life. It was first said by the Greek philosopher Heraclitus over 2500 years ago. 

Wow! That is deep. But I think it is still true today. Can you explain it more? 

I'd love to. 

If something is constant, that means it stays the same or it's steady and reliable over time. 

So what are things in our lives that never change? 

That's a hard question to answer. We grow up. We learn new things. Life is always changing. 

Yes. Even things we think will always be the same can change without warning. 

But one thing that is always true is that things always change. 

Oh, I see. The only constant is change. 

We might use this phrase to comment on an unpredictable situation. It means we expect things to change even though we don't know how. 

When things are good, we might hope they never change. And when we face difficulties, we may lose hope that anything will change. 

But we can be encouraged when we have a healthy attitude towards change since it's going to happen whether we like it or not. 

近年來,我們常常聽到一句相當流行的名言,唯一不變的就是改變,或者改變就是唯一不會變的道理,英文也有相同的一句話,Change is the only constant in life. 改變是生命中唯一不變的現象。constant 是不變的事物,Change is the only constant in life. 是用來形容人生中的大小事物,持續不斷地改變是常態,例如,生老病死,或是一些我們沒有辦法預料的事情。聽起來很哲學,沒錯,這其實是希臘哲學家Heraclitus 赫拉克里特在兩千五百年前就說過的一句話,一直流傳到今天。

Language Lab
by leaps and bounds ph. 非常快速的
very quickly and greatly
- Benjamin started out at the bottom of the class, but he has improved by leaps and bounds.
Benjamin 一開始在班裡排倒數第一名,但是他現在的進步是很神速的。
- Because the sales team has worked very hard, their sales are increasing by leaps and bounds.
- In recent years, the use of fitness watches has grown by leaps and bounds.

diagnose v. 診斷 
to recognize (a disease, illness, etc.) by examining someone
- David has not been feeling well for a while, but no doctor has been able to diagnose the problem.
David 身體不舒服已經有一段時間了,但是沒有醫生能夠診斷出他的問題所在。
- The specialist was able to diagnose Edward’s condition and provide the proper treatment.
diagnose v. 查出一個系統裡面的問題的起因
to find the cause of (a problem)
- Henry didn’t need a plumber to diagnose the problem with his water pipes.
Henry 不需要水電師傅來幫他查出水管的問題在哪裡。
diagnosis n. 醫師的診斷
the act of identifying a disease, illness, or problem by examining someone or something
- The doctor took a quick look at the patient and made a diagnosis.

interconnect v. 互相連接 (‘inter’ 互相) (connect 連接)
to connect (two or more things) with each other
- The data banks from the two research facilities are now interconnected.
- If these two buildings were interconnected, it will be easier for the people inside to move around.
- The counselor is trying to help the couple understand that their problems are interconnected.

tailor-made adj. 裁縫師做的 → 量身訂做的、特製的 (tailor 裁縫師) (made 做的)
made by a tailor;
made or seeming to have been made for a particular person or purpose
- Urma would like to wear a tailor-made dress to the ceremony.
Urma 想穿一件特製的禮服區參加典禮。
- Kelly likes to go to that beauty salon for its tailor-made beauty treatments.
Kelly 喜歡去那家美容沙龍,享受他們的特別美容療程。
- The training school offers tailor-made programs for working professional.