Saturday, October 17, 2020

Pet Influencers (2)

Mr. Bagel was adopted from a shelter. Now he's Instagram's favorite chinchilla! Mr. Bagel has sweet black eyes, big gray ears and soft white fur. He is often seen posing with tiny furniture or pushing a tiny shopping cart. Though he isn't Instagram's biggest influencer, this little guy has more than 100,000 followers. 

Mr. Bagel encourages his followers to say "no" to wearing fur. Chinchilla fur is very soft, and it is often used to make coats. 

Around 150 chinchillas must be killed to make one fur coat. It is no wonder that MR. Bagel feels strongly about this cause! 

Then there is Hamlet the Piggy, who boasts more than 300,000 Instagram followers. Hamlet is famous for her unique sense of fashion. Her online posts are a joy to many people. But Hamlet focuses on helping one person. Her main job is being her owner's therapy pig.

Social media followers can't get enough of these animal celebrities. They can't wait to see what they will post next!

Info Cloud

go down the rabbit hole 形容這件事情迷到無法自拔的情況

Welcome back to Info Cloud, friends. Growing up, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland sparked my imagination. In that book, Alice falls down a rabbit hole and finds herself in Wonderland. 

"Going down the rabbit hole" now has a different meaning because of the story. This concept means to go on a strange, illogical journey. It can be literal or in your mind. 

While daydreaming during class, Isaac fell down the rabbit hole of imagining what would happen if aliens took over the world. 

This phrase is commonly used in reference to the Internet. In Alice's story, she fell through the hole for a long time. 

That's why when someone goes down the rabbit hole on the Internet, they're spending a lot of time reading or researching things that they didn't mean to. Sometimes I go down the rabbit hole researching idioms for Info Cloud. I get lost reading so many different articles online that I can't even remember what I was looking for in the first place. 

You might even hear someone ask, "How far down the rabbit hole are you willing to go?" or say: "Don't go down the rabbit hole." This means they are warning you not to go on a crazy journey because you may discover things you didn't want to know in the first place. 

在網路時代,人們經常不經意地被某些內容吸引,一看就是幾個小時,浪費了許多時間,英文有一句諺語 go down the rabbit hole,就是用來形容這件事情迷到無法自拔的情況。Don’t go down the rabbit hole of the Internet. 不要被網路迷惑到無法自拔。go down the rabbit hole 這句諺語是源自於經典名作《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》裡的情節,女主角愛麗絲掉進 rabbit hole 兔子洞裡,不停地向下墜落,到了一個令她困惑又驚奇的地方。down the rabbit hole 通常是用來形容一種越陷越深的情況,像是看電視或是跟人展開一場激烈的討論,讓你一頭栽進去。

Language Lab

shelter n. 庇護所、收容所  
a place that provides food and protection for people or animals that need assistance
- We want to get a dog, so we will take a trip to the animal shelter to adopt one.
shelter n. 遊民的收容所 
a structure that covers or protects people or things
- A lot of people donate food to local shelters during the holiday season.
shelter n. 受虐者的庇護所
- The counselor helps out at the women’s shelter.
shelter n. 遮蓋、提供遮蓋的地方
the state of being covered and protected from danger, bad weather, etc.
- Let’s try to find some shelter before it starts raining hard.

pose v. 擺姿勢   
to stand, sit, or lie down in a particular position as a model for a photograph, painting, etc.
- Gloria wanted to pose next to the boat but then she fell into the water.
Gloria 想要站在船邊擺姿勢,結果不小心掉入水裡。
pose v. 引起問題
to be or create (a possible threat, danger, problem, etc.)
- Making sure the boss’s young son was doing his job posed a problem for the manager.
pose v. 提出問題
to ask or suggest (a question)
- The delegate posed a question during the conference.
pose v.  假裝、冒充 
pose as [phrasal verb] pose as (someone or something)
to pretend to be (someone or something) in order to deceive people
- In the movie, a police officer posed as a drug dealer and got himself into trouble.

boast v. 擁有值得驕傲的東西 
to have (something that is impressive)
- The town boasted one of the best universities in the country.
- That restaurant may not have the best food, but it sure boasts a great view.
boast v. 誇耀、吹牛
to express too much pride in yourself or in something you have, have done, or are connected to in some way
- Nobody really wants to work with Sammy, because he is always boasting about his past achievement.
沒有人想跟Sammy 一起工作,因為他老是在誇耀他以前的成就。
- The king got very drunk and started boasting about his riches.

unique adj. 獨一無二的、獨特的 
used to say that something or someone is unlike anything or anyone else
- The artist was known for his unique painting style.
unique adj. 獨有的
very special or unusual
- Each piece of jewelry was hand-made and every single one of them was unique.
- Sumo Wrestling is unique to Japan.
unique adj. 難得的事情 
belonging to or connected with only one particular thing, place, or person — + to
- It is such a unique opportunity for these children to participate in an international tournament.