Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Does Birth Order Determine Your Personality? (1)

Where do you fit into your family’s birth order?
出生順序心理學 你在家中排老幾?!

Within your family, are you the "boss," the "peacemaker," the "baby" or the "king"? Many researchers believe your position in the family influences your personality.

Firstborn - The "Boss"

First-time parents often have very high expectations for their eldest children. As a result, these kids are often responsible, organized, bossy, successful achievers.

Firstborns tend to be natural leaders who respect and trust authority. Many astronauts and engineers are firstborn children. Famous firstborns include Neil Armstrong, the first person on the moon. Also on the list are Albert Einstein, William Shakespeare and Beyonce. 

Middle child - The "Peacemaker"

Typically, parents don't give middle children as much attention as the firstborn or the youngest. That often causes middle kids to feel a bit neglected. As a result, they are usually determined to achieve success in their own way. 

They don't like conflict and will try to avoid it. They are often realistic, independent, patient peacemakers and good communicators. Famous middle children include Jeremy Lin, Bill Gates and Ang Lee.

Info Cloud

third wheel / fifth wheel 指那個多餘的人

Welcome to Info Cloud, everyone. Last night I went to see a movie with two of my good friends. I was really looking forward to it, but I just felt left out the entire time. 

Well, you know, those two you're talking about just started dating. It's easy to feel like a third wheel around people like that. It won't feel that way forever. But while we're on that topic, let's discuss "third wheel". 

Good idea. It is an interesting phrase. Sometimes people will say "fifth wheel," too. Do you know the origin? 

I do. Most vehicles have either two or four wheels. The third one or the fifth one is extra - and I hate to say it - useless and wanted. 

Yeah. That's just how I felt around my two dating friends: totally useless and unwanted. Can this phase be used in situations other than when two people are dating? 

Yes. No one likes to play on the playground with Cindy and Hannah. They make everyone else feel like a third wheel. It's not a good feeling. Students, remember, calling someone a third or fifth wheel means you feel they are not necessary to the group or are unwanted. 

How about you, students? Have you ever felt like a third wheel? 

當一對情侶在一起的時候,出現了另外一位朋友,我們通常會說他是電燈泡,英文可以用 third wheel 或 fifth wheel 來形容那多出來的人。third wheel 或 fifth wheel 分別是第三或第五個輪子,這世界上的交通工具通常不是兩輪就是四輪,如果出現 third wheel 或 fifth wheel 那就完全沒有用處。因此,third wheel 或 fifth wheel 就是指那個多餘的人。I felt like a third wheel around my two dating friends. 我在那兩位正在交往的朋友身邊,感覺好像是多餘的人。

Language Lab

peacemaker n. 一位調解人、使人和好的人
a person who helps to prevent or stop an argument, a fight, or a war
- Andy has two older brothers and two younger sisters, and he has always been the peacemaker in the family. 
Andy 有兩位哥哥及兩位妹妹,他在他們家老是扮演調解人。
- When people get into arguments, Carl is always the peacemaker.
當人們之間有爭議的時候,Carl 往往是調解人。
- Because the tribe leader is a peacemaker, people go to him whenever there is a problem.

achiever n. 有成就的人   
a person who achieves success : a successful person
achieve v. 成就、達成
to get or reach (something) by working hard
- We hope to achieve our goals by the end of this year.
- Every single student in this class is a high achiever.
high achiever n. 成績優秀的人
hardworking and successful
low achiever n. 成就不怎麼樣的人
an unsuccessful person who does not work hard
- The boss wanted to fire every single worker who was a low achiever.

neglect v. 疏忽、忽視   
to fail to take care of or to give attention to (someone or something)
- How could Richard have neglected to tell us that important detail.
Richard 怎麼會漏了告訴我們那個重要的細節呢?
- Marlene didn’t mean to neglect her guests; she suddenly had an important phone call to make.
Marlene 不是故意要忽視她的客人,她只是突然有一個很重要的電話要打。
neglect n. 疏忽、忽視   
lack of attention or care that someone or something needs
- The neighbor’s yard used to be very neat, but now it is in complete neglect.
- The poor dog was kept in a cage and suffered from neglect.

communicator n. 溝通者 
communicate v. 溝通
to give information about (something) to someone by speaking, writing, moving your hands, etc.
- The company is looking for someone who is an effective communicator to lead its public relations department.
- James is often misunderstood because he is not a good communicator.
James 常常被誤會,因為他不是一位善於溝通的人。
communicator n. 溝通電子產品
- In a lot of sci-fi movies, the characters use fancy communicators to talk to each other.
- The communicator is not broken; it just needs a new battery.