Monday, August 24, 2020

The Failure Toy (1)

A game that teaches how to use mistakes to your advantage
失敗玩具 比成功學到更多

How do you respond to failure? Most of us avoid it and consider it a sign that we're not smart enough or didn't work hard enough. But Ilana Ben-Ari, the founder of the company Twenty One Toys, wants to teach the world to view failure differently. She wants people to see failure not as a problem but as a learning experience. 

The Failure Toy asks players in five-person teams to build structures on an unstable game wheel. The game involves competition for points, which team members gain by building balanced structures. But whenever the game pieces fall, the teams lose points. The game takes place in a series of 5-minute rounds. After each round, the players change teams. This means that after the first round, teams consist of players with different point totals.

At the end, each player fills out a card saying who they think won. This might not be the person with the most points. It has more to do with who best supported their team's success. This leads to discussion about players' behaviors and emotions, and the consequences of these behaviors and emotions. 

Info Cloud
If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again! 繼續努力的意思

Hello. Welcome back to Info Cloud, friends. Recently, I've been trying out some new recipes. But it turns out I'm a pretty terrible cook. 

Well, you know what they say: If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. 

That's an encouraging phrase. It's been around for a long time. It was first printed in Thomas Palmer's Teacher's Manual in 1840. 

Though the whole phrase is longer, these days, people just say the shortened version. 

That's right. You know, friends, success doesn't always come immediately. And just because you don't get it right the first time doesn't necessarily mean that you're a failure. 

It reminds me of how we learn a new language. When we learn new words or grammar, it's easy to make mistakes and use words incorrectly. 

Good point. Some people may think of mistakes as failure. But that's not the case. Mistakes are just a tool on the road to success. If you don't say it right the first time, try again. 

If you mispronounce something, try again. 

Don't be discouraged, students. If at first you don't succeed, try, try again!

我們常用失敗為成功之母或不要放棄之類的話,來鼓勵正在奮鬥的人。英文有一句名言,If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again! 如果一開始你沒有成功,嘗試再嘗試,也就是繼續努力的意思。這句名言原本出自於1840年出版的一本教師手冊,用來鼓勵正在學習或是奮鬥的人。在追求目標的過程中,難免會經歷一次又一次的失敗,但那些都是通往成功的必經之路,因此,If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again! 這句話就用來鼓勵人們要不斷地嘗試,不要害怕失敗。

Language Lab

founder n.創辦人   
a person who creates or establishes something that is meant to last for a long time (such as a business or school) : a person who founds something
- The school’s founder believes a good education can make a big difference in the lives of her students.
- The founder of the toy company was once a car mechanic.
founder v. 沉下去、垮下去 
of a boat or ship : to fill with water and sink
- The boat was not well-built, and quickly founder off the coast.
founder v. 失敗
to experience failure : to be unsuccessful : fail
- That project foundered because no one wanted to be responsible for it.

unstable adj. 不穩固、不堅牢 [un- 沒有、否定] [stable 穩固] 
instability n. 某個東西或某個情形狀況不穩固或不穩定
- Melody didn’t want her child to climb up the slide because it looked unstable.
Melody 不要她的孩子爬上溜滑梯,因為它看起來不堅固。
- Watching all those people stand on that unstable platform is making me nervous.
instability n. 不穩固
the quality or state of being unstable: such as
- Tera is unable to continue her work at that company because of her emotional instability.
Tera 無法繼續在那家公司上班,因為她的情緒不穩。 

consist v. 包含、由某些東西組成的
to have (something) as an essential or main part
- Tonight’s program consists of three performances-- a song from a choir, a dance from the women’s group and a magic show.
今晚的節目包含三個不同的演出-- 合唱團的一首歌、婦女會的舞蹈表演以及一場魔術秀。
- The food given to these dogs consist mainly of dried dog food mixed with a bit of cooked chicken.
- To play this game, we need two teams that consist of five players.

consequence n. 後果、結果 
something that happens as a result of a particular action or set of conditions
- It’s one thing to make a decision; it’s another thing to face the consequence of that decision.
- The consequence of his action haunted him for the rest of his life.
- If you choose to be irresponsible with your money, be ready to deal with the consequences.
consequent adj. 之後所引起的 
happening as a result of a particular action or set of conditions
- The town residents are seeing a growing number of houses being built and the consequent increase in population.