Thursday, October 15, 2020

Seven Habits of the Happiest People (2)

4. They express gratitude.

Several research studies indicate that a deep sense of gratitude can increase happiness levels by up to 25 percent and help reduce anxiety and depression. The evidence also shows that grateful people  are more resilient and sleep better.

5. They are generous. 

In one study of more than 600 Americans, "happiness was predicted by the amount of money they gave away: The more they invested in others, the happier they were." Science also confirms that giving is good for our health and evokes gratitude. 

6. They exercise patience. 

In one 2012 study, researchers found that people exhibiting the rare trait of patience made more progress toward their goals and were more satisfied when they achieved them. Other research also found that patient people tend to experience less depression and negative emotions and can cope better with stressful situations. Additionally, they feel more gratitude, more connection to others and experience a greater sense of abundance. 

7. The deep a gratitude journal.

Science says you can train your brain to be happy and optimistic if you journal three things daily for which you are grateful. And you do it for 21 days in a row. 

Info Cloud

chasing paper  形容人們追求金錢

Hello, friends. Welcome to Info Cloud. Recently, I have been thinking about the role of money in our lives. Is it wrong for people to be chasing paper? 

Well, I think you should explain what chasing paper means before we continue this deep discussion on money. 

Oh, sorry. Chasing paper means to be only interested in making money or chasing money, you know, because money is made of paper and ink. 

Chasing paper is often used in a negative way to describe someone loving money too much that they put too much effort into making it. 

Because the word paper tends to remind us what money really is, and there are more important things in life worth our attention. On the other hand, chasing paper can be used in a neutral way. 

For example, if someone is trying to support their family, the person would do any kind of work, you could say: She doesn't really like her job. She's just chasing paper. 

今天跟大家分享的用語相當有趣,那就是 chasing paper,字面上是「跟著紙後面跑」,這是什麼意思? chasing paper 是形容人們追求金錢。例如,John is just chasing paper at work. John 在工作上只是追求金錢,可能他根本不喜歡那份工作。雖然 chasing paper 通常是負面的使用,但他也可以客觀的形容賺錢這件事情。例如,一個人為了養家,他願意做任何工作,他可以說: I’m chasing paper to support my family. 我要賺錢養家。

Language Lab

resilient adj. 很有適應能力  
able to become strong, healthy, or successful again after something bad happens
- Although the job was difficult, the worker was resilient and able to get everything done.
- The manager noticed how resilient the intern was and offered him a full-time job.
resilient adj. (東西)很有彈性的、可以恢復到原來的狀態的 
able to return to an original shape after being pulled, stretched, pressed, bent, etc.
- The company has a new product, but the material isn’t very resilient.
- The inventor is trying to come up with a fabric that is both resilient and 100 percent natural.

evoke v. 引起   
to cause (a particular reaction or response) to happen
- The king’s many foolish decisions have evoked a series of protests across the country.
- The actor played the villains so well that it evoked a feeling of disgust within me.
evoke v. 想起、喚起 
to bring (a memory, feeling, image, etc.) into the mind
- Listening to that song on the radio evoked ugly memories of the past.
- It’s amazing how the food in this restaurant evokes the flavors of my grandmother’s cooking.

exercise  v. 運動  
to do physical activities in order to make yourself stronger and healthier
- As we walked into the jungle, our guide told us to exercise caution.
exercise  v. 使用
to use (an ability, power, etc.)
- It is sad how these people do not know how to exercise their right to free speech.
exercise  n. 運動 
physical activity that is done in order to become stronger and healthier
- The young king was eager to exercise his power.

trait n. 特質、特徵
a quality that makes one person or thing different from another
- David has so many wonderful traits, but patience is not one of them.
David 有很多很棒的特質,但是耐性不是其中一個。
- When a girl was asked to list all the positive traits of her boyfriend, she couldn’t think of any.
- Beatrice knew Clancy was dishonest, and that was a trait she could not accept.
Beatrice 知道Clancy 人不老實,而那是一個她無法接紹的特性。