The main mission of Family of Joy is teaching "Don't Hide Your Child." It wants families with special-needs children to connect with the community. It tries to make that possible by organizing a variety of events. Its yearly hiking event at the zoo and park draws large numbers. The organization hopes to find more volunteers to go with the parents and kids on the walk.
Members of Family of Joy perform drama and music programs regularly as an outreach. For each performance, children team up with their parents and perform side by side. This year, Family of Joy is celebrating its 20th anniversary by producing a musical. The theme is "Love, I Do." It's inspired by George Leslie Mackay's legacy. They hope Dr. Mackay's love for his patients will be influential in inspiring people to love special-needs children. For the families raising these children, it is not an easy journey. But they are not alone. They get inspiration and support from the other Family of Joy members. That helps them keep walking with joy.
Info Cloud
go it alone
Welcome to Info Cloud, everyone. I know that it can be hard to handle all of the stresses in daily life and find time to learn English.
Well, you don't have to go it alone. There is an entire community of people who are also working hard to learn English, too.
I like that expression that Anne Marie used: You don't have to go it alone. That means that you don't have to do something by yourself.
Sometimes people might choose to go it alone. That can be a good thing. It shows you want to be independent.
But some people feel like they have to go it alone that they don't have anyone to support them or to share difficulties with.
When we try to remind you that you don't have to go it alone, it also means that there is a community of people that you can share with.
We are glad that you come to Info Cloud to enjoy learning English. Speaking in another language means connecting with other people.
You really can't go it alone. You have to share what you learn with others. That helps you learn even more.
很多人喜歡單打獨鬥,不喜歡跟別人合作,我們可以用 go it alone 來形容這樣的人。Learning English is challenging. Don’t go it alone. 學習英文是很大的挑戰,你不要一個人學習,意思就是要跟別人一起,這樣子學習的效率會比較好,你也不會那麼孤單。go it alone 是一種流行用語,聽起來非常地通俗,雖然有時候我們會勸人不要 go it alone,但它不一定不好,對於一些喜歡獨立自主的人,或許 go it alone 可以讓他們很快地完成一件事情或是一份工作。
Language Lab
volunteer n. 志工; 志願者
someone who does something without being forced to do it: such as
a : a person who chooses to join the military
b : a person who does work without getting paid to do it
- A lot of volunteers came to help give our food to the homeless people.
- During the magic show, the magician asked for two volunteers to come up to the stage.
volunteer v. 自願參與; 以志工身分參與活動
to offer to do something without being forced to or without getting paid to do it;
to say that someone will do something without asking if he or she wants to do it
- Jonathan is finished with his work, but he has volunteered to stay a little longer to help his coworkers.
Jonathan 已經做完她自己的工作,但是他自願留下來幫助其他的同事。
- Every weekend, Bryan volunteers at the senior center.
Bryan 每個周末都會去老人中心當志工。
perform v. 演出, 表演
to entertain an audience by singing, acting, etc.
- The students will be performing a play for their parents to watch.
As the dancers performed on the stage, the audience cheered and clapped.
perform v. 執行
to do an action or activity that usually requires training or skill
- The office has received a notification that someone from the fire department will be performing tests on the fire alarm.
perform v. 表現
used to describe how effective or successful someone or something is
- How you performed in next week’s meeting will determine whether you get to lead another project or not.
influential adj. 有影響力的
having the power to cause changes : having influence
- Picasso is considered to be one of the most influential painters of all time.
- For Bruce, his uncle was an influential person in his life because it was his uncle who raised him.
influence n. 影響力
the power to change or affect someone or something : the power to cause changes without directly forcing them to happen
- Donna was worried that her son’s best friend might be a bad influence on him.
Donna 擔心她兒子最要好的朋友會對她兒子有不好的影響。
influence v. 影響
to affect or change (someone or something) in an indirect but usually important way : to have an influence on (someone or something)
- Taylor’s decision to become a vet was influenced by his grandfather who had a farm full of animals.
inspiration n. 靈感
something that makes someone want to do something or that gives someone an idea about what to do or create : a force or influence that inspires someone
- The concert was amazing, and filled me with inspiration.
- The fashion designer took a trip to Morocco to look for some inspirations.
inspiration n. 會激發人心的人
a person, place, experience, etc., that makes someone want to do or create something — usually singular
- The speaker is very popular, and many people find her to be an inspiration.
inspire v. 啟發、激勵
to make (someone) want to do something : to give (someone) an idea about what to do or create
- After Rupert watched the detective movie, he was inspired to become a detective.
Rupert 看了偵探影片後,就想要成為一名偵探。
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The Daily English Learner
Learning English with articles from Studio Classroom/Advanced Studio Classroom
空英筆記: 空中英語教室學習筆記 + 彭蒙惠英語學習筆記
Saturday, May 30, 2020
Friday, May 29, 2020
Family of Joy (1)
One big happy family is making a difference
喜樂家族 慢飛天使 5291我愛JOY,正在翻轉這個社會
On a recent Sunday morning, parents and their special-needs children enjoyed a time of singing and dancing. Although their voices and movements were far from perfect, the smiles on their faces were genuine. These families are part of Family of Joy. It's a support group for families with children who are intellectually challenged or have developmental delays.
Started in 2000, Family of Joy provides support and guidance to more than 150 families. As their children's main caregivers, parents sometimes feel a lot of stress. They are the ones who deal with the daily frustrations of raising their children. The organization is a lifeline for them because it provides resources and help. It also lets them know that they are not alone in their struggles.
Family of Joy doesn't just offer services for parents. It holds classes for children to teach them independent living skills. Dance and drum classes help them become more coordinated. Family of Joy is making a considerable difference in the lives of both parents and children.
Info Cloud
How’s the family? 家人都好嗎?
What's up, everybody? Welcome to Info Cloud.
You sound really excited today. That's not how you usually open the show on Info Cloud.
Well, I usually say: Hello, friends. Welcome to Info Cloud. But there are many ways to greet people in English, so I thought I'd do it differently today.
What is your favorite way of greeting people in English?
There's a very special expression that people say to greet people in America : How's the family?
Is that special? For us Westerners, it's something we say all the time.
It is for me. Although we do ask about people's families, we don't say it too often as an opening greeting here in Asia.
That's interesting. Well, the way we would say it is, for example: Hey, Rex, how's the family? In case you're wondering which family it's referring to, the greeting is really asking: How's your family?
You can also just say: How's your family? But "How's the family?" is more special because when we say the family, it's saying that it is special.
That's right. It's a very warm way to welcome or greet people because there's more of a friendly and intimate feel to it.
每一個地方都有一個特別的問候語,像是我長大的地方,人們會問:「你吃飽了沒啊? 」今天要跟大家介紹美國人常用的一句問候語: How’s the family? 家人都好嗎? 這是一句很溫馨的問候語,即使你跟你有點熟又不太熟的外國朋友也可以用這樣的問候語,代表你很關心他們家。
Hey John, how’s the family? Hey John,家人都好嗎? 你也可以直接說: How’s your family? 你家裡都好嗎? 只是當你用 the family 來問候他的時候,表示那是一個很特別的家,馬上就拉近距離。
Language Lab
genuine adj. 真誠的、真心的
sincere and honest
- Mark said he wanted to help but I don’t think he was being genuine.
Mark 說他想幫忙,但我不認為他是真心的。
- I appreciate Lillian because she is a genuine friend.
我很欣賞Lillian ,因為她是一位真誠的朋友。
genuine adj. 真正的、不是仿造的
actual, real, or true : not false or fake
- Rachel wanted her husband to give her a genuine diamond ring for her birthday.
Rachel 希望她先生會送他一個真的鑽石戒指當生日禮物。
genuinely adv. 真的、確實地
- Roxanne was genuinely interested in the history of the city.
Roxanne 確實對該城市的歷史有興趣。
guidance n. 指導、引導
help or advice that tells you what to do : the act or process of guiding someone or something
guide v. 引導、帶領
to direct or lead (someone)
- We will need someone to help guide us through this section of the mountain.
- It was under the guidance of Mrs. Henderson that Nelly learned how to manage an office.
Nelly 之所以會學到如何管理辦公室,是因為Henderson 太太的指導。
- Although the young prince has now become the king, he still needs some guidance from his mentor.
Billy eventually became the top student of his class thanks to the help and guidance of his teacher.
Billy 因為有他老師的幫忙及指導,成了班上的第一名。
frustration n. 沮喪、挫折感
a feeling of anger or annoyance caused by being unable to do something : the state of being frustrated
- Nora kept making mistakes and you could see the frustration on her face.
Nora 一直把事情做錯,而她臉上的表情是非常沮喪的。
- Simone was always smiling and no one could tell that she had a lot of frustration inside.
Simone 老是面帶微笑,沒有人看得出他的心情是充滿挫折感的。
frustrated adj. (一個人)非常沮喪或感到氣餒的
very angry, discouraged, or upset because of being unable to do or complete something
- If a lot of terrible things happen to me at once, I would feel frustrated.
- Caroline was so frustrated that she walked out of her office.
Caroline 因為感到氣餒而離開了她的辦公室。
considerable adj. 相當大的、非常可觀的
large in size, amount, or quantity
- The rich man paid a considerable amount of money to have an elephant as his pet.
- Ann spent considerable time getting ready for her job interview.
Ann 為了工作面試而花了相當多的時間來預備。
considerably adv. 相當地
- Teresa’s apartment is considerably smaller than her sister’s apartment.
- Edward’s business has grown considerably ever since he followed his father’s advice.
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喜樂家族 慢飛天使 5291我愛JOY,正在翻轉這個社會
On a recent Sunday morning, parents and their special-needs children enjoyed a time of singing and dancing. Although their voices and movements were far from perfect, the smiles on their faces were genuine. These families are part of Family of Joy. It's a support group for families with children who are intellectually challenged or have developmental delays.
Started in 2000, Family of Joy provides support and guidance to more than 150 families. As their children's main caregivers, parents sometimes feel a lot of stress. They are the ones who deal with the daily frustrations of raising their children. The organization is a lifeline for them because it provides resources and help. It also lets them know that they are not alone in their struggles.
Family of Joy doesn't just offer services for parents. It holds classes for children to teach them independent living skills. Dance and drum classes help them become more coordinated. Family of Joy is making a considerable difference in the lives of both parents and children.
Info Cloud
How’s the family? 家人都好嗎?
What's up, everybody? Welcome to Info Cloud.
You sound really excited today. That's not how you usually open the show on Info Cloud.
Well, I usually say: Hello, friends. Welcome to Info Cloud. But there are many ways to greet people in English, so I thought I'd do it differently today.
What is your favorite way of greeting people in English?
There's a very special expression that people say to greet people in America : How's the family?
Is that special? For us Westerners, it's something we say all the time.
It is for me. Although we do ask about people's families, we don't say it too often as an opening greeting here in Asia.
That's interesting. Well, the way we would say it is, for example: Hey, Rex, how's the family? In case you're wondering which family it's referring to, the greeting is really asking: How's your family?
You can also just say: How's your family? But "How's the family?" is more special because when we say the family, it's saying that it is special.
That's right. It's a very warm way to welcome or greet people because there's more of a friendly and intimate feel to it.
每一個地方都有一個特別的問候語,像是我長大的地方,人們會問:「你吃飽了沒啊? 」今天要跟大家介紹美國人常用的一句問候語: How’s the family? 家人都好嗎? 這是一句很溫馨的問候語,即使你跟你有點熟又不太熟的外國朋友也可以用這樣的問候語,代表你很關心他們家。
Hey John, how’s the family? Hey John,家人都好嗎? 你也可以直接說: How’s your family? 你家裡都好嗎? 只是當你用 the family 來問候他的時候,表示那是一個很特別的家,馬上就拉近距離。
Language Lab
genuine adj. 真誠的、真心的
sincere and honest
- Mark said he wanted to help but I don’t think he was being genuine.
Mark 說他想幫忙,但我不認為他是真心的。
- I appreciate Lillian because she is a genuine friend.
我很欣賞Lillian ,因為她是一位真誠的朋友。
genuine adj. 真正的、不是仿造的
actual, real, or true : not false or fake
- Rachel wanted her husband to give her a genuine diamond ring for her birthday.
Rachel 希望她先生會送他一個真的鑽石戒指當生日禮物。
genuinely adv. 真的、確實地
- Roxanne was genuinely interested in the history of the city.
Roxanne 確實對該城市的歷史有興趣。
guidance n. 指導、引導
help or advice that tells you what to do : the act or process of guiding someone or something
guide v. 引導、帶領
to direct or lead (someone)
- We will need someone to help guide us through this section of the mountain.
- It was under the guidance of Mrs. Henderson that Nelly learned how to manage an office.
Nelly 之所以會學到如何管理辦公室,是因為Henderson 太太的指導。
- Although the young prince has now become the king, he still needs some guidance from his mentor.
Billy eventually became the top student of his class thanks to the help and guidance of his teacher.
Billy 因為有他老師的幫忙及指導,成了班上的第一名。
frustration n. 沮喪、挫折感
a feeling of anger or annoyance caused by being unable to do something : the state of being frustrated
- Nora kept making mistakes and you could see the frustration on her face.
Nora 一直把事情做錯,而她臉上的表情是非常沮喪的。
- Simone was always smiling and no one could tell that she had a lot of frustration inside.
Simone 老是面帶微笑,沒有人看得出他的心情是充滿挫折感的。
frustrated adj. (一個人)非常沮喪或感到氣餒的
very angry, discouraged, or upset because of being unable to do or complete something
- If a lot of terrible things happen to me at once, I would feel frustrated.
- Caroline was so frustrated that she walked out of her office.
Caroline 因為感到氣餒而離開了她的辦公室。
considerable adj. 相當大的、非常可觀的
large in size, amount, or quantity
- The rich man paid a considerable amount of money to have an elephant as his pet.
- Ann spent considerable time getting ready for her job interview.
Ann 為了工作面試而花了相當多的時間來預備。
considerably adv. 相當地
- Teresa’s apartment is considerably smaller than her sister’s apartment.
- Edward’s business has grown considerably ever since he followed his father’s advice.
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Thursday, May 28, 2020
Be a More Eco-Conscious Business Traveler (2)
3. Cut down on water waste
When you're staying at a hotel, towels and bedsheets only get used once before they're thrown in the wash.
Fortunately, it is easy to reuse towels, sheets and other washable items. Simply notify the hotel staff that you don't want your sheets or towels washed until you're ready to check out. If you travel frequently for work, you'll save a lot of water over time.
It may be tempting to take long showers when you're not paying the water bill. But by keeping your showers short (less than 10 minutes), you can cut your water use by at least 50 percent.
4. Bring reusable items from home
Traveling can lead to waste with single-use, plastic or Styrofoam cups, bottles and similar items. These items are particularly bad for the environment as they can take decades to break down. Bringing reusable items from home can help you substantially cut down on your plastic use while traveling.
What you should bring will depend on the kind of single-use items you frequently use. For example, consider bringing your own eating utensils. Another good item is a water bottle. Finally, if you want to do any shopping, bring your own shopping bag.
Consider implementing one of these eco-conscious choices on your next business trip.
Info Cloud
make a mark
Welcome back to Info Cloud, friends. Anne Marie, you like to read, right? What is your favorite kind of book?
I love reading books that talk about people who've made a mark on this world.
Mark? Oh. I know what you mean. When my daughter was small, she drew on the walls of our house with crayon. Those kinds of marks are hard to get rid of.
Uh, well, the kinds of marks I'm talking about are also long-lasting. But this phrase is describing people who've made a difference in this world, those who've changed it for the better or made a permanent change.
Oh, right, like Elon Musk. He has really made a mark in the field of technology.
Sure, or Greta Thunberg. She really made her mark in regards to environmental activism last year and became Time Magazine's Person of the Year because of it.
I hope I can leave my mark on society as well. I want people to remember me as a proficient singer and English teacher.
I'm sure you will, Rex. How about you? How will you leave your mark on this world?
今天要跟大家分享的流行用語是 make a mark,字面上是留下記號,像是小孩子在牆壁上塗鴉,留下的這種記號。不過,make a mark 有更深一層的意義,就是為這個世界帶來重大的改變。例如,Elon Musk really made a mark in the field of technology. Elon Musk 馬斯克為科技領域帶來了重大的影響和改變。
除了全球性的改變之外,你也可以在我們生活的社會上,用自己的方式 make a mark,I want people to remember me as a proficient teacher. 我要人們記得我是一位很好的英文老師。不曉得你想用什麼樣的方式,在這個世界上 make a mark?
Language Lab
notify v. 通知 notification (n) 通知、通知書
to tell (someone) officially about something
- When the store clerk realized someone had stolen some things from the store, he notified the police.
- Can someone notify the front desk and let them know the faucet in this bathroom is leaking?
notification n. 通知、通知書
- something that gives official information to someone : the act of notifying someone
There are rumors about our work hours being changed, but nothing is official until we get the notification from the boss.
