Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Want to Be a Better Job Interviewer? Start Mirroring (2)

Mirroring is a conversational technique that establishes rapport, helps others open up and lets you get past the canned 

Do that, and you accomplish at least two things. One, you show you're actually listening. Two, you show you want to know more... and the candidate will give you more. As Voss says, "People love to be mirrored. They love to be encouraged to go on."

Mirroring sounds more conversational. Asking follow-up questions is important but can seem interrogative: "What did you do next?" "How did that turn out?" 

Each also sounds potentially judgmental. What the candidate did, how things turned out - the answers could be positive or negative.

But mirroring takes "judgment" out of the equation. Mirroring says, "That's interesting. Tell me more." 

Say you ask a sales candidate to describe the toughest sales call she ever made. 

Candidate: "... but I pushed through."

You: "Pushed through?"

Candidate: "... until I realized what his real needs were."

You: "His real needs?"

Keep mirroring and you'll learn how the candidate navigated the call, built rapport, dealt with rejection, found the right strategy, etc. 

By repeating the last three or four words the candidate says, you'll turn what could have been a question-and-answer session into an engaging conversation. And get a better sense of their motivation, outlook and cultural fit. 

Info Cloud

spill the tea / spill the gossip / spill the beans 形容分享祕密

Hello, everyone. Welcome to Info Cloud. Anne Marie, I heard a really big secret this morning, and I've been dying to tell you. 

Rex, what are you waiting for? Spill the tea! 

I will as soon as we explain "spill the tea" to our friends. 

OK, fine. Spill means to reveal confidential information to someone. Maybe you've heard the phrase: spill the gossip? 

Gossip is information about someone else. It's usually something about their personal life. 

Like the secret Rex has to tell me. 

Not yet. Anne Marie, we're not done teaching. In this phrase, "tea" has become synonymous with gossip. 

It's easy to imagine how "spill the tea" came to mean the same thing as "spill the gossip". 

Yep. And "spill the beans" means essentially the same thing. Although this phrase is older, it also carries the idea of letting information slip that you shouldn't have. 

I guess you could say that people have always been spilling the gossip. "Spill the tea" is just a trendier way to say it. OK, Rex. It's time to spill the tea. 

當有人正在講八卦,或是分享祕密的時候,你可以說他正在: spill the tea,spill是灑出來的意思,tea是茶,spill the tea 字面上就是把茶灑出來,用來形容分享祕密。你也可以說: spill the gossip,因為gossip是流言蜚語或是小道消息。在這邊,tea 跟 gossip 就有一樣的涵義。當你想要你的朋友告訴你某個秘密,你可以跟他說: Come on, spill the tea. 除了 spill the tea 和 gossip 之外,你也可以說 spill the beans. 字面上是把豆子灑出來,跟 spill the tea 有一樣的涵義。

Language Lab

interrogative adj. 疑問的 
asking a question : having the form or force of a question
- James was acting goofy, and the people around him all had an interrogative look on their faces.
James 的動作很奇怪,他周遭的人臉上表情充滿疑問。
- My coworker gave me an interrogative stare when I walked into the office with the giant box.
interrogate v. 審問、訊問 
to ask (someone) questions in a thorough and often forceful way
- The spy was captured and taken to a secret base where he would be interrogated.
- When you’re going on a first date with someone, don’t make them feel like you’re interrogating them.

equation  n. 數學、化學的方程式 
mathematics : a statement that two expressions are equal (such as 8 + 3 = 11 or 2x – 3 = 7)
- The teacher was surprised at how quickly the student was able to solve the equation.
- The professor wrote an equation on the board for everyone to see.
equation  n. 有多種因素的狀況 
a complicated situation or issue — usually singular
- The situation is very complicated, and I’m trying to find a way to remove myself from the equation.
- The use of smartphones has completely changed the equation when it comes to our forms of communication.

navigate v. 為船隻或車輛導航   
to find the way to get to a place when you are traveling in a ship, airplane, car, etc.
- When Patrick goes on a road trip, he relies on his GPS to navigate.
Patrick 開車長途旅行時會依賴GPS來導航。
navigate v. 導向
to control the direction of (something, such as a ship or airplane) : steer
- Please don’t ask Serena to navigate; she can’t read a map.
請不要讓Serena 幫你導向,她不知道怎麼看地圖。
navigate v. 確定方向
- How do salmons navigate their way back to their place of birth?
navigate v. 在一個狀況或是問題當中逐漸確定,並導正方向 
- It was a miracle that we were able to navigate through that crisis.

outlook n. 看法、觀點 
the way that a person thinks about things
- Sam has a negative outlook on everything and likes to criticize things.
Sam 看事情都很悲觀,所以很愛批評。
- Alice has changed her outlook on things, and it’s made her a happier person.
Alice 改變了她的觀點,她人也因此變得比較開朗。
outlook n. 前景 
a set of conditions that will probably exist in the future : the future of someone or something — usually singular
- The weather outlook for the coast is pretty good for this weekend.
- With the way the team is playing in this game, the outlook is not very favorable.