- Erika never got the notification from her company about the new insurance plan.
Erika 從沒收到公司關於新保險契約的通知。
tempting adj. 很誘人的、讓人忍不住的
causing an urge or desire to have or do something
- On a cold winter morning, it is tempting to stay under the blanket just a little bit longer.
- It is tempting to eat a second piece of cake.
tempt v. 引誘、誘惑
to cause (someone) to do or want to do something even though it may be wrong, bad, or unwise
- Raymond in thinking about changing jobs because he is tempted by the other company’s higher pay.
Raymond 有打算要換工作,因為他被另外一家公司的高薪吸引。
temptation n. 誘惑
a strong urge or desire to have or do something
- For a person trying to lose weight, a cake shop is a place filled with temptations.
substantially adv. 很大程度地
very much : a lot
- Prices of goods have risen substantially ever since the price of oil has gone up.
- The city population has grown substantially over the last fifteen years.
substantial adj.大的、重大的
large in amount, size, or number
- Kate was surprised to find a substantial amount of money hidden under the mattress.
Kate 在床墊底下找到數目可觀的一筆錢,讓她感到驚訝。
- To fix this house would require a substantial amount of work.
utensil n. 用具、器具
a simple and useful device that is used for doing tasks in a person's home and especially in the kitchen
eating utensil n. 餐具
- When you have finished your food, please put your plate and eating utensils in the sink.
kitchen utensil n. 廚具
- Cynthia can’t have too many kitchen utensils because her kitchen is very small.
Cynthia 不能有太多廚具,因為廚房非常小。
cooking utensil n. 烹飪用具
- Evelyn keeps her cooking utensils in the drawer next to her stove.
Evelyn 把她的烹飪用具放到在瓦斯爐旁邊的抽屜裡。
writing utensil n. 書寫工具 (筆)
- When you come to the meeting, please bring a writing utensil and a piece of paper with you.
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When you're staying at a hotel, towels and bedsheets only get used once before they're thrown in the wash.
Fortunately, it is easy to reuse towels, sheets and other washable items. Simply notify the hotel staff that you don't want your sheets or towels washed until you're ready to check out. If you travel frequently for work, you'll save a lot of water over time.
It may be tempting to take long showers when you're not paying the water bill. But by keeping your showers short (less than 10 minutes), you can cut your water use by at least 50 percent.
4. Bring reusable items from home
Traveling can lead to waste with single-use, plastic or Styrofoam cups, bottles and similar items. These items are particularly bad for the environment as they can take decades to break down. Bringing reusable items from home can help you substantially cut down on your plastic use while traveling.
What you should bring will depend on the kind of single-use items you frequently use. For example, consider bringing your own eating utensils. Another good item is a water bottle. Finally, if you want to do any shopping, bring your own shopping bag.
Consider implementing one of these eco-conscious choices on your next business trip.
Info Cloud
make a mark
Welcome back to Info Cloud, friends. Anne Marie, you like to read, right? What is your favorite kind of book?
I love reading books that talk about people who've made a mark on this world.
Mark? Oh. I know what you mean. When my daughter was small, she drew on the walls of our house with crayon. Those kinds of marks are hard to get rid of.
Uh, well, the kinds of marks I'm talking about are also long-lasting. But this phrase is describing people who've made a difference in this world, those who've changed it for the better or made a permanent change.
Oh, right, like Elon Musk. He has really made a mark in the field of technology.
Sure, or Greta Thunberg. She really made her mark in regards to environmental activism last year and became Time Magazine's Person of the Year because of it.
I hope I can leave my mark on society as well. I want people to remember me as a proficient singer and English teacher.
I'm sure you will, Rex. How about you? How will you leave your mark on this world?
今天要跟大家分享的流行用語是 make a mark,字面上是留下記號,像是小孩子在牆壁上塗鴉,留下的這種記號。不過,make a mark 有更深一層的意義,就是為這個世界帶來重大的改變。例如,Elon Musk really made a mark in the field of technology. Elon Musk 馬斯克為科技領域帶來了重大的影響和改變。
除了全球性的改變之外,你也可以在我們生活的社會上,用自己的方式 make a mark,I want people to remember me as a proficient teacher. 我要人們記得我是一位很好的英文老師。不曉得你想用什麼樣的方式,在這個世界上 make a mark?
Language Lab
notify v. 通知 notification (n) 通知、通知書
to tell (someone) officially about something
- When the store clerk realized someone had stolen some things from the store, he notified the police.
- Can someone notify the front desk and let them know the faucet in this bathroom is leaking?
notification n. 通知、通知書
- something that gives official information to someone : the act of notifying someone
There are rumors about our work hours being changed, but nothing is official until we get the notification from the boss.
- Erika never got the notification from her company about the new insurance plan.
Erika 從沒收到公司關於新保險契約的通知。
tempting adj. 很誘人的、讓人忍不住的
causing an urge or desire to have or do something
- On a cold winter morning, it is tempting to stay under the blanket just a little bit longer.
- It is tempting to eat a second piece of cake.
tempt v. 引誘、誘惑
to cause (someone) to do or want to do something even though it may be wrong, bad, or unwise
- Raymond in thinking about changing jobs because he is tempted by the other company’s higher pay.
Raymond 有打算要換工作,因為他被另外一家公司的高薪吸引。
temptation n. 誘惑
a strong urge or desire to have or do something
- For a person trying to lose weight, a cake shop is a place filled with temptations.
substantially adv. 很大程度地
very much : a lot
- Prices of goods have risen substantially ever since the price of oil has gone up.
- The city population has grown substantially over the last fifteen years.
substantial adj.大的、重大的
large in amount, size, or number
- Kate was surprised to find a substantial amount of money hidden under the mattress.
Kate 在床墊底下找到數目可觀的一筆錢,讓她感到驚訝。
- To fix this house would require a substantial amount of work.
utensil n. 用具、器具
a simple and useful device that is used for doing tasks in a person's home and especially in the kitchen
eating utensil n. 餐具
- When you have finished your food, please put your plate and eating utensils in the sink.
kitchen utensil n. 廚具
- Cynthia can’t have too many kitchen utensils because her kitchen is very small.
Cynthia 不能有太多廚具,因為廚房非常小。
cooking utensil n. 烹飪用具
- Evelyn keeps her cooking utensils in the drawer next to her stove.
Evelyn 把她的烹飪用具放到在瓦斯爐旁邊的抽屜裡。
writing utensil n. 書寫工具 (筆)
- When you come to the meeting, please bring a writing utensil and a piece of paper with you.
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Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Be a More Eco-Conscious Business Traveler (1)
Be a More Eco-Conscious Business Traveler Consider these tips the next time you travel
旅行也可以很低碳 下次出差旅行時,不妨試試這些技巧
As individuals take more interest in their carbon footprint, governments and corporations have begun implementing drastic changes to help protect the environment. When you're always on the go for work, even small, eco-friendly decisions can make a huge difference.
Let's take a look at the best and easiest ways to be more eco-conscious.
1. Opt for public transit
If you're traveling locally to your next business meeting, consider using public transit. In most urban and suburban areas, you can find public transportation to get you to your destination. Using trains and buses helps minimize carbon emissions.
The majority of business flights are domestic, so trading in your flight for a train or bus ticket is one of the best eco-conscious decisions you can make. That said, you will need to plan well in advance.
2. Fly direct to your destination
If you're traveling overseas or need to get across the country for an important business meeting the next day, air travel is best. However, there are still ways to minimize your impact on the environment.
When your flight makes multiple stops, this requires additional fuel and greatly increases the plane's emissions. However, if you fly direct, the emissions are reduced to the absolute minimum.
Info Cloud
footprint 腳印; 代表一樣東西在地上佔的面積; 影響力
Hello, everyone. And welcome to Info Cloud. Today I want to ask you a serious question. Have you ever thought about your footprints?
Now Anne Marie isn't talking about the tracks you make in the dirt when you walk, but she is talking about your mark on the planet.
A footprint is, as Rex says, a print on the ground. But we use footprint to mean the space that something takes or the impact that it has.
For buildings, we usually say they have a big or small footprint, depending on the size of what is touching the ground.
But for a person, their footprint isn't just simply how much physical space they take up. It also refers to the impact that they have on the world.
People who say they are trying to decrease their footprint mean that they are trying to reduce the resources they use, like water or electricity.
You might have heard of the term "carbon footprint." It has the same meaning. That means the impact of something on the planet.
But a carbon footprint has a special meaning. It refers to the amount of carbon containing gases produced by something, like airplanes using fuel.
Another name for those gases are greenhouse gases. So a company like an airline that tries to reduce its carbon footprint is trying to reduce its impact on the environment.
人的腳印和足跡可以代表很多意義,今天要跟大家分享 footprint 腳印的不同用法。
除了腳印之外,footprint 可以代表一樣東西在地上佔的面積。例如,That building has left a large footprint in this area. 那棟建築物在這個地區的面積很大。
footprint 還有另外一個更深層的意義,那就是影響力。The company has grown its footprint all over the world. 這家公司的影響力遍及全球,可能他們在全世界都有分公司,或者是他們的產品在各地相當受歡迎。
Language Lab
opt v. 選擇
to choose one thing instead of another — often + for
- Susan opted for economy class because she didn’t want to pay too much for her airplane ticket. Susan 選擇經濟艙,因為她不想付太多機票錢。
- Natalie opted to stay a little longer in Miami.
Natalie 選擇在邁阿密多留久一點。
opt out ph v. 選擇退出 (活動、團體組織)
an opportunity to choose not to do or take part in something
- If you are not happy with how things are done with this group, you can always opt out.
opt in ph v = phrasal verb 選擇加入 (活動團體、計畫)
to choose to do or be involved in something
- There is a special program that is not open to the public, but our club members are given the choice to opt in.
minimize v. 減少到最少量/最低的限度
to make (something bad or not wanted) as small as possible
- It is everyone’s job to minimize fire risk during the hot dry season.
- The restaurant isn’t doing well, so they’re trying to minimize costs.
minimize v. 淡化、輕描淡寫
to treat or describe (something) as smaller or less important than it is
- The people are angry because there is no food, but the governor continues to minimize the problem.
minimize v. 讓電腦螢幕上的東西變小/縮小
computers : to make (a program's window) change to a very small form that takes almost no room on a computer's screen
- Julie wants to minimize the page on her screen, but she doesn’t know how to do it.
Julie 想把螢幕上那頁縮小,但是她不知道該怎麼做。
domestic adj. 國內的; 本國的
of, relating to, or made in your own country
- Domestic travelers do not need to carry a passport.
- According to the economist, the domestic market isn’t doing very well, but hopefully things will be better by the end of the year.
domestic adj. 家裡的、家庭的
always used before a noun : relating to or involving someone's home or family
- Peggy had to hire a domestic helper because she is not able to do all the house chores herself.
Peggy 必須要雇用一個幫傭,因為她無法一個人把家事做完。
eco-conscious adj. 有生態意識的、有環境保護意識的 [eco’ 生態、環境]
marked by or showing concern for the environment
conscious adj. 意識的
awake and able to understand what is happening around you
- Donna was conscious of the fact that no one in the office was happy.
Donna 有意識到辦公室沒有一個人是開心的。
- When Martha goes shopping, she tries to look for eco-conscious options.
Martha 購買東西時,會尋求有環保意識的商品。
health-conscious adj. 注重健康的
concerned about how healthy one's diet and lifestyle are.
- The health-conscious customer ordered a salad.
self-conscious adj. 注重自己的行為或長相
feeling undue awareness of oneself, one's appearance, or one's actions.
- Jenny is feeling self-conscious because she thinks her hairstyle is ugly.
Jenny 感到非常不自在,因為她認為她的髮型很醜。
旅行也可以很低碳 下次出差旅行時,不妨試試這些技巧
As individuals take more interest in their carbon footprint, governments and corporations have begun implementing drastic changes to help protect the environment. When you're always on the go for work, even small, eco-friendly decisions can make a huge difference.
Let's take a look at the best and easiest ways to be more eco-conscious.
1. Opt for public transit
If you're traveling locally to your next business meeting, consider using public transit. In most urban and suburban areas, you can find public transportation to get you to your destination. Using trains and buses helps minimize carbon emissions.
The majority of business flights are domestic, so trading in your flight for a train or bus ticket is one of the best eco-conscious decisions you can make. That said, you will need to plan well in advance.
2. Fly direct to your destination
If you're traveling overseas or need to get across the country for an important business meeting the next day, air travel is best. However, there are still ways to minimize your impact on the environment.
When your flight makes multiple stops, this requires additional fuel and greatly increases the plane's emissions. However, if you fly direct, the emissions are reduced to the absolute minimum.
Info Cloud
footprint 腳印; 代表一樣東西在地上佔的面積; 影響力
Hello, everyone. And welcome to Info Cloud. Today I want to ask you a serious question. Have you ever thought about your footprints?
Now Anne Marie isn't talking about the tracks you make in the dirt when you walk, but she is talking about your mark on the planet.
A footprint is, as Rex says, a print on the ground. But we use footprint to mean the space that something takes or the impact that it has.
For buildings, we usually say they have a big or small footprint, depending on the size of what is touching the ground.
But for a person, their footprint isn't just simply how much physical space they take up. It also refers to the impact that they have on the world.
People who say they are trying to decrease their footprint mean that they are trying to reduce the resources they use, like water or electricity.
You might have heard of the term "carbon footprint." It has the same meaning. That means the impact of something on the planet.
But a carbon footprint has a special meaning. It refers to the amount of carbon containing gases produced by something, like airplanes using fuel.
Another name for those gases are greenhouse gases. So a company like an airline that tries to reduce its carbon footprint is trying to reduce its impact on the environment.
人的腳印和足跡可以代表很多意義,今天要跟大家分享 footprint 腳印的不同用法。
除了腳印之外,footprint 可以代表一樣東西在地上佔的面積。例如,That building has left a large footprint in this area. 那棟建築物在這個地區的面積很大。
footprint 還有另外一個更深層的意義,那就是影響力。The company has grown its footprint all over the world. 這家公司的影響力遍及全球,可能他們在全世界都有分公司,或者是他們的產品在各地相當受歡迎。
Language Lab
opt v. 選擇
to choose one thing instead of another — often + for
- Susan opted for economy class because she didn’t want to pay too much for her airplane ticket. Susan 選擇經濟艙,因為她不想付太多機票錢。
- Natalie opted to stay a little longer in Miami.
Natalie 選擇在邁阿密多留久一點。
opt out ph v. 選擇退出 (活動、團體組織)
an opportunity to choose not to do or take part in something
- If you are not happy with how things are done with this group, you can always opt out.
opt in ph v = phrasal verb 選擇加入 (活動團體、計畫)
to choose to do or be involved in something
- There is a special program that is not open to the public, but our club members are given the choice to opt in.
minimize v. 減少到最少量/最低的限度
to make (something bad or not wanted) as small as possible
- It is everyone’s job to minimize fire risk during the hot dry season.
- The restaurant isn’t doing well, so they’re trying to minimize costs.
minimize v. 淡化、輕描淡寫
to treat or describe (something) as smaller or less important than it is
- The people are angry because there is no food, but the governor continues to minimize the problem.
minimize v. 讓電腦螢幕上的東西變小/縮小
computers : to make (a program's window) change to a very small form that takes almost no room on a computer's screen
- Julie wants to minimize the page on her screen, but she doesn’t know how to do it.
Julie 想把螢幕上那頁縮小,但是她不知道該怎麼做。
domestic adj. 國內的; 本國的
of, relating to, or made in your own country
- Domestic travelers do not need to carry a passport.
- According to the economist, the domestic market isn’t doing very well, but hopefully things will be better by the end of the year.
domestic adj. 家裡的、家庭的
always used before a noun : relating to or involving someone's home or family
- Peggy had to hire a domestic helper because she is not able to do all the house chores herself.
Peggy 必須要雇用一個幫傭,因為她無法一個人把家事做完。
eco-conscious adj. 有生態意識的、有環境保護意識的 [eco’ 生態、環境]
marked by or showing concern for the environment
conscious adj. 意識的
awake and able to understand what is happening around you
- Donna was conscious of the fact that no one in the office was happy.
Donna 有意識到辦公室沒有一個人是開心的。
- When Martha goes shopping, she tries to look for eco-conscious options.
Martha 購買東西時,會尋求有環保意識的商品。
health-conscious adj. 注重健康的
concerned about how healthy one's diet and lifestyle are.
- The health-conscious customer ordered a salad.
self-conscious adj. 注重自己的行為或長相
feeling undue awareness of oneself, one's appearance, or one's actions.
- Jenny is feeling self-conscious because she thinks her hairstyle is ugly.
Jenny 感到非常不自在,因為她認為她的髮型很醜。
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Avoid Overcommitment (2)
One tool that may be helpful in avoiding overcommitment is a calendar. Schedule times for everything you need to do - including taking care of yourself. But don't feel compelled to fill every blank space.
It's also worth looking at your current commitments. Do your commitments actually match your priorities? Could you give up some of them or pass them off to other people?
Learning how to say no politely but firmly also helps with overcommitment.
It helps to have a good sense of what your priorities are so that you can say yes or no when appropriate.
I have a rule that I never immediately agree to any long-term time commitments. I always ask for some time to think. That's because my first instinct is usually to say yes, even if I don't really have time. Having time to think about a potential assignment gives me space to say no if I need to.
Saying no to things you don't have time to do well frees you up to say yes to what truly matters.
Info Cloud
Time is money. 時間就是金錢。提醒大家時間真的是非常寶貴。
Hello, friends. Welcome to Info Cloud. Today I'd like to share with you a very common but important concept: Time is money.
Hmm. Rex, I think that most people have heard that before.
I know. But not a lot of people knows its origin and the deeper significance of this saying.
Well, when people say time is money, it is to remind us that time is precious, don't waste any of it.
Yes, that's the basic idea. The saying that time is money was originally written by Benjamin Franklin back in the 18th century.
That's interesting. I always thought time is money was a modern concept.
Benjamin Franklin wrote it to remind young people that being lazy could cost you a lot because you could use the time you waste to make more money.
When you say time is money, it doesn't necessarily have to be used to encourage people to use time to make money. It can be used just to remind people that time is precious.
相信大部分的人都聽過這句話 Time is money. 時間就是金錢。這句話是用來形容浪費時間等於是浪費金錢。很多人以為Time is money. 是一句現代的流行用語,但其實這是美國的富蘭克林早在十八世紀的一篇文章中就寫下的一句話,用來提醒年輕人你浪費掉的時間,原本可以讓你靠著勞力,賺取更多的金錢。不過,Time is money. 並不一定是在鼓勵人們去賺錢,而是提醒大家時間真的是非常寶貴。
Language Lab
compel v. 強迫
to force (someone) to do something
- Vince didn’t want to buy anything from the child at first, but when he saw the child’s dirty clothes, he felt compelled to buy something from him.
Vince 原本不想跟小朋友買東西,但是他一看到小孩的衣服有多髒,就不得不跟他買東西。 - -- Melissa doesn’t like to wear dresses, but she was compelled to wear one when she joined a choir.
Melissa 不喜歡穿裙子,但是她加入合唱團後,就被迫要穿裙子。
- All the children who got sick were compelled to stay at home.
priority n. 優先考慮的事情 prioritize
something that is more important than other things and that needs to be done or dealt with first
- Fred didn’t handle the situation immediately because it was not a priority to him.
Fred 沒有馬上處理狀況,因為那件事對他而言比較不重要。
- In order for the team to get this assignment done on time, every team member was asked to treat the assignment as their first priority.
prioritize v. 決定事情的優先順序
to organize (things) so that the most important thing is done or dealt with first
- Jimmy could never get anything done because he never prioritized his work.
Jimmy 老是無法把他該做的事情做完,因為他不會判斷事情的優先次序。
- Janice wants to prioritize her commitments, but everything just seems equally important to her.
Janice 想要決定她該做的事情的優先次序,但是每一件事情似乎都對她很重要。
appropriate adj. 適當的
right or suited for some purpose or situation
- What Karen said to the group was not appropriate, and it is no wonder that everyone is mad at her now.
Karen 在大家面前說的話很不恰當,難怪現在大家都在生她的氣。
- I have never been to a celebration like that, so I do not know what would make an appropriate gift.
- The visitor was asked to leave the religious center because her clothes were not appropriate.
instinct n. 直覺
something you know without learning it or thinking about it
- You might not know what to do in this situation, but what is your instinct telling you?
instinct n. 本能
a way of behaving, thinking, or feeling that is not learned : a natural desire or tendency that makes you want to act in a particular way
It is by instinct that baby sea turtles go into the ocean after they come out of their eggs.
instinctive adj. 直覺的、本能的
relating to or based on instinct : based on feelings or desires that do not come from thinking or learning
- The minute Rita heard her baby cry, her instinctive response was to lift him up and hold him.
Rita 一聽到她的寶寶在哭,就很自然地把他抱起來。
- It is fascinating to watch a bird build a nest because it is an instinctive thing for the bird to do.
It's also worth looking at your current commitments. Do your commitments actually match your priorities? Could you give up some of them or pass them off to other people?
Learning how to say no politely but firmly also helps with overcommitment.
It helps to have a good sense of what your priorities are so that you can say yes or no when appropriate.
I have a rule that I never immediately agree to any long-term time commitments. I always ask for some time to think. That's because my first instinct is usually to say yes, even if I don't really have time. Having time to think about a potential assignment gives me space to say no if I need to.
Saying no to things you don't have time to do well frees you up to say yes to what truly matters.
Info Cloud
Time is money. 時間就是金錢。提醒大家時間真的是非常寶貴。
Hello, friends. Welcome to Info Cloud. Today I'd like to share with you a very common but important concept: Time is money.
Hmm. Rex, I think that most people have heard that before.
I know. But not a lot of people knows its origin and the deeper significance of this saying.
Well, when people say time is money, it is to remind us that time is precious, don't waste any of it.
Yes, that's the basic idea. The saying that time is money was originally written by Benjamin Franklin back in the 18th century.
That's interesting. I always thought time is money was a modern concept.
Benjamin Franklin wrote it to remind young people that being lazy could cost you a lot because you could use the time you waste to make more money.
When you say time is money, it doesn't necessarily have to be used to encourage people to use time to make money. It can be used just to remind people that time is precious.
相信大部分的人都聽過這句話 Time is money. 時間就是金錢。這句話是用來形容浪費時間等於是浪費金錢。很多人以為Time is money. 是一句現代的流行用語,但其實這是美國的富蘭克林早在十八世紀的一篇文章中就寫下的一句話,用來提醒年輕人你浪費掉的時間,原本可以讓你靠著勞力,賺取更多的金錢。不過,Time is money. 並不一定是在鼓勵人們去賺錢,而是提醒大家時間真的是非常寶貴。
Language Lab
compel v. 強迫
to force (someone) to do something
- Vince didn’t want to buy anything from the child at first, but when he saw the child’s dirty clothes, he felt compelled to buy something from him.
Vince 原本不想跟小朋友買東西,但是他一看到小孩的衣服有多髒,就不得不跟他買東西。 - -- Melissa doesn’t like to wear dresses, but she was compelled to wear one when she joined a choir.
Melissa 不喜歡穿裙子,但是她加入合唱團後,就被迫要穿裙子。
- All the children who got sick were compelled to stay at home.
priority n. 優先考慮的事情 prioritize
something that is more important than other things and that needs to be done or dealt with first
- Fred didn’t handle the situation immediately because it was not a priority to him.
Fred 沒有馬上處理狀況,因為那件事對他而言比較不重要。
- In order for the team to get this assignment done on time, every team member was asked to treat the assignment as their first priority.
prioritize v. 決定事情的優先順序
to organize (things) so that the most important thing is done or dealt with first
- Jimmy could never get anything done because he never prioritized his work.
Jimmy 老是無法把他該做的事情做完,因為他不會判斷事情的優先次序。
- Janice wants to prioritize her commitments, but everything just seems equally important to her.
Janice 想要決定她該做的事情的優先次序,但是每一件事情似乎都對她很重要。
appropriate adj. 適當的
right or suited for some purpose or situation
- What Karen said to the group was not appropriate, and it is no wonder that everyone is mad at her now.
Karen 在大家面前說的話很不恰當,難怪現在大家都在生她的氣。
- I have never been to a celebration like that, so I do not know what would make an appropriate gift.
- The visitor was asked to leave the religious center because her clothes were not appropriate.
instinct n. 直覺
something you know without learning it or thinking about it
- You might not know what to do in this situation, but what is your instinct telling you?
instinct n. 本能
a way of behaving, thinking, or feeling that is not learned : a natural desire or tendency that makes you want to act in a particular way
It is by instinct that baby sea turtles go into the ocean after they come out of their eggs.
instinctive adj. 直覺的、本能的
relating to or based on instinct : based on feelings or desires that do not come from thinking or learning
- The minute Rita heard her baby cry, her instinctive response was to lift him up and hold him.
Rita 一聽到她的寶寶在哭,就很自然地把他抱起來。
- It is fascinating to watch a bird build a nest because it is an instinctive thing for the bird to do.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Avoid Overcommitment (1)
Set yourself up for success by not taking on too much
過度承諾 低度實踐?! 避免過重負荷 為成功做準備
Have you ever agreed to do something only to find out later that you don't have time? Are you constantly stressed from rushing from one assignment to another? If so, you may have a problem with overcommitment.
Overcommitment happens when you decide to do more things than you realistically have time to do. When this happens, the quality of your work suffers. Your quality of live also suffers because overcommitment leaves you less time to take care of yourself. It's preferable to do one or two things well than to do 10 things poorly - or worse, to back out once you've agreed to something.
Time management coach Elizabeth Saunders suggests creating a budget for your time like you do with money. The total amount of time you have each day equals 24 hours minus the time you need for basic wellness activities. These include things like sleeping, eating and showering. Saunders suggests adding up your time commitments to other people and the time needed to meet your personal goals. If that total is greater than the amount of time you have each day, you have a problem.
Info Cloud
ahead of one’s time
Hello, friends. Welcome to Info Cloud. Rex, I see you're using your iPhone and Apple computer a lot in the office. Are you a big Apple fan?
Oh, yes. I was really a big fan of the late Steve Jobs because I thought he was very innovative and brilliant with almost every product he launches. He was ahead of our time.
That's a great way to put it. When we describe someone as ahead of their time, it means they are more innovative and ahead of everyone else in the era they are living in.
Although being ahead of someone's time implies someone is smarter or more advanced than everyone in a particular era, it's not always a good time for that person.
What do you mean by that?
Well, have you heard of pioneers having arrows on their back? An example would be the great musician Mozart. He died very young and poor.
Oh. I see what you mean. If someone is too ahead of their time, their work might not be accepted by people living during their time.
很多人認為已故的蘋果創辦人賈伯斯 Steve Jobs是時代的先驅,推出了許多我們意想不到的科技產品,我們可以說: Steve Jobs was ahead of his time. 賈伯斯走在時代的尖端,他比當代任何人都更加的創新。
ahead of one’s time 就是比當代所有的人都還要先進的意思,不過,並不是所有時代先驅都像Steve Jobs活著的時候,這麼樣有成就,如果 too ahead of one’s time 太過於先進,可能會被時代拒絕,像是音樂神童莫札特最後就在窮極潦倒的景況中,三十五歲就離開世界。
Language Lab
realistically adv. 實際地、現實地; 非常逼真或寫實地
realistic adj. 某情況和真的一樣
based on what is real rather than on what is wanted or hoped for : sensible and appropriate
- The idea may sound great, but unfortunately, it’s not realistic.
realistic adj. 某情況和真的一樣
able to see things as they really are and to deal with them in a practical way
- The actor did his best on the stage, but with the bad make-up and costume, the effect wasn’t very realistic.
realistically adv. 實際地、現實地
- The airline told us we would need to wait for less than half an hour, but realistically, we knew the delay would be a long one.
realistically adv. 非常逼真或寫實地
- The author wrote about life in the slums, and his characters are realistically presented.
preferable adj. 比較適合的、比較好的
better or more desirable
- A hot cup of coffee would be preferable on a cold day like this.
- When I travel by plane, a window seat is always preferable.
prefer v. 比較喜歡、寧可
to like (someone or something) better than someone or something else
- Harley would prefer to eat at home.
Harley 寧可在家裡吃。
- Sandy would prefer to go to Tokyo than to Macau.
Sandy 比較喜歡去東京勝過去澳門。
wellness n. 生活作息方面的健康程度
the quality or state of being healthy
- After a year of hard work and a lot of stress, Annette has decided to focus on her health and wellness.
Annette 辛苦工作一年後加上壓力又大,她下定決心要更注意自己的生活品質和健康。
- James has a new job and is spending more time with his family now, and all these changes are bringing him greater wellness.
James 換了工作後,並開始多陪家人,所以能夠為他自己的生活健康加分。
- You might have a healthy diet and exercise regularly, but if you don’t deal with your stress, it will affect your mental wellness.
commitment n. 需要做的事情
a promise to do or give something
- I cannot help you with your work because I have a lot of other commitments already.
- Megan’s job keeps her very busy, so she doesn’t want to have any other commitments.
commitment n. 保證、承諾
a promise to be loyal to someone or something
- Tiffany has made a commitment to help the children in the orphanage.
Tiffany 有承諾要幫助兒童之家的小朋友們。
- It is hard to work in a refugee camp, but the nurses have demonstrated total commitment to the people.
過度承諾 低度實踐?! 避免過重負荷 為成功做準備
Have you ever agreed to do something only to find out later that you don't have time? Are you constantly stressed from rushing from one assignment to another? If so, you may have a problem with overcommitment.
Overcommitment happens when you decide to do more things than you realistically have time to do. When this happens, the quality of your work suffers. Your quality of live also suffers because overcommitment leaves you less time to take care of yourself. It's preferable to do one or two things well than to do 10 things poorly - or worse, to back out once you've agreed to something.
Time management coach Elizabeth Saunders suggests creating a budget for your time like you do with money. The total amount of time you have each day equals 24 hours minus the time you need for basic wellness activities. These include things like sleeping, eating and showering. Saunders suggests adding up your time commitments to other people and the time needed to meet your personal goals. If that total is greater than the amount of time you have each day, you have a problem.
Info Cloud
ahead of one’s time
Hello, friends. Welcome to Info Cloud. Rex, I see you're using your iPhone and Apple computer a lot in the office. Are you a big Apple fan?
Oh, yes. I was really a big fan of the late Steve Jobs because I thought he was very innovative and brilliant with almost every product he launches. He was ahead of our time.
That's a great way to put it. When we describe someone as ahead of their time, it means they are more innovative and ahead of everyone else in the era they are living in.
Although being ahead of someone's time implies someone is smarter or more advanced than everyone in a particular era, it's not always a good time for that person.
What do you mean by that?
Well, have you heard of pioneers having arrows on their back? An example would be the great musician Mozart. He died very young and poor.
Oh. I see what you mean. If someone is too ahead of their time, their work might not be accepted by people living during their time.
很多人認為已故的蘋果創辦人賈伯斯 Steve Jobs是時代的先驅,推出了許多我們意想不到的科技產品,我們可以說: Steve Jobs was ahead of his time. 賈伯斯走在時代的尖端,他比當代任何人都更加的創新。
ahead of one’s time 就是比當代所有的人都還要先進的意思,不過,並不是所有時代先驅都像Steve Jobs活著的時候,這麼樣有成就,如果 too ahead of one’s time 太過於先進,可能會被時代拒絕,像是音樂神童莫札特最後就在窮極潦倒的景況中,三十五歲就離開世界。
Language Lab
realistically adv. 實際地、現實地; 非常逼真或寫實地
realistic adj. 某情況和真的一樣
based on what is real rather than on what is wanted or hoped for : sensible and appropriate
- The idea may sound great, but unfortunately, it’s not realistic.
realistic adj. 某情況和真的一樣
able to see things as they really are and to deal with them in a practical way
- The actor did his best on the stage, but with the bad make-up and costume, the effect wasn’t very realistic.
realistically adv. 實際地、現實地
- The airline told us we would need to wait for less than half an hour, but realistically, we knew the delay would be a long one.
realistically adv. 非常逼真或寫實地
- The author wrote about life in the slums, and his characters are realistically presented.
preferable adj. 比較適合的、比較好的
better or more desirable
- A hot cup of coffee would be preferable on a cold day like this.
- When I travel by plane, a window seat is always preferable.
prefer v. 比較喜歡、寧可
to like (someone or something) better than someone or something else
- Harley would prefer to eat at home.
Harley 寧可在家裡吃。
- Sandy would prefer to go to Tokyo than to Macau.
Sandy 比較喜歡去東京勝過去澳門。
wellness n. 生活作息方面的健康程度
the quality or state of being healthy
- After a year of hard work and a lot of stress, Annette has decided to focus on her health and wellness.
Annette 辛苦工作一年後加上壓力又大,她下定決心要更注意自己的生活品質和健康。
- James has a new job and is spending more time with his family now, and all these changes are bringing him greater wellness.
James 換了工作後,並開始多陪家人,所以能夠為他自己的生活健康加分。
- You might have a healthy diet and exercise regularly, but if you don’t deal with your stress, it will affect your mental wellness.
commitment n. 需要做的事情
a promise to do or give something
- I cannot help you with your work because I have a lot of other commitments already.
- Megan’s job keeps her very busy, so she doesn’t want to have any other commitments.
commitment n. 保證、承諾
a promise to be loyal to someone or something
- Tiffany has made a commitment to help the children in the orphanage.
Tiffany 有承諾要幫助兒童之家的小朋友們。
- It is hard to work in a refugee camp, but the nurses have demonstrated total commitment to the people.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Why Do We Say That?
Stories behind the words we use
詞彙濫觴 一些尋常字詞背後的源起故事
Technology changes over time. But sometimes expressions that go along with old technology stay long after the change. Let's look at some examples!
"Roll up/ down the window"
In modern cars, we open or close the windows by pushing a button. But we used to open and close car windows with a manual crank. The crank needed to be turned or "rolled" a few times before the window fully opened or closed. We might use a different expression in the future. But for now, we still roll car windows up or down.
"Hang up the phone"
In today's digital world, we end our phone calls by touching a screen. However, phones used to have two parts: a base and a receiver. To talk on the phone, people would pick up the receiver and speak into it. To end the call, they would hang the receiver back onto the base. In many homes, there would be only one phone. If someone needed the phone while it was being used, they would say, "Hang up the phone!"
Info Cloud
used to
Hello, everyone, and welcome to Info Cloud. Hey, Rex. Do you ever wear a watch?
I used to, but now I'm used to just using my phone. So I really never wear a watch anymore.
You know, we should probably talk about the different ways we use the phrase, used to. It means different things depending on how it's used.
When we say we used to and then follow it with a verb, that means that we did something in the past but we no longer do it.
Before I became a mom, I used to stay up late almost every night. But now I consider myself lucky if I can get to sleep before 11.
If we say that someone is or was used to doing something, that means that it is something that they do all the time or as a habit.
I'm used to having my coffee with sugar. I really don't like drinking it any other way.
So Anne Marie always has sugar in her coffee. She doesn't mean that she doesn't drink coffee with sugar anymore.
Actually, I used to drink coffee all the time. But now that I live in a place with delicious tea, I often drink tea instead of coffee.
如果你跟外國人交談,可能會很常聽到 used to 這個用語,像是 I’m used to having my phone with me. 意思就是我現在習慣手機不離身。
used to 在這裡代表你已經習慣一件事情。
used to 還有另外一個意思,如果你在used to 後面加上現在式的動詞,那就表示最近很頻繁或是有習慣地做這一件事,像是 I used to stay up late almost every night. 我曾經每個晚上都很晚睡。
在這裡要特別說明一下,used to 當作動詞使用,像是 I used to 那就是曾經有習慣地做這一件事情;如果當作一種形容詞,像是 I am used to 那就是我現在已經習慣做一件事情,不曉得這樣子有沒有比較清楚。
Language Lab
expression n. 詞語
a word or phrase
- Nobody really liked Harrow’s speech because he used a lot of old expressions.
expression n. 表情
the way someone's face looks that shows emotions and feelings
- Evit didn’t say anything about her food, but we could tell by the expression on her face that she didn’t like it.
Evit 雖然對他的食物沒有評語,但是光看她的表情就知道她不滿意。
expression n. 表達
the act of making your thoughts, feelings, etc., known by speech, writing, or some other method : the act of expressing something
- Janice’s outfit might look strange, but it is just her artistic expression.
- You might disagree with some of the ideas in this meeting, but we do want to respect everyone’s freedom of expression.
manual adj. 手動的; 手工的; 靠體力的
of or relating to using the hands;
operated or controlled with the hands or by a person;
operated only with the hands and without electric power;
doing or involving hard physical work;
- Katherine wanted to get a manual dishwasher because it saves more energy in water, than an automatic dishwasher.
Katherine 想要一台手操作的洗碗機,因為會比自動洗碗機還要省能源跟水。
- This type of sewing used to be a delicate manual job, but we now have a machines that can do the work quickly.
這種縫紉技巧以前算是一種細膩的手工技術,但是現在已經可以靠機器快速完成。 Strawberries might be a popular fruit, but picking them is a difficult manual job.
manual n. 手冊
a small book that gives useful information about something : handbook
- Laurie didn’t know how to use the new machine, but she was too lazy to read the manual herself. Laurie 不知道機器如何操作,但是她又懶得看使用說明的手冊。
digital adj.
digit n. 數字
a written symbol for any of the numbers 0 to 9
- I have a four-digit code, but the computer is asking for six-digit code.
digital adj. 跟數位有關的
of or relating to information that is stored in the form of the numbers 0 and 1
- The secretary made a copy of all the digital data in the computer.
digital adj. 與數位信號、跟電腦科技技術相關的
using or characterized by computer technology
- Sandy can use her phone to view the digital recordings of her home security camera.
Sandy 可以透過手機來看她家裡安裝的監視器的數位記錄。
digital adj. 用電子影像顯示的
showing the time with numbers instead of with hour and minute hands
- Paul prefers to use a digital clock because it is easier for him to see the time.
Paul 比較喜歡用數位顯示時鐘,而他覺得要看時間比較方便。
receiver n. 電話的聽筒
the part of a telephone that you pick up and hold near your face when you are making or receiving a phone call
- The telephone kept ringing, but Thomas couldn’t pick up the receiver because his hands were dirty.
電話一直響,但是Thomas 無法拿起聽筒,因為他兩隻手都很髒。
receiver n. 無線電或是電視的接收器
radio or television equipment that changes signals into sound and pictures
- We couldn’t see anything on the TV screen because there was something wrong with the receiver.
- The old man liked to carry an old radio receiver to listen to music.
crank n.
a machine part with a handle that can be turned in a circular motion to move something
- To open the car window, turn the crank on the door.
詞彙濫觴 一些尋常字詞背後的源起故事
Technology changes over time. But sometimes expressions that go along with old technology stay long after the change. Let's look at some examples!
"Roll up/ down the window"
In modern cars, we open or close the windows by pushing a button. But we used to open and close car windows with a manual crank. The crank needed to be turned or "rolled" a few times before the window fully opened or closed. We might use a different expression in the future. But for now, we still roll car windows up or down.
"Hang up the phone"
In today's digital world, we end our phone calls by touching a screen. However, phones used to have two parts: a base and a receiver. To talk on the phone, people would pick up the receiver and speak into it. To end the call, they would hang the receiver back onto the base. In many homes, there would be only one phone. If someone needed the phone while it was being used, they would say, "Hang up the phone!"
Info Cloud
used to
Hello, everyone, and welcome to Info Cloud. Hey, Rex. Do you ever wear a watch?
I used to, but now I'm used to just using my phone. So I really never wear a watch anymore.
You know, we should probably talk about the different ways we use the phrase, used to. It means different things depending on how it's used.
When we say we used to and then follow it with a verb, that means that we did something in the past but we no longer do it.
Before I became a mom, I used to stay up late almost every night. But now I consider myself lucky if I can get to sleep before 11.
If we say that someone is or was used to doing something, that means that it is something that they do all the time or as a habit.
I'm used to having my coffee with sugar. I really don't like drinking it any other way.
So Anne Marie always has sugar in her coffee. She doesn't mean that she doesn't drink coffee with sugar anymore.
Actually, I used to drink coffee all the time. But now that I live in a place with delicious tea, I often drink tea instead of coffee.
如果你跟外國人交談,可能會很常聽到 used to 這個用語,像是 I’m used to having my phone with me. 意思就是我現在習慣手機不離身。
used to 在這裡代表你已經習慣一件事情。
used to 還有另外一個意思,如果你在used to 後面加上現在式的動詞,那就表示最近很頻繁或是有習慣地做這一件事,像是 I used to stay up late almost every night. 我曾經每個晚上都很晚睡。
在這裡要特別說明一下,used to 當作動詞使用,像是 I used to 那就是曾經有習慣地做這一件事情;如果當作一種形容詞,像是 I am used to 那就是我現在已經習慣做一件事情,不曉得這樣子有沒有比較清楚。
Language Lab
expression n. 詞語
a word or phrase
- Nobody really liked Harrow’s speech because he used a lot of old expressions.
expression n. 表情
the way someone's face looks that shows emotions and feelings
- Evit didn’t say anything about her food, but we could tell by the expression on her face that she didn’t like it.
Evit 雖然對他的食物沒有評語,但是光看她的表情就知道她不滿意。
expression n. 表達
the act of making your thoughts, feelings, etc., known by speech, writing, or some other method : the act of expressing something
- Janice’s outfit might look strange, but it is just her artistic expression.
- You might disagree with some of the ideas in this meeting, but we do want to respect everyone’s freedom of expression.
manual adj. 手動的; 手工的; 靠體力的
of or relating to using the hands;
operated or controlled with the hands or by a person;
operated only with the hands and without electric power;
doing or involving hard physical work;
- Katherine wanted to get a manual dishwasher because it saves more energy in water, than an automatic dishwasher.
Katherine 想要一台手操作的洗碗機,因為會比自動洗碗機還要省能源跟水。
- This type of sewing used to be a delicate manual job, but we now have a machines that can do the work quickly.
這種縫紉技巧以前算是一種細膩的手工技術,但是現在已經可以靠機器快速完成。 Strawberries might be a popular fruit, but picking them is a difficult manual job.
manual n. 手冊
a small book that gives useful information about something : handbook
- Laurie didn’t know how to use the new machine, but she was too lazy to read the manual herself. Laurie 不知道機器如何操作,但是她又懶得看使用說明的手冊。
digital adj.
digit n. 數字
a written symbol for any of the numbers 0 to 9
- I have a four-digit code, but the computer is asking for six-digit code.
digital adj. 跟數位有關的
of or relating to information that is stored in the form of the numbers 0 and 1
- The secretary made a copy of all the digital data in the computer.
digital adj. 與數位信號、跟電腦科技技術相關的
using or characterized by computer technology
- Sandy can use her phone to view the digital recordings of her home security camera.
Sandy 可以透過手機來看她家裡安裝的監視器的數位記錄。
digital adj. 用電子影像顯示的
showing the time with numbers instead of with hour and minute hands
- Paul prefers to use a digital clock because it is easier for him to see the time.
Paul 比較喜歡用數位顯示時鐘,而他覺得要看時間比較方便。
receiver n. 電話的聽筒
the part of a telephone that you pick up and hold near your face when you are making or receiving a phone call
- The telephone kept ringing, but Thomas couldn’t pick up the receiver because his hands were dirty.
電話一直響,但是Thomas 無法拿起聽筒,因為他兩隻手都很髒。
receiver n. 無線電或是電視的接收器
radio or television equipment that changes signals into sound and pictures
- We couldn’t see anything on the TV screen because there was something wrong with the receiver.
- The old man liked to carry an old radio receiver to listen to music.
crank n.
a machine part with a handle that can be turned in a circular motion to move something
- To open the car window, turn the crank on the door.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park (2)
For visitors, Waterton-Glacier Park offers many wonderful things to see and do. Have a picnic or go for a hike - or have a picnic on your hike - and be ready to take lots of pictures. On the lakes, rent a canoe, take a boat tour, go fishing or simply go for a swim.
Whatever activities you choose, amazing views will surround you. For example, a road tour anywhere in the park will pass through gorgeous scenery. Don't miss the drive westward along the Going-to-the- Sun Road. You will never forget the spectacle.
A number of small towns lie within Waterton-Glacier Park or close to it. In these places, you can get a bite to eat, buy gifts or find a place to stay. One must-see is the town of Waterton and its iconic Prince of Wales Hotel. Camping in the park is a very popular activity. Many campsites are available on a first come, first served basis while some need to be r served. If you camp, be sure to keep food locked away at night. Otherwise, you may have an unwanted visit from a bear!
Words cannot adequately describe beautiful Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park. You have to see it for youself!
Info Cloud
First come, first served. 先到的人就會先被服務
Hello, friends. Welcome back to Info Cloud. There was a great promotion at a shop near my house the other day.
Oh, really?
Yeah. They were giving away a free bag with any purchase over $100.
That does sound good. So did you get one?
No. By the time my turn came, they were sold out.
Oh, that's too bad. I guess the deal was first come, first served.
Yeah. Later, I found out there were only 100 bags available.
But now we have a chance to talk about this phrase.
Its meaning is pretty simple to understand. Customers are served in the order that they come to a shop. This phrase has been in common usage since at least the 19th century.
It's easy to understand, but it might be a bit confusing to use. For example, don't forget to put the word "served" in the past tense. Think about it like this: Those who arrive first are served first.
Yes. And sometimes this phrase is lengthened to: on a first-come, first-served basis.
This restaurant doesn't take reservations. It operates on a first-come, first-served basis.
In this example, first-come, first-served should be hyphenated because they are acting as an adjective.
That's a great usage tip. And, remember, Info Cloud is free for everyone. It doesn't operate on a first-come, first-served basis.
英文有一句用語經常會聽到,那就是 First come, first served. 先到的人就會先被服務,這是商家進行促銷活動時經常用的口號,例如,前一百名客人就贈送精美包包,送完為止,這就是First come, first served. 的概念。
This restaurant doesn’t take reservations. It’s first come, first served. 這家餐廳不接受訂位,他們是先到先服務的制度,意思就是要現場排隊。特別要注意 First come, first "served" 的 "served" 是過去式,是被動的用法,因為你是被服務的。如果要當作形容詞,像是 first-come, first- served basis 先到先服務的原則,那就要加上 hyphen (-) 連接號。
Language Lab
gorgeous adj. (景色、風景;物品;人) 非常好看的、漂亮的
very beautiful or attractive
- The view on top of the mountain was absolutely gorgeous, so we stayed a little longer to admire it.
- Julia bought the shoes because she thought they were gorgeous.
Julia 買了那雙鞋,因為他認為很美。
- When Robert was in the restaurant, he saw a gorgeous woman walk by.
當Robert 在餐廳裡的時候,他看到一位非常漂亮的女士從她身邊經過。
gorgeous adj. 天氣非常好
very enjoyable or pleasant
- The weather is absolutely gorgeous today!
spectacle n. 非常壯觀的景象或場面
a very impressive show
- Tracy watched a show in Las Vegas and was impressed by the amazing spectacle.
Tracy 在拉斯維加斯看表演,場面非常壯觀,讓她感到讚佩。
spectacle n. 一件引人注意的奇怪事情
something that attracts attention because it is very unusual or very shocking — usually singular
- The two women started hitting each other in the store, and the whole spectacle was recorded by the store’s security camera.
spectacles n. 眼鏡
[plural] old-fashioned : a pair of lenses set into a frame and worn over the eyes : glasses
- Clarence needed his spectacles in order to see clearly.
Clarence 須要他的眼鏡才能夠看清楚。
bite v. 咬
to press down on or cut into (someone or something) with the teeth
- You don’t need to worry - the dog won’t bite.
bite v. (蚊蟲) 咬或叮人
of an insect or snake : to wound (someone) by pushing a stinger, fang, etc., into the skin
- I am wearing long pants and a jacket because I don’t want mosquitoes to bite me.
bite n. 咬下去的一口
an act of biting
- I took one bite of the food and knew there was something wrong.
bite n. 點心或量不多的餐點(不正式)
a small amount of food : a snack or a small informal meal
- Would you like to join us for a bite?
- Danny used his break time to go get a bite.
Danny 用他的休息去時間吃個東西。
adequately adv.某個動作是合格的或是足夠的
adequate adj.合格、足夠的
enough for some need or requirement; good enough : of a quality that is good or acceptable
- The exercise equipment in this gym are old, but they are adequate.
- We might not have a lot of food, but what we do have is adequate.
- Although David only had two hours of free time in the city, it was adequately spent in a nice little bookstore.
David 雖然在城裡只有兩個小時的自由時間,但讓她花在小書店裡是足夠的。
- I don’t think our problem was adequately discussed in the meeting.
picturesque adj. 圖畫般的,美麗的
very pretty or charming : like a painted picture
- The view of the mountains was very picturesque.
Whatever activities you choose, amazing views will surround you. For example, a road tour anywhere in the park will pass through gorgeous scenery. Don't miss the drive westward along the Going-to-the- Sun Road. You will never forget the spectacle.
A number of small towns lie within Waterton-Glacier Park or close to it. In these places, you can get a bite to eat, buy gifts or find a place to stay. One must-see is the town of Waterton and its iconic Prince of Wales Hotel. Camping in the park is a very popular activity. Many campsites are available on a first come, first served basis while some need to be r served. If you camp, be sure to keep food locked away at night. Otherwise, you may have an unwanted visit from a bear!
Words cannot adequately describe beautiful Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park. You have to see it for youself!
Info Cloud
First come, first served. 先到的人就會先被服務
Hello, friends. Welcome back to Info Cloud. There was a great promotion at a shop near my house the other day.
Oh, really?
Yeah. They were giving away a free bag with any purchase over $100.
That does sound good. So did you get one?
No. By the time my turn came, they were sold out.
Oh, that's too bad. I guess the deal was first come, first served.
Yeah. Later, I found out there were only 100 bags available.
But now we have a chance to talk about this phrase.
Its meaning is pretty simple to understand. Customers are served in the order that they come to a shop. This phrase has been in common usage since at least the 19th century.
It's easy to understand, but it might be a bit confusing to use. For example, don't forget to put the word "served" in the past tense. Think about it like this: Those who arrive first are served first.
Yes. And sometimes this phrase is lengthened to: on a first-come, first-served basis.
This restaurant doesn't take reservations. It operates on a first-come, first-served basis.
In this example, first-come, first-served should be hyphenated because they are acting as an adjective.
That's a great usage tip. And, remember, Info Cloud is free for everyone. It doesn't operate on a first-come, first-served basis.
英文有一句用語經常會聽到,那就是 First come, first served. 先到的人就會先被服務,這是商家進行促銷活動時經常用的口號,例如,前一百名客人就贈送精美包包,送完為止,這就是First come, first served. 的概念。
This restaurant doesn’t take reservations. It’s first come, first served. 這家餐廳不接受訂位,他們是先到先服務的制度,意思就是要現場排隊。特別要注意 First come, first "served" 的 "served" 是過去式,是被動的用法,因為你是被服務的。如果要當作形容詞,像是 first-come, first- served basis 先到先服務的原則,那就要加上 hyphen (-) 連接號。
Language Lab
gorgeous adj. (景色、風景;物品;人) 非常好看的、漂亮的
very beautiful or attractive
- The view on top of the mountain was absolutely gorgeous, so we stayed a little longer to admire it.
- Julia bought the shoes because she thought they were gorgeous.
Julia 買了那雙鞋,因為他認為很美。
- When Robert was in the restaurant, he saw a gorgeous woman walk by.
當Robert 在餐廳裡的時候,他看到一位非常漂亮的女士從她身邊經過。
gorgeous adj. 天氣非常好
very enjoyable or pleasant
- The weather is absolutely gorgeous today!
spectacle n. 非常壯觀的景象或場面
a very impressive show
- Tracy watched a show in Las Vegas and was impressed by the amazing spectacle.
Tracy 在拉斯維加斯看表演,場面非常壯觀,讓她感到讚佩。
spectacle n. 一件引人注意的奇怪事情
something that attracts attention because it is very unusual or very shocking — usually singular
- The two women started hitting each other in the store, and the whole spectacle was recorded by the store’s security camera.
spectacles n. 眼鏡
[plural] old-fashioned : a pair of lenses set into a frame and worn over the eyes : glasses
- Clarence needed his spectacles in order to see clearly.
Clarence 須要他的眼鏡才能夠看清楚。
bite v. 咬
to press down on or cut into (someone or something) with the teeth
- You don’t need to worry - the dog won’t bite.
bite v. (蚊蟲) 咬或叮人
of an insect or snake : to wound (someone) by pushing a stinger, fang, etc., into the skin
- I am wearing long pants and a jacket because I don’t want mosquitoes to bite me.
bite n. 咬下去的一口
an act of biting
- I took one bite of the food and knew there was something wrong.
bite n. 點心或量不多的餐點(不正式)
a small amount of food : a snack or a small informal meal
- Would you like to join us for a bite?
- Danny used his break time to go get a bite.
Danny 用他的休息去時間吃個東西。
adequately adv.某個動作是合格的或是足夠的
adequate adj.合格、足夠的
enough for some need or requirement; good enough : of a quality that is good or acceptable
- The exercise equipment in this gym are old, but they are adequate.
- We might not have a lot of food, but what we do have is adequate.
- Although David only had two hours of free time in the city, it was adequately spent in a nice little bookstore.
David 雖然在城裡只有兩個小時的自由時間,但讓她花在小書店裡是足夠的。
- I don’t think our problem was adequately discussed in the meeting.
picturesque adj. 圖畫般的,美麗的
very pretty or charming : like a painted picture
- The view of the mountains was very picturesque.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park (1)
Two countries share this natural treasure
瓦特頓-冰河國際和平公園 一處兩國共享的世界自然遺產
Few places in the world can rival Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park. This UNESCO World Heritage site has snow-capped mountains and, in its valleys, deep blue lakes. Grizzly bears, bighorn sheep, elk and mountain lions inhabit its forests. From its glaciers, water flows into three different oceans - the Pacific, Arctic and Atlantic. It differs from most other World Heritage sites due to its location in two countries. Part of the park sits in the United States and part in Canada. This land actually combines two large national parks - Waterton Lakes National Park in Alberta, Canada, and Glacier National Park in Montana, United States.
Back in 1931, local Rotary Club members had the idea of uniting the two parks. In geographic terms, the parks formed a huge, unbroken region. The Rotarians believed the area could be better protected and enjoyed as one, and their governments agreed. Then, in 1995, UNESCO agreed as well, and the two parks became a single World Heritage site. Interestingly, a resident herd of elk "agrees" also, staying south of the border in the summer and freely moving north into Canada each winter.
Info Cloud
American Frontier 美國邊境的歷史
Welcome back to Info Cloud. Friends, today we want to talk a little bit about U.S. history, specifically the American Frontier.
A frontier is an area that has not been developed or explored yet.
The USA first began to be settled in the East along the Atlantic Ocean in the early 1800s. The frontier was considered to be the Midwest.
As the United States began to expand, frontier became synonymous with the West, generally, west of the Mississippi River, the river that runs down the middle of the country.
Many settlers moved to the west parts of America along a wagon trail called the Oregon Trail. It was pretty dangerous because the frontier was still unsettled.
People moved west for many reasons - to have their own land, for adventure or the hope of finding gold.
You know, when we refer to the American Frontier today, many people automatically think of the Wild West.
Ah, the Wild West. I always have enjoyed watching Western movies with cowboys and robbers and danger.
Well, that's our history lesson today. We hope you've enjoyed learning a little bit about the American Frontier.
今天要跟大家分享有關 American Frontier 美國邊境的歷史。frontier 代表還沒有被開發的邊境地區,在過去兩百多年來,American Frontier 美國邊境的範圍一直再改變,在十九世紀初期,美國國境是以大西洋海岸線為主的東岸地區,因此,中西部地區被視為當時的 American Frontier,後來美國國境不斷的擴展,密西西比河以西的廣大土地,就被視為 American Frontier。由於當時的美國西部還沒有被開發,算是相當危險的地區,我們也曾經看過西部電影裡的牛仔與強盜之間的槍戰,因此,當時美國西部被統稱為是the Wild West 狂野的西部。
Language Lab
rival v. 比得上
to be as good or almost as good as (someone or something)
- In Victor’s experience, his grandmother’s cooking cannot be rivaled.
- There are very few songs that can rival Liszt’s Campanella in difficulty.
rival n. 競爭對手、敵手
a person or thing that tries to defeat or be more successful than another;
something or someone that is as good or almost as good as another person or thing
- Lydia is feeling anxious because her business rival has more customers than she does.
Lydia 感到緊張,因為她生意對手的客戶比她多。
- The evil queen tried to kill Snow White because Snow White was her rival in beauty.
location n. 地點
a place or position
- The rent of the apartment is very high because of the apartment’s location in the city.
- The store will be moving to a new location next year.
locate v. 位於
Something or someone that is located in a specified place is in or at that place.
- The train station is located in the middle of the city.
locate v. 尋找位置
to find the place or position of (something or someone)
- Ralph’s missing dogs were located by his neighbors.
geographic adj. 跟地理(學)有關的
geography n. 地理學
an area of study that deals with the location of countries, cities, rivers, mountains, lakes, etc.;
the natural features (such as rivers, mountains, etc.) of a place
- The king was interested in the geographic exploration of the land because he wanted to know what natural resources were available.
- The kingdom is located on an island in the middle of the ocean, and its people have been in geographic isolation from the rest of the world for many centuries.
- Scott loves looking at maps because he is very interested in geography.
Scott 很喜歡研究地圖,因為他對地理學非常有興趣。
border n. 邊界
a line separating one country or state from another
- You will need to show your passport when you arrive at the border.
- The river forms a natural border between the two countries.
border n. 裝飾邊、花邊
a decorative design along the edge of something (such as a rug or wallpaper)
- The picture is ugly and adding a border did not make it look better.
border v. 沿著
to form a border of (something) : to define the edge of (something)
- The west side of the yard was bordered by a row of rose bushes.
瓦特頓-冰河國際和平公園 一處兩國共享的世界自然遺產
Few places in the world can rival Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park. This UNESCO World Heritage site has snow-capped mountains and, in its valleys, deep blue lakes. Grizzly bears, bighorn sheep, elk and mountain lions inhabit its forests. From its glaciers, water flows into three different oceans - the Pacific, Arctic and Atlantic. It differs from most other World Heritage sites due to its location in two countries. Part of the park sits in the United States and part in Canada. This land actually combines two large national parks - Waterton Lakes National Park in Alberta, Canada, and Glacier National Park in Montana, United States.
Back in 1931, local Rotary Club members had the idea of uniting the two parks. In geographic terms, the parks formed a huge, unbroken region. The Rotarians believed the area could be better protected and enjoyed as one, and their governments agreed. Then, in 1995, UNESCO agreed as well, and the two parks became a single World Heritage site. Interestingly, a resident herd of elk "agrees" also, staying south of the border in the summer and freely moving north into Canada each winter.
Info Cloud
American Frontier 美國邊境的歷史
Welcome back to Info Cloud. Friends, today we want to talk a little bit about U.S. history, specifically the American Frontier.
A frontier is an area that has not been developed or explored yet.
The USA first began to be settled in the East along the Atlantic Ocean in the early 1800s. The frontier was considered to be the Midwest.
As the United States began to expand, frontier became synonymous with the West, generally, west of the Mississippi River, the river that runs down the middle of the country.
Many settlers moved to the west parts of America along a wagon trail called the Oregon Trail. It was pretty dangerous because the frontier was still unsettled.
People moved west for many reasons - to have their own land, for adventure or the hope of finding gold.
You know, when we refer to the American Frontier today, many people automatically think of the Wild West.
Ah, the Wild West. I always have enjoyed watching Western movies with cowboys and robbers and danger.
Well, that's our history lesson today. We hope you've enjoyed learning a little bit about the American Frontier.
今天要跟大家分享有關 American Frontier 美國邊境的歷史。frontier 代表還沒有被開發的邊境地區,在過去兩百多年來,American Frontier 美國邊境的範圍一直再改變,在十九世紀初期,美國國境是以大西洋海岸線為主的東岸地區,因此,中西部地區被視為當時的 American Frontier,後來美國國境不斷的擴展,密西西比河以西的廣大土地,就被視為 American Frontier。由於當時的美國西部還沒有被開發,算是相當危險的地區,我們也曾經看過西部電影裡的牛仔與強盜之間的槍戰,因此,當時美國西部被統稱為是the Wild West 狂野的西部。
Language Lab
rival v. 比得上
to be as good or almost as good as (someone or something)
- In Victor’s experience, his grandmother’s cooking cannot be rivaled.
- There are very few songs that can rival Liszt’s Campanella in difficulty.
rival n. 競爭對手、敵手
a person or thing that tries to defeat or be more successful than another;
something or someone that is as good or almost as good as another person or thing
- Lydia is feeling anxious because her business rival has more customers than she does.
Lydia 感到緊張,因為她生意對手的客戶比她多。
- The evil queen tried to kill Snow White because Snow White was her rival in beauty.
location n. 地點
a place or position
- The rent of the apartment is very high because of the apartment’s location in the city.
- The store will be moving to a new location next year.
locate v. 位於
Something or someone that is located in a specified place is in or at that place.
- The train station is located in the middle of the city.
locate v. 尋找位置
to find the place or position of (something or someone)
- Ralph’s missing dogs were located by his neighbors.
geographic adj. 跟地理(學)有關的
geography n. 地理學
an area of study that deals with the location of countries, cities, rivers, mountains, lakes, etc.;
the natural features (such as rivers, mountains, etc.) of a place
- The king was interested in the geographic exploration of the land because he wanted to know what natural resources were available.
- The kingdom is located on an island in the middle of the ocean, and its people have been in geographic isolation from the rest of the world for many centuries.
- Scott loves looking at maps because he is very interested in geography.
Scott 很喜歡研究地圖,因為他對地理學非常有興趣。
border n. 邊界
a line separating one country or state from another
- You will need to show your passport when you arrive at the border.
- The river forms a natural border between the two countries.
border n. 裝飾邊、花邊
a decorative design along the edge of something (such as a rug or wallpaper)
- The picture is ugly and adding a border did not make it look better.
border v. 沿著
to form a border of (something) : to define the edge of (something)
- The west side of the yard was bordered by a row of rose bushes.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
A Breakthrough for a Solar Start-up (2)
Heliogen's breakthrough is that it uses cameras to observe where sunbeams are going and make minute adjustments several times per second to keep the mirror pointed in the right direction. Heliogen says it's been able to achieve temperatures of more than 1000 degrees Celsius.
"I don't know how many people will understand how significant breaking 1000 C is," Heliogen founder Bill Gross told GeekWire. "Cement is made above 1000 C. Steel is made above 1000 C. Hydrogen is made above 1000 C." He added that cement production alone accounts for 8 percent of global CO2 emissions.
Gross said he was inspired to start Heliogen after attending Bill Gates' 2010 TED talk, "Innovating to zero!" In the talk, Gates said that if he could be granted a wish for the next 50 years, it would be for someone to invent a technology that would lower the cost of energy and eliminate CO2 emissions at the same time. Afterward, Gates invited Gross to Seattle for a brainstorming session with other Gates Foundation leaders. "We talked about all the different ways that this could happen, and that was the beginning of thinking through the different technical challenges," Gross said. "Of course [Gates is] going around the world telling everybody about this."
Info Cloud
sunny disposition 形容一個人擁有正面開朗的性格
Hello, and welcome to Info Cloud. How's your going, Anne Marie?
It's been a wonderful day, as usual.
You know, Anne Marie, I really appreciate your sunny disposition. Oh, thank you, Rex.
I try to keep a positive attitude and live a life of thankfulness.
So having a sunny disposition means someone who is optimistic or who looks on the bright side.
Someone's disposition means their general attitude or personality.
That reminds me of a proverb: A cloudy day is no match for a sunny disposition.
That means you can beat a bad day if you have the right attitude.
You really are a ray of sunshine in our studio today.
Thanks again. But, you know, when I was younger, I wasn't exactly a ray of sunshine.
You mean you used to complain or have a negative attitude?
Yes, I wasn't as fun to be around. That's one way to use this phrase to say the opposite.
Bridget hasn't exactly been a ray of sunshine since her best friend moved away.
So Bridget has generally been in a bad mood since something negative happened in her life. I'm glad I've changed my disposition now, and hopefully Bridget will have a sunnier disposition soon, too.
大家都喜歡跟開朗、樂觀的人在一起,因為他們會散發一種正能量,你可以用 sunny disposition 來形容這種人。sunny是晴朗,disposition 是性格。因此,sunny disposition 就用來形容一個人擁有正面開朗的性格。
I really appreciate your sunny disposition. 我真的很珍惜你的開朗和樂觀。另外一種類似的表達是 a ray of sunshine 一絲陽光,You really are a ray of sunshine in our class today. 你今天在班上真的很正面開朗,讓班上的氣氛很好。a ray of sunshine 也可以負面地使用,Bridget hasn't exactly been a ray of sunshine since her friend left. 自從朋友離開之後,Bridget一直不是很開朗。
Language Lab
minute n.分鐘
a unit of time equal to 60 seconds : one 60th of an hour
- I waited five minutes.
minute n. 一下子、一會兒
a brief period of time : moment
- I will return in just a minute.
minute adj. 非常小的; (一件事)不重要或微不足道的
very small : tiny
- Ian was so impressed with the minute detail in this painting.
- I can’t believe such minute differences between the two opinions could create such a huge argument.
- I have a favor to ask, and it’s really minute.
account n. 帳戶
an arrangement in which a bank keeps a record of the money that a person puts in and takes out of the bank
- I want to check my account and see how much money I have left.
account n. 報告、描述 to account for (ph v)
a list or description of facts
- Janice was asked by the police to give an account of what had happened at the bank.
警察請Janice 描述銀行當時是發生什麼事。
account for (something) [phrasal verb] 做出解釋或說明
to give a reason or explanation for (something)
- The clerk could not account for the missing cash.
- Patty hasn’t slept well for the last several days, and that might account for her lack of concentration.
Patty 做事不專心可能是因為這幾天都沒有睡好覺的關係。
eliminate v. 消除、解決
to remove (something that is not wanted or needed) : to get rid of (something)
- Rats are coming into the house, and it is a problem that needs to be eliminated.
- Scientists are hoping to find a cure that could eliminate this terrible disease.
eliminate v. 淘汰
to defeat and remove (a team, player, etc.) from a competition — often used as (be/get) eliminated
- Our school team didn’t have a high enough score and was eliminated very quickly.
elimination n. 清除、淘汰
the act or process of removing something or someone
- After the first game was over, the elimination of a former gold medal champion was a shock to everybody.
brainstorming n. 腦力激盪法 (為了想出點子或激發或強化思考,及創造能力的方法)
an idea that someone thinks of suddenly — usually singular
- The students did a little brainstorming to come up with some ways to raise money.
- The manager thought the sales team’s brainstorming was very creative.
- After several hours of brainstorming and discussion, Trent and his coworkers finally came up with an idea that everyone liked.
經過幾個小時的腦力激盪及討論,Trent 跟他的同事們終於有一個大家都滿意的點子。
"I don't know how many people will understand how significant breaking 1000 C is," Heliogen founder Bill Gross told GeekWire. "Cement is made above 1000 C. Steel is made above 1000 C. Hydrogen is made above 1000 C." He added that cement production alone accounts for 8 percent of global CO2 emissions.
Gross said he was inspired to start Heliogen after attending Bill Gates' 2010 TED talk, "Innovating to zero!" In the talk, Gates said that if he could be granted a wish for the next 50 years, it would be for someone to invent a technology that would lower the cost of energy and eliminate CO2 emissions at the same time. Afterward, Gates invited Gross to Seattle for a brainstorming session with other Gates Foundation leaders. "We talked about all the different ways that this could happen, and that was the beginning of thinking through the different technical challenges," Gross said. "Of course [Gates is] going around the world telling everybody about this."
Info Cloud
sunny disposition 形容一個人擁有正面開朗的性格
Hello, and welcome to Info Cloud. How's your going, Anne Marie?
It's been a wonderful day, as usual.
You know, Anne Marie, I really appreciate your sunny disposition. Oh, thank you, Rex.
I try to keep a positive attitude and live a life of thankfulness.
So having a sunny disposition means someone who is optimistic or who looks on the bright side.
Someone's disposition means their general attitude or personality.
That reminds me of a proverb: A cloudy day is no match for a sunny disposition.
That means you can beat a bad day if you have the right attitude.
You really are a ray of sunshine in our studio today.
Thanks again. But, you know, when I was younger, I wasn't exactly a ray of sunshine.
You mean you used to complain or have a negative attitude?
Yes, I wasn't as fun to be around. That's one way to use this phrase to say the opposite.
Bridget hasn't exactly been a ray of sunshine since her best friend moved away.
So Bridget has generally been in a bad mood since something negative happened in her life. I'm glad I've changed my disposition now, and hopefully Bridget will have a sunnier disposition soon, too.
大家都喜歡跟開朗、樂觀的人在一起,因為他們會散發一種正能量,你可以用 sunny disposition 來形容這種人。sunny是晴朗,disposition 是性格。因此,sunny disposition 就用來形容一個人擁有正面開朗的性格。
I really appreciate your sunny disposition. 我真的很珍惜你的開朗和樂觀。另外一種類似的表達是 a ray of sunshine 一絲陽光,You really are a ray of sunshine in our class today. 你今天在班上真的很正面開朗,讓班上的氣氛很好。a ray of sunshine 也可以負面地使用,Bridget hasn't exactly been a ray of sunshine since her friend left. 自從朋友離開之後,Bridget一直不是很開朗。
Language Lab
minute n.分鐘
a unit of time equal to 60 seconds : one 60th of an hour
- I waited five minutes.
minute n. 一下子、一會兒
a brief period of time : moment
- I will return in just a minute.
minute adj. 非常小的; (一件事)不重要或微不足道的
very small : tiny
- Ian was so impressed with the minute detail in this painting.
- I can’t believe such minute differences between the two opinions could create such a huge argument.
- I have a favor to ask, and it’s really minute.
account n. 帳戶
an arrangement in which a bank keeps a record of the money that a person puts in and takes out of the bank
- I want to check my account and see how much money I have left.
account n. 報告、描述 to account for (ph v)
a list or description of facts
- Janice was asked by the police to give an account of what had happened at the bank.
警察請Janice 描述銀行當時是發生什麼事。
account for (something) [phrasal verb] 做出解釋或說明
to give a reason or explanation for (something)
- The clerk could not account for the missing cash.
- Patty hasn’t slept well for the last several days, and that might account for her lack of concentration.
Patty 做事不專心可能是因為這幾天都沒有睡好覺的關係。
eliminate v. 消除、解決
to remove (something that is not wanted or needed) : to get rid of (something)
- Rats are coming into the house, and it is a problem that needs to be eliminated.
- Scientists are hoping to find a cure that could eliminate this terrible disease.
eliminate v. 淘汰
to defeat and remove (a team, player, etc.) from a competition — often used as (be/get) eliminated
- Our school team didn’t have a high enough score and was eliminated very quickly.
elimination n. 清除、淘汰
the act or process of removing something or someone
- After the first game was over, the elimination of a former gold medal champion was a shock to everybody.
brainstorming n. 腦力激盪法 (為了想出點子或激發或強化思考,及創造能力的方法)
an idea that someone thinks of suddenly — usually singular
- The students did a little brainstorming to come up with some ways to raise money.
- The manager thought the sales team’s brainstorming was very creative.
- After several hours of brainstorming and discussion, Trent and his coworkers finally came up with an idea that everyone liked.
經過幾個小時的腦力激盪及討論,Trent 跟他的同事們終於有一個大家都滿意的點子。
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
A Breakthrough for a Solar Start-up (1)
It all began with a TED Talk in Long Beach, California
太陽能新創公司 緣起於美國加州長灘的一場TED 演說
Los Angeles-based Heliogen, backed by Bill Gates and AOL founder Steve Case, just announced that it has found a way to replace fossil fuels in industrial plants. Those plants produce more than 20 percent of the world's carbon emissions, but Heliogen's new concentrated solar technology may change that. It can create heat over 1000 degrees Celsius, potentially replacing much of the fossil fuels these plants currently use.
For decades, the solar industry has been trying to produce the high temperatures needed for such manufacturing with concentrated solar.
Concentrated solar companies have traditionally used hundreds of mirrors to reflect the sun's beams onto a single spot. It requires a great deal of precision and engineering skill to determine the precise angle of each mirror in order to point the beam at exactly the right spot, and then to keep changing the mirror's position as the sun moves across the sky. Despite its best efforts, the concentrated solar industry was never able to create temperatures higher than 600 degrees Celsius, which is certainly very hot, but hot enough for things like steel or cement manufacture.
Info Cloud
Fahrenheit or Celsius
Hello, friends. And welcome to Info Cloud. Anne Marie, something funny happened to me the other day.
Tell us about it.
Well, I was on the phone with a friend from the States, and he asked me what the weather was like. I told him that it was a beautiful 25 degrees outside.
And he was shocked that I thought 25 degrees was nice.
Oh. That's because in the States we use Fahrenheit to measure temperature. 25 degrees is below freezing on that scale.
You would need a hat, coat and boots to go out and would probably still feel cold.
You know, the U.S. is one of only a few countries in the world to use the Fahrenheit scale to measure temperature.
Actually, in 1975, American Congress passed the Metric Conversion Act. This was supposed to start the process of converting over to the metric system.
Right. The problem was that this was deemed voluntary. So it was up to individuals to decide if they wanted to switch over or not.
Obviously, nothing changed too much.
Yeah. Most Americans I know still use Fahrenheit.
So, Anne Marie, which do you use now, Fahrenheit or Celsius?
That really depends on who I'm talking to. If it's someone in the States, I always use Fahrenheit.
當你到美國旅遊的時候,可能會有一個不太習慣的地方,那就是氣溫的測量方式是用 Fahrenheit 華氏的溫標,在亞洲我們用的是 Celsius 攝氏。當你跟美國朋友說天氣很好,氣溫二十五度剛剛好,他可能會一時轉不過來,因為華氏二十五度在美國等於是我們的零下三度。曾經在1975年,美國國會試圖要全國轉換成 metric system 公制的量度系統,但是老百姓卻不接受,因為不習慣。目前只有美國和少數幾個國家還在用 Fahrenheit 華氏的溫標。
Language Lab
plant n. 植物
a living thing that grows in the ground, usually has leaves or flowers, and needs sun and water to survive
- Some of the plants in the garden look interesting to me.
plant n. 工廠
a building or factory where something is made
- There is a rumor that the boss wants to sell the plant because he wants to retire.
- There will be some guests visiting the plant today.
plant v. 栽種
to put (a seed, flower, or plant) in the ground to grow
- William planted a tree in his yard.
William 在院子裡種了一棵樹。
plant v. 灌入想法、主意
to cause (an idea, feeling, etc.) to be in someone's mind
- I don’t want the kids to be with Uncle Joe because he is always planting funny ideas in their heads.
我不要小朋友跟Joe 叔叔一起,因為他老是給他們腦子灌入奇怪的想法。
potentially adv. 很有可能地
capable of becoming real : possible
- It is best not to walk through that neighborhood because it is a potentially dangerous place.
- The drug might cure the sickness, but there are some potentially harmful side effects.
potential adj. 可能的
capable of becoming real : possible
- The plan might seem like a good one to you, but there is a potential problem.
potential n. 潛力
an ability that someone has that can be developed to help that person become successful
- Bobby has a lot of potential but the coach doesn’t think he is ready to join the basketball team.
Bobby 有很多潛力,但是教練不認為他可以加入籃球隊。
beam n. 光束、光線
a line of light coming from a source (such as the sun or a headlight)
- As we were standing by the road, the beam from the headlights of a car almost blinded us.
beam n. 樑 (木頭、水泥鋼筋)
a long and heavy piece of wood or metal that is used as a support in a building or ship
- Matthew sees a big machine lift up large heavy wooden beams to the top of a building.
Matthew 有看到一台大機器,把又重又大的木梁拉到建築物的上方。
beam v. 微笑
to smile happily
- Allyson is beaming, but she’s not telling us why she is so happy.
Allyson 一直微笑,但是她不跟我們說她為什麼這麼高興。
precision n. 準確性
the quality of being precise : exactness or accuracy
- The golfer aimed and hit the ball with such precision that the ball landed straight into the hole.
- The chef cut the fish with great precision.
precise adj.精準的、準確的
very accurate and exact
- It was at that precise moment that Marilyn realized someone was listening to her phone conversation.
就在那一剎那,Marilyn 才發覺有人在偷聽她的電話。
precise adj.仔細、對細節很謹慎的
very careful and exact about the details of something
- Lisa is a very careful person and is always very precise with her work.
Lisa 是一個很嚴謹的人,她做事都很仔細。
太陽能新創公司 緣起於美國加州長灘的一場TED 演說
Los Angeles-based Heliogen, backed by Bill Gates and AOL founder Steve Case, just announced that it has found a way to replace fossil fuels in industrial plants. Those plants produce more than 20 percent of the world's carbon emissions, but Heliogen's new concentrated solar technology may change that. It can create heat over 1000 degrees Celsius, potentially replacing much of the fossil fuels these plants currently use.
For decades, the solar industry has been trying to produce the high temperatures needed for such manufacturing with concentrated solar.
Concentrated solar companies have traditionally used hundreds of mirrors to reflect the sun's beams onto a single spot. It requires a great deal of precision and engineering skill to determine the precise angle of each mirror in order to point the beam at exactly the right spot, and then to keep changing the mirror's position as the sun moves across the sky. Despite its best efforts, the concentrated solar industry was never able to create temperatures higher than 600 degrees Celsius, which is certainly very hot, but hot enough for things like steel or cement manufacture.
Info Cloud
Fahrenheit or Celsius
Hello, friends. And welcome to Info Cloud. Anne Marie, something funny happened to me the other day.
Tell us about it.
Well, I was on the phone with a friend from the States, and he asked me what the weather was like. I told him that it was a beautiful 25 degrees outside.
And he was shocked that I thought 25 degrees was nice.
Oh. That's because in the States we use Fahrenheit to measure temperature. 25 degrees is below freezing on that scale.
You would need a hat, coat and boots to go out and would probably still feel cold.
You know, the U.S. is one of only a few countries in the world to use the Fahrenheit scale to measure temperature.
Actually, in 1975, American Congress passed the Metric Conversion Act. This was supposed to start the process of converting over to the metric system.
Right. The problem was that this was deemed voluntary. So it was up to individuals to decide if they wanted to switch over or not.
Obviously, nothing changed too much.
Yeah. Most Americans I know still use Fahrenheit.
So, Anne Marie, which do you use now, Fahrenheit or Celsius?
That really depends on who I'm talking to. If it's someone in the States, I always use Fahrenheit.
當你到美國旅遊的時候,可能會有一個不太習慣的地方,那就是氣溫的測量方式是用 Fahrenheit 華氏的溫標,在亞洲我們用的是 Celsius 攝氏。當你跟美國朋友說天氣很好,氣溫二十五度剛剛好,他可能會一時轉不過來,因為華氏二十五度在美國等於是我們的零下三度。曾經在1975年,美國國會試圖要全國轉換成 metric system 公制的量度系統,但是老百姓卻不接受,因為不習慣。目前只有美國和少數幾個國家還在用 Fahrenheit 華氏的溫標。
Language Lab
plant n. 植物
a living thing that grows in the ground, usually has leaves or flowers, and needs sun and water to survive
- Some of the plants in the garden look interesting to me.
plant n. 工廠
a building or factory where something is made
- There is a rumor that the boss wants to sell the plant because he wants to retire.
- There will be some guests visiting the plant today.
plant v. 栽種
to put (a seed, flower, or plant) in the ground to grow
- William planted a tree in his yard.
William 在院子裡種了一棵樹。
plant v. 灌入想法、主意
to cause (an idea, feeling, etc.) to be in someone's mind
- I don’t want the kids to be with Uncle Joe because he is always planting funny ideas in their heads.
我不要小朋友跟Joe 叔叔一起,因為他老是給他們腦子灌入奇怪的想法。
potentially adv. 很有可能地
capable of becoming real : possible
- It is best not to walk through that neighborhood because it is a potentially dangerous place.
- The drug might cure the sickness, but there are some potentially harmful side effects.
potential adj. 可能的
capable of becoming real : possible
- The plan might seem like a good one to you, but there is a potential problem.
potential n. 潛力
an ability that someone has that can be developed to help that person become successful
- Bobby has a lot of potential but the coach doesn’t think he is ready to join the basketball team.
Bobby 有很多潛力,但是教練不認為他可以加入籃球隊。
beam n. 光束、光線
a line of light coming from a source (such as the sun or a headlight)
- As we were standing by the road, the beam from the headlights of a car almost blinded us.
beam n. 樑 (木頭、水泥鋼筋)
a long and heavy piece of wood or metal that is used as a support in a building or ship
- Matthew sees a big machine lift up large heavy wooden beams to the top of a building.
Matthew 有看到一台大機器,把又重又大的木梁拉到建築物的上方。
beam v. 微笑
to smile happily
- Allyson is beaming, but she’s not telling us why she is so happy.
Allyson 一直微笑,但是她不跟我們說她為什麼這麼高興。
precision n. 準確性
the quality of being precise : exactness or accuracy
- The golfer aimed and hit the ball with such precision that the ball landed straight into the hole.
- The chef cut the fish with great precision.
precise adj.精準的、準確的
very accurate and exact
- It was at that precise moment that Marilyn realized someone was listening to her phone conversation.
就在那一剎那,Marilyn 才發覺有人在偷聽她的電話。
precise adj.仔細、對細節很謹慎的
very careful and exact about the details of something
- Lisa is a very careful person and is always very precise with her work.
Lisa 是一個很嚴謹的人,她做事都很仔細。
Monday, May 18, 2020
Sport Climbing
Climbers go for gold at the 2020 Olympics
運動攀登 二○二○東京奧運攀登選手競逐金牌
Have you ever attempted to pull yourself up a vertical climbing wall? Sometimes the holds are only big enough for a fingertip! Men and women's sport climbing is making its first appearance at the Summer Olympics this year. Competitors will compete in three different disciplines: lead, bouldering and speed.
Lead climbing challenges climbers with an intense 15-meter wall. Climbers have six minutes to climb as high as they can using the holds. Whoever reaches the highest hold, wins.
Bouldering features a wide 4-meter-high wall with several routes to the top. Climbers get four minutes to attempt as many routes as they can. If a climber falls, he or she can try again. Climbers can try as many times as they want within the time limit.
Speed climbing is an unbelievably fast race to the top! Climbers scale a 15-meter wall as fast as they can. The fastest climber wins!
Which male and female athletes will get the gold? Watch to find out!
Info Cloud
flexing 炫耀
Welcome to Info Cloud, friends. Everyone knows what flexing your muscles means. But did you know that there is another way to flex?
That's right. Just like when you flex your muscles, you could flex what you have in order to show others.
This isn't a positive thing. Generally, when we are using this term, it is to say that someone just wants others to know how rich they are or how much stuff they have.
When someone posted a picture of themselves on social media wearing an expensive brand or going on an elaborate vacation, you could say that they are flexing.
To flex on someone means that you are showing off, boasting or gloating to somebody. This is an informal slang way of speaking.
I felt that David was just flexing when he posted a picture of his brand new car.
Yeah, he was really flexing on us. Now flex culture refers to how this has become part of many people's everyday life. This is largely due to social media.
Although you could also say that someone who always points the conversation towards themselves and how great they are, are also participating in flex culture.
That's true. You know, Rex, I think this is something we should all be careful about. Flexing on people isn't very nice.
我們經常看到人們在社群媒體上,炫耀自己去了哪些國家旅遊,或是買了什麼昂貴的東西,英文有一句很有趣的說法,那就是 flexing,這個字原本是「繃緊肌肉、展現自己有多強壯」的意思,現在也可以用來形容炫耀的行為。David was flexing when he posted a picture of his new car. David 放了一張他新車的照片,向大家炫耀一下。
你也可以用 flex on 來表示有人向另外一個人炫耀,像是 Peter’s flexing on me with all this talk about his new house. Peter向我炫耀他的新房子。
近年來,社群媒體慢慢出現了一種現象,那就是 flex culture 炫耀文化,人們塑造一種自己過得很好的樣子,卻把生活中比較真實的一面隱藏起來。
Language Lab
vertical adj. 垂直的
positioned up and down rather than from side to side : going straight up
- If you look at the map on the wall, you will see a vertical line in red and that is the old walkway.
- I think the mirror would look better if we put it in a vertical position.
vertically adv. 垂直地往上/下
- The plants on the lowest shelf couldn’t grow vertically because the shelf on top blocked their way.
- It’s amazing to watch the mountain goats climb up the rock vertically.
intense adj. 極度的、非常強烈的
very great in degree : very strong
- Mary loves durian but her husband thinks the smell is too intense.
Mary 很愛吃榴槤,但是她的丈夫卻覺得榴槤味太強了。
intensive adj. 密集的、加強的
involving very great effort or work
- Daisy will get her certificate after she completes this intensive training.
Daisy 上完這堂密集訓練課後,就可以拿到證書。
intensity n. 強度
the quality or state of being intense : extreme strength or force
- The fire was very strong, and the intensity of its heat could be felt several meters away.
intensify v. 強化、增強
to become stronger or more extreme : to become more intense
- The arguments between the neighbors quickly intensified.
scale v. 攀登
to climb to the top of (something)
- People used to scale the old city wall, but now it is against the law.
scale n. 量體重用的磅秤
a device that is used for weighing people or things
- The nurse wanted to know Paul’s weight so she asked him to stand on a scale.
scale n. (魚、某些爬蟲類的) 鱗片
one of many small thin plates that cover the bodies of some animals (such as fish or snakes)
- Richard is reading about how they’re four kinds of fish scales.
Richard 正在讀關於魚鱗分類有四種的文章。
scale n. (大小) 規模
the size or level of something especially in comparison to something else
- Marcy wants a fancy wedding just like her sister, but on a smaller scale.
Marcy 想跟她姐姐一樣辦一場華麗的婚宴,但是規模要小一點。
athlete n. 運動員
a person who is trained in or good at sports, games, or exercises that require physical skill and strength
- The athlete needs to practice every day.
- Kalepe hurt himself when he tried to jump like an athlete.
Kalepe 再嘗試像一位運動員那樣跳時,受了傷。
athletic adj. 非常健壯的
strong and muscular
- I’m guessing Nick must enjoys playing sport, because he looks very athletic.
athletic adj. 像運動員、跟運動員有關的
of or relating to athletes
- Teresa wants to buy some athletic shoes so she can exercise at the gym.
Teresa 想買一雙運動鞋,好能夠在健身房運動。
athleticism n. 運動方面的能力或技能
the ability to play sports or do physical activities well
- Darren is able to get a sports scholarship because of his outstanding athleticism.
Darren 能夠拿到運動獎金,因為他的運動技能非常優秀。
運動攀登 二○二○東京奧運攀登選手競逐金牌
Have you ever attempted to pull yourself up a vertical climbing wall? Sometimes the holds are only big enough for a fingertip! Men and women's sport climbing is making its first appearance at the Summer Olympics this year. Competitors will compete in three different disciplines: lead, bouldering and speed.
Lead climbing challenges climbers with an intense 15-meter wall. Climbers have six minutes to climb as high as they can using the holds. Whoever reaches the highest hold, wins.
Bouldering features a wide 4-meter-high wall with several routes to the top. Climbers get four minutes to attempt as many routes as they can. If a climber falls, he or she can try again. Climbers can try as many times as they want within the time limit.
Speed climbing is an unbelievably fast race to the top! Climbers scale a 15-meter wall as fast as they can. The fastest climber wins!
Which male and female athletes will get the gold? Watch to find out!
Info Cloud
flexing 炫耀
Welcome to Info Cloud, friends. Everyone knows what flexing your muscles means. But did you know that there is another way to flex?
That's right. Just like when you flex your muscles, you could flex what you have in order to show others.
This isn't a positive thing. Generally, when we are using this term, it is to say that someone just wants others to know how rich they are or how much stuff they have.
When someone posted a picture of themselves on social media wearing an expensive brand or going on an elaborate vacation, you could say that they are flexing.
To flex on someone means that you are showing off, boasting or gloating to somebody. This is an informal slang way of speaking.
I felt that David was just flexing when he posted a picture of his brand new car.
Yeah, he was really flexing on us. Now flex culture refers to how this has become part of many people's everyday life. This is largely due to social media.
Although you could also say that someone who always points the conversation towards themselves and how great they are, are also participating in flex culture.
That's true. You know, Rex, I think this is something we should all be careful about. Flexing on people isn't very nice.
我們經常看到人們在社群媒體上,炫耀自己去了哪些國家旅遊,或是買了什麼昂貴的東西,英文有一句很有趣的說法,那就是 flexing,這個字原本是「繃緊肌肉、展現自己有多強壯」的意思,現在也可以用來形容炫耀的行為。David was flexing when he posted a picture of his new car. David 放了一張他新車的照片,向大家炫耀一下。
你也可以用 flex on 來表示有人向另外一個人炫耀,像是 Peter’s flexing on me with all this talk about his new house. Peter向我炫耀他的新房子。
近年來,社群媒體慢慢出現了一種現象,那就是 flex culture 炫耀文化,人們塑造一種自己過得很好的樣子,卻把生活中比較真實的一面隱藏起來。
Language Lab
vertical adj. 垂直的
positioned up and down rather than from side to side : going straight up
- If you look at the map on the wall, you will see a vertical line in red and that is the old walkway.
- I think the mirror would look better if we put it in a vertical position.
vertically adv. 垂直地往上/下
- The plants on the lowest shelf couldn’t grow vertically because the shelf on top blocked their way.
- It’s amazing to watch the mountain goats climb up the rock vertically.
intense adj. 極度的、非常強烈的
very great in degree : very strong
- Mary loves durian but her husband thinks the smell is too intense.
Mary 很愛吃榴槤,但是她的丈夫卻覺得榴槤味太強了。
intensive adj. 密集的、加強的
involving very great effort or work
- Daisy will get her certificate after she completes this intensive training.
Daisy 上完這堂密集訓練課後,就可以拿到證書。
intensity n. 強度
the quality or state of being intense : extreme strength or force
- The fire was very strong, and the intensity of its heat could be felt several meters away.
intensify v. 強化、增強
to become stronger or more extreme : to become more intense
- The arguments between the neighbors quickly intensified.
scale v. 攀登
to climb to the top of (something)
- People used to scale the old city wall, but now it is against the law.
scale n. 量體重用的磅秤
a device that is used for weighing people or things
- The nurse wanted to know Paul’s weight so she asked him to stand on a scale.
scale n. (魚、某些爬蟲類的) 鱗片
one of many small thin plates that cover the bodies of some animals (such as fish or snakes)
- Richard is reading about how they’re four kinds of fish scales.
Richard 正在讀關於魚鱗分類有四種的文章。
scale n. (大小) 規模
the size or level of something especially in comparison to something else
- Marcy wants a fancy wedding just like her sister, but on a smaller scale.
Marcy 想跟她姐姐一樣辦一場華麗的婚宴,但是規模要小一點。
athlete n. 運動員
a person who is trained in or good at sports, games, or exercises that require physical skill and strength
- The athlete needs to practice every day.
- Kalepe hurt himself when he tried to jump like an athlete.
Kalepe 再嘗試像一位運動員那樣跳時,受了傷。
athletic adj. 非常健壯的
strong and muscular
- I’m guessing Nick must enjoys playing sport, because he looks very athletic.
athletic adj. 像運動員、跟運動員有關的
of or relating to athletes
- Teresa wants to buy some athletic shoes so she can exercise at the gym.
Teresa 想買一雙運動鞋,好能夠在健身房運動。
athleticism n. 運動方面的能力或技能
the ability to play sports or do physical activities well
- Darren is able to get a sports scholarship because of his outstanding athleticism.
Darren 能夠拿到運動獎金,因為他的運動技能非常優秀。
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Wicked: The Untold Story of Oz (2)
As the story opens, Glinda announces that Elphaba, the Wicked Witch, is dead. She then reflects on their friendship.
When Elphaba first arrived at Shiz University, her fellow students shunned her because she was green. She roomed with the rich, spoiled and beautiful Glinda. They had nothing in common, yet eventually, they developed a deep friendship. And Elphaba and Fiyero, the Captain of the Guard, fell in love.
The wizard's assistant fooled the people into thinking that Elphaba was wicked. They called her "The Wicked Witch of the West" and spread rumors that water would melt her.
Later, an angry crowd came for her. Horrified, Glinda watched Dorothy throw water on Elphaba, causing her to seemingly away.
Glinda finishes her reflections. She then promises to earn the title people have given her - "Glinda, the Good Witch."
After the crowd leaves, Fiyero appears and opens a trapdoor in the floor. Elphaba comes out, and they leave Oz together.
The musical's ending differs greatly from the film. But the musical makes the point that there are two sides to every story.
Info Cloud
alignment system 角色的歸屬系統
Welcome to Info Cloud, everyone. Today we are going to talk about the alignment system.
It's not the way that you straighten something or put it in a straight line.
The alignment system was created to describe how characters from fantasy games act.
Let's take the Jedi from Star Wars, for example. In that story, the Jedi are either with the light side or the dark side of the Force.
It's the traditional story of good versus evil. But even in a story, things aren't always that simple and the alignment system is a bit more complex.
It's more than just a question of good or evil. Do you always follow the rules, or do you believe in the freedom to do what you think is best?
A person who always follows the rules could be described as a lawful person. If you don't believe in order, we say chaotic. In the middle, neutral.
So now we can combine the labels of lawful, chaotic, neutral , good and evil to describe someone's character.
Superman? Easy - lawful good. The Joker, chaotic evil. The Batman? Well, that's a little bit more complicated.
Actually, talking about a character's alignment was really intended for certain kinds of games. But it is fun to discuss the nature of characters from different stories. And now you can join in on the discussion.
今天介紹的這個專業名詞跟奇幻故事的角色類型有關,那就是alignment system 角色的歸屬系統,alignment 是排列,system 是系統。每一個奇幻遊戲裡都有一些基本的角色類型,像是傳統的星際大戰就分 good and evil 正邪兩大類,但是很多故事比較複雜,除了 good 和evil 正邪之外,還有三大類-- lawful 守法的、chaotic 衝突性的、 neutral 中立的,這五大角色類別 good、evil、lawful、chaotic和 neutral 還可以相互搭配,讓角色的張力更大。
像是 Superman 超人是 lawful good 守法正義的,蝙蝠俠裡的Joker 小丑是chaotic evil 內心衝突邪惡的,而 Batman 蝙蝠俠的角色類別就可能比較複雜了。有些人可能會覺得亦邪亦正,這就是奇幻故事裡各類角色的alignment system歸類系統。
Language Lab
announce v. 宣布
to make (something) known in a public or formal way : to officially tell people about (something)
- Adrio and Barbara announced their engagement.
Adrio 和Barbara 宣布他們訂婚了。
- The judges will announce the winner tomorrow morning.
announce v. 顯示
to say in a formal or official way that something or someone has arrived or is present or ready
- The warm gentle breeze announced the coming of spring.
announcement n. 公告、聲明
a written or spoken statement that tells people about something : public or formal words that announce something
- An important announcement was posted on the wall and a lot of people are trying to read it.
spoil v. 寵壞、溺愛
to give (someone, such as a child) everything that he or she wants : to have a bad effect on (someone) by allowing too many things or by not correcting bad behavior
- Jessica was a spoiled child, and always got whatever she wanted.
Jessica 是一位被寵壞的孩子,她想要什麼就有什麼。
- Michael is always spoiling his grandchild.
Michael 經常縱容他的孫子。
spoil v. 糟蹋、破壞
to have a bad effect on (something) : to damage or ruin (something)
- Kevin complained about everything at the party, and completely spoiled the fun.
Kevin 在宴會裡一直在抱怨,並把宴會的歡樂氣氛完全毀了。
spoil v. 食物變壞
to decay or lose freshness especially because of being kept too long
- We need to finish the food in the refrigerator before it spoils.
rumor n. 謠言、傳言
information or a story that is passed from person to person but has not been proven to be true
- I heard a rumor that Sally is getting married.
- There are rumors about a strange man walking around in the school at night.
Rumor has it... 根據傳言
- Rumor has it that the boss plans to increase everyone’s pay next month.
- Rumor has it that the chef of that restaurant used to be in prison.
reflection n. 深思、沉思
careful thought about something
- Karen enjoys listening to her grandmother’s reflections on life and her home country.
Karen 喜歡聽她祖母對她早期在祖國的日子的沉思。
- The stories in the book are reflection of the author’s childhood years in the refugee camp.
reflection n. 反射、映射
an image that is seen in a mirror or on a shiny surface
- Lelia didn’t realize there was a leaf on her head until she looked at a window and saw her reflection.
Lelia 是因為看到窗戶旁中的倒影才知道她頭上有一片葉子。
reflection n. 顯示、表達
something that shows the effect, existence, or character of something else — often + of
- The team being able to complete the difficult task is a reflection of its leader’s capabilities.
shun v.
to avoid (someone or something)
- After his divorce he found himself being shunned by many of his former friends.
When Elphaba first arrived at Shiz University, her fellow students shunned her because she was green. She roomed with the rich, spoiled and beautiful Glinda. They had nothing in common, yet eventually, they developed a deep friendship. And Elphaba and Fiyero, the Captain of the Guard, fell in love.
The wizard's assistant fooled the people into thinking that Elphaba was wicked. They called her "The Wicked Witch of the West" and spread rumors that water would melt her.
Later, an angry crowd came for her. Horrified, Glinda watched Dorothy throw water on Elphaba, causing her to seemingly away.
Glinda finishes her reflections. She then promises to earn the title people have given her - "Glinda, the Good Witch."
After the crowd leaves, Fiyero appears and opens a trapdoor in the floor. Elphaba comes out, and they leave Oz together.
The musical's ending differs greatly from the film. But the musical makes the point that there are two sides to every story.
Info Cloud
alignment system 角色的歸屬系統
Welcome to Info Cloud, everyone. Today we are going to talk about the alignment system.
It's not the way that you straighten something or put it in a straight line.
The alignment system was created to describe how characters from fantasy games act.
Let's take the Jedi from Star Wars, for example. In that story, the Jedi are either with the light side or the dark side of the Force.
It's the traditional story of good versus evil. But even in a story, things aren't always that simple and the alignment system is a bit more complex.
It's more than just a question of good or evil. Do you always follow the rules, or do you believe in the freedom to do what you think is best?
A person who always follows the rules could be described as a lawful person. If you don't believe in order, we say chaotic. In the middle, neutral.
So now we can combine the labels of lawful, chaotic, neutral , good and evil to describe someone's character.
Superman? Easy - lawful good. The Joker, chaotic evil. The Batman? Well, that's a little bit more complicated.
Actually, talking about a character's alignment was really intended for certain kinds of games. But it is fun to discuss the nature of characters from different stories. And now you can join in on the discussion.
今天介紹的這個專業名詞跟奇幻故事的角色類型有關,那就是alignment system 角色的歸屬系統,alignment 是排列,system 是系統。每一個奇幻遊戲裡都有一些基本的角色類型,像是傳統的星際大戰就分 good and evil 正邪兩大類,但是很多故事比較複雜,除了 good 和evil 正邪之外,還有三大類-- lawful 守法的、chaotic 衝突性的、 neutral 中立的,這五大角色類別 good、evil、lawful、chaotic和 neutral 還可以相互搭配,讓角色的張力更大。
像是 Superman 超人是 lawful good 守法正義的,蝙蝠俠裡的Joker 小丑是chaotic evil 內心衝突邪惡的,而 Batman 蝙蝠俠的角色類別就可能比較複雜了。有些人可能會覺得亦邪亦正,這就是奇幻故事裡各類角色的alignment system歸類系統。
Language Lab
announce v. 宣布
to make (something) known in a public or formal way : to officially tell people about (something)
- Adrio and Barbara announced their engagement.
Adrio 和Barbara 宣布他們訂婚了。
- The judges will announce the winner tomorrow morning.
announce v. 顯示
to say in a formal or official way that something or someone has arrived or is present or ready
- The warm gentle breeze announced the coming of spring.
announcement n. 公告、聲明
a written or spoken statement that tells people about something : public or formal words that announce something
- An important announcement was posted on the wall and a lot of people are trying to read it.
spoil v. 寵壞、溺愛
to give (someone, such as a child) everything that he or she wants : to have a bad effect on (someone) by allowing too many things or by not correcting bad behavior
- Jessica was a spoiled child, and always got whatever she wanted.
Jessica 是一位被寵壞的孩子,她想要什麼就有什麼。
- Michael is always spoiling his grandchild.
Michael 經常縱容他的孫子。
spoil v. 糟蹋、破壞
to have a bad effect on (something) : to damage or ruin (something)
- Kevin complained about everything at the party, and completely spoiled the fun.
Kevin 在宴會裡一直在抱怨,並把宴會的歡樂氣氛完全毀了。
spoil v. 食物變壞
to decay or lose freshness especially because of being kept too long
- We need to finish the food in the refrigerator before it spoils.
rumor n. 謠言、傳言
information or a story that is passed from person to person but has not been proven to be true
- I heard a rumor that Sally is getting married.
- There are rumors about a strange man walking around in the school at night.
Rumor has it... 根據傳言
- Rumor has it that the boss plans to increase everyone’s pay next month.
- Rumor has it that the chef of that restaurant used to be in prison.
reflection n. 深思、沉思
careful thought about something
- Karen enjoys listening to her grandmother’s reflections on life and her home country.
Karen 喜歡聽她祖母對她早期在祖國的日子的沉思。
- The stories in the book are reflection of the author’s childhood years in the refugee camp.
reflection n. 反射、映射
an image that is seen in a mirror or on a shiny surface
- Lelia didn’t realize there was a leaf on her head until she looked at a window and saw her reflection.
Lelia 是因為看到窗戶旁中的倒影才知道她頭上有一片葉子。
reflection n. 顯示、表達
something that shows the effect, existence, or character of something else — often + of
- The team being able to complete the difficult task is a reflection of its leader’s capabilities.
shun v.
to avoid (someone or something)
- After his divorce he found himself being shunned by many of his former friends.
Friday, May 15, 2020
Wicked: The Untold Story of Oz (1)
A trip back to Oz before Dorothy dropped in
《女巫前傳》:你不知道的奧茲 桃樂絲來到奧茲國之前,女巫們到底有何恩怨糾葛?
In the movie The Wizard of Oz, Dorothy melts the Wicked Witch of the West. Or does she?
Music writer Stephen Schwartz imagined a different ending for the well-known villain in his 2003 musical, Wicked. It's based on the book, Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West. Most of Gregory Maguire's 1995 novel takes place before Dorothy ever enters Oz. Yet many familiar characters are there, including Glinda, the Good Witch, along with the Wizard.
Maguire creates a friendship between Elphaba, the Wicked Witch, and Glinda. Their friendship allows readers to see the sometimes not-so-perfect side of Glinda. Plus, they discover how Elphaba, who doesn't start out wicked, receives that title.
Schwartz first read Maguire's book while on vacation. He immediately began making plans for a musical version. Maguire's story was seen mostly through Elphaba's eyes. But Schwartz wanted the musical to feature both Elphaba and Glinda and their complicated relationship.
Wicked first appeared on Boradway on October 30, 2003.
Info Cloud
There is more to someone than meets the eye.
Welcome to Info Cloud, everyone. Have you ever started something and then realized that it was more complicated than you thought?
I love it when there is more to something than meets the eye. There are some pieces of music that sounds simple, but they are actually quite complicated.
That's a great example. Now you might be wondering how music which you listen to has something to do with what you can or can't see.
In English, when you say that there is more to something or someone than meets the eye, it means something is not as simple as it appears.
Our new co-worker seemed very young. At first, I was worried that she couldn't handle the demands of working here. But there is more to her than meets the eye.
That's a great example of how we can use that phrase. We don't always use it for people. There's more to this problem than meets the eye.
We use this phrase to mean that something is not as simple as it seems, which can be good or bad. When we use it to describe people, it is most often used in a positive way.
很多事情並不是像表面上看起來那麼簡單,或是很多人的能力是深藏不露的,這個時候你可以說: There is more to something 或是 There is more to someone than meets the eye. 這件事情或是這個人並不像你眼睛看到的樣子。例如,你對一個新同事印象不好,不太信任她的能力,但她卻表現得很好,你可以說: There is more to her than meets the eye. 她比表面上看起來還要有能力。
meets the eye 是眼睛看到的,more to her than meets the eye 就是比眼睛看到的還有更多的內容。當你形容一個問題不像表面上看起來那麼簡單,你可以說: There’s more to the problem than meets the eye.
Language Lab
villain n. 壞人
a person who does bad things
- The people in the town saw the factory owner as a villain and blamed him for all their pollution problems.
villain n. 反派角色
a character in a story, movie, etc., who does bad things
- I’m surprised to see that actor play the villain in this movie because he normally plays the lead character in other movies.
villainous adj.邪惡的、特別壞的
very bad or evil : wicked
- Many people think Shakespeare’s Lady Macbeth is a very villainous female character.
familiar adj. 熟悉的 (重音第二音節)
frequently seen, heard, or experienced
- I am sure this word is very familiar to you all.
familiarize v. 使熟悉、瞭解
to give (someone) knowledge about something : to make (someone) familiar with something
- The new assistant is very smart, but she needs time to familiarize herself with the way things are done in this company.
familiarity n.熟知、熟悉的感覺 (重音第四音節)
the state of being familiar with something : the state of having knowledge about something — usually + with
- I had never been to that bookstore before, but when I walked in, there was a sense of familiarity.
feature v. 以某人、東西或狀況作為特色; 以某人主演
to have or include (someone or something) as an important part
- The pianist will be having a special performance featuring songs from her favorite movies.
- The film features the talented actress as a princess who runs away from the palace.
feature n. 特色、特徵
an interesting or important part, quality, ability, etc.
- Garry wants to show her friends the new features on her latest cellphone.
Garry 想要給他的朋友看他新手機有哪些新特色。
feature n. 面貌、面貌的一部分
a part of the face (such as the eyes, nose, or mouth)
- Sharon had no problem getting a job as a fashion model because of her features.
Sharon 因為她的容貌,所以很容易就找到服裝模特兒的工作。
complicated adj. 複雜的; 惡化的
hard to understand, explain, or deal with; having many parts or steps
- Linda didn’t enjoy the movie because the story was too complicated.
Linda 不喜歡那部電影,因為故事劇情太複雜了。
- It’s taking Ralph a very long time to fill out the form because it is very complicated.
Ralph 須要花很多時間來填這份單子,因為它很複雜。
complicate v. 使某件事情變得更複雜
to make (something) more difficult or less simple
- I don’t want you to talk to Martha because it will complicate the situation.
我不要你去跟Martha 講話,因為會讓事情變得更複雜。
- The patient’s mental disorder was complicated by the side effects from the pain medication she was taking.
《女巫前傳》:你不知道的奧茲 桃樂絲來到奧茲國之前,女巫們到底有何恩怨糾葛?
In the movie The Wizard of Oz, Dorothy melts the Wicked Witch of the West. Or does she?
Music writer Stephen Schwartz imagined a different ending for the well-known villain in his 2003 musical, Wicked. It's based on the book, Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West. Most of Gregory Maguire's 1995 novel takes place before Dorothy ever enters Oz. Yet many familiar characters are there, including Glinda, the Good Witch, along with the Wizard.
Maguire creates a friendship between Elphaba, the Wicked Witch, and Glinda. Their friendship allows readers to see the sometimes not-so-perfect side of Glinda. Plus, they discover how Elphaba, who doesn't start out wicked, receives that title.
Schwartz first read Maguire's book while on vacation. He immediately began making plans for a musical version. Maguire's story was seen mostly through Elphaba's eyes. But Schwartz wanted the musical to feature both Elphaba and Glinda and their complicated relationship.
Wicked first appeared on Boradway on October 30, 2003.
Info Cloud
There is more to someone than meets the eye.
Welcome to Info Cloud, everyone. Have you ever started something and then realized that it was more complicated than you thought?
I love it when there is more to something than meets the eye. There are some pieces of music that sounds simple, but they are actually quite complicated.
That's a great example. Now you might be wondering how music which you listen to has something to do with what you can or can't see.
In English, when you say that there is more to something or someone than meets the eye, it means something is not as simple as it appears.
Our new co-worker seemed very young. At first, I was worried that she couldn't handle the demands of working here. But there is more to her than meets the eye.
That's a great example of how we can use that phrase. We don't always use it for people. There's more to this problem than meets the eye.
We use this phrase to mean that something is not as simple as it seems, which can be good or bad. When we use it to describe people, it is most often used in a positive way.
很多事情並不是像表面上看起來那麼簡單,或是很多人的能力是深藏不露的,這個時候你可以說: There is more to something 或是 There is more to someone than meets the eye. 這件事情或是這個人並不像你眼睛看到的樣子。例如,你對一個新同事印象不好,不太信任她的能力,但她卻表現得很好,你可以說: There is more to her than meets the eye. 她比表面上看起來還要有能力。
meets the eye 是眼睛看到的,more to her than meets the eye 就是比眼睛看到的還有更多的內容。當你形容一個問題不像表面上看起來那麼簡單,你可以說: There’s more to the problem than meets the eye.
Language Lab
villain n. 壞人
a person who does bad things
- The people in the town saw the factory owner as a villain and blamed him for all their pollution problems.
villain n. 反派角色
a character in a story, movie, etc., who does bad things
- I’m surprised to see that actor play the villain in this movie because he normally plays the lead character in other movies.
villainous adj.邪惡的、特別壞的
very bad or evil : wicked
- Many people think Shakespeare’s Lady Macbeth is a very villainous female character.
familiar adj. 熟悉的 (重音第二音節)
frequently seen, heard, or experienced
- I am sure this word is very familiar to you all.
familiarize v. 使熟悉、瞭解
to give (someone) knowledge about something : to make (someone) familiar with something
- The new assistant is very smart, but she needs time to familiarize herself with the way things are done in this company.
familiarity n.熟知、熟悉的感覺 (重音第四音節)
the state of being familiar with something : the state of having knowledge about something — usually + with
- I had never been to that bookstore before, but when I walked in, there was a sense of familiarity.
feature v. 以某人、東西或狀況作為特色; 以某人主演
to have or include (someone or something) as an important part
- The pianist will be having a special performance featuring songs from her favorite movies.
- The film features the talented actress as a princess who runs away from the palace.
feature n. 特色、特徵
an interesting or important part, quality, ability, etc.
- Garry wants to show her friends the new features on her latest cellphone.
Garry 想要給他的朋友看他新手機有哪些新特色。
feature n. 面貌、面貌的一部分
a part of the face (such as the eyes, nose, or mouth)
- Sharon had no problem getting a job as a fashion model because of her features.
Sharon 因為她的容貌,所以很容易就找到服裝模特兒的工作。
complicated adj. 複雜的; 惡化的
hard to understand, explain, or deal with; having many parts or steps
- Linda didn’t enjoy the movie because the story was too complicated.
Linda 不喜歡那部電影,因為故事劇情太複雜了。
- It’s taking Ralph a very long time to fill out the form because it is very complicated.
Ralph 須要花很多時間來填這份單子,因為它很複雜。
complicate v. 使某件事情變得更複雜
to make (something) more difficult or less simple
- I don’t want you to talk to Martha because it will complicate the situation.
我不要你去跟Martha 講話,因為會讓事情變得更複雜。
- The patient’s mental disorder was complicated by the side effects from the pain medication she was taking.
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Vessel (2)
Vessel comprises 80 landings connected by 154 flights of stairs. But for those who don't want to climb, there is an elevator that goes straight to the top. Its framework is made of painted steel with shiny copper undersides that reflect the surrounding city. Wood says, "It feels like pieces of pavement lifted into the air."
The designers were inspired by India's ancient stepwells - wells that are reached by a series of descending steps and platforms. Other monuments, such as the Spanish Steps in Rome, were also used for reference.
Vessel opened to the public on March 15, 2019. Those interested in exploration of the structure can book free tickets to enter at a set time. Or you can purchase more flexible passes that let you enter any time on a set day. Now that Vessel is open, there will be a competition to choose its permanent name.
Many questions remain about the future of Vessel. What will people use it for? Will it meet the designers' aspirations and become a major landmark and attraction? Will it succeed in bringing people together? Whatever Vessel's future, its designers have created a unique and attractive structure for people to enjoy now.
Info Cloud
We are all in the same boat.
Welcome to Info Cloud, friends. You know, recently, I've been thinking about the time I spent in language school. When studying a new language, it's easy to get discouraged. Learning Chinese is really overwhelming.
But, Anne Marie, all of our students here know what that feels like. They're learning English as their foreign language. And I studied Japanese as a foreign language as well. See? We're all in the same boat.
That's so encouraging, Rex. Students, when someone uses the phrase "We're all in the same boat," they are saying it to encourage you not to feel alone. They know what it's like, too.
Just like people in a boat are all traveling in the same direction, the phrase "we're all in the same boat" gives the idea that we are in this together.
Saying "we're all in the same boat" lets someone know that you are on their side, experiencing the same thing or understand how they feel. I've been there, too, and want to help you through it.
I think the scariest part of learning a new language is speaking out loud and be willing to make mistakes.
But, remember, don't be afraid to try because we are all in the same boat.
當你想要跟一個朋友表達同理心,告訴他們你經歷過相同的困難,你可以說: We are all in the same boat. 我們都在同一艘船上。這句話是用來安慰一些朋友,跟他們說你不是孤單一個人,我們經歷過或是正在經歷相同的挑戰。你是不是在學英文的路上感到有點挫折? We are all in the same boat. 你是不是在工作上感到有很多壓力? We are all in the same boat. 這句話除了安慰,也是一種鼓勵。
Language Lab
pavement n. 走道、人行道
a usually concrete path along the side of a street for people to walk on
- Rodney got a ticket for parking his car on the pavement.
Rodney 車子停在人行道而被開罰單。
- A lot of people like to go running on the pavement in this neighborhood.
pavement n. 鋪過的路面
the hard surface of a road, driveway, etc.
- Ann fell off her bike and almost hit her head on the pavement.
Ann 從腳踏車上摔下來,頭有差一點碰到路面。
pave v. 鋪築
to cover (something) with a material (such as stone, tar, or concrete) that forms a hard, level surface for walking, driving, etc.
- The old town is full of charm, and its streets are paved with cobblestones. 這座古鎮很有魅力,它的街道都是用鵝卵石鋪築的。
descend v. 下降, 走下
to go down : to go or move from a higher to a lower place or level
- The airplane is getting ready to descend.
- Descending the mountain was harder than I thought.
descend v. 面或不好的感覺的蔓延或擴展
to go or change to a worse state or condition — + into
- Fear began to descend on the hikers as they waited for someone to come and help them.
descend v. 天黑了
to appear or happen like something that comes down from the sky
- As night descends, the tiger slowly comes out of its cave.
exploration n. 探索、探測的活動
the act of exploring something
explore v. 探索、探險
to look at (something) in a careful way to learn more about it : to study or analyze (something)
- After Cynthia put her stuff in her hotel room, she went to explore the area around the hotel building.
Cynthia 在把她的東西放在飯店房間後,她就去探索飯店附近的區域。
- Wayne loves the ocean and hopes to do some undersea exploration someday.
Wayne 熱愛海洋,希望有機會能做海底探索。
- The professor thinks the money spent on space exploration could have been used to fix some of the problems here on earth.
aspiration n. 志向、目標
something that a person wants very much to achieve
- Unlike his brothers who all became successful in their jobs, Trent never had any aspirations.
Trent 沒有志向,不像他們的兄長們那樣在事業方面都很成功。
- Sasha likes to talk about her aspirations, but she has never done anything to accomplish her dreams.
Sasha 老是講她有志向,卻從來沒有任何實際的行動。
aspire v. 立志要做到、完成某一件事
to want to have or achieve something (such as a particular career or level of success) — often + to
- Gwendolyn aspires to become a doctor.
Gwendolyn 立志要成為一位醫生。
The designers were inspired by India's ancient stepwells - wells that are reached by a series of descending steps and platforms. Other monuments, such as the Spanish Steps in Rome, were also used for reference.
Vessel opened to the public on March 15, 2019. Those interested in exploration of the structure can book free tickets to enter at a set time. Or you can purchase more flexible passes that let you enter any time on a set day. Now that Vessel is open, there will be a competition to choose its permanent name.
Many questions remain about the future of Vessel. What will people use it for? Will it meet the designers' aspirations and become a major landmark and attraction? Will it succeed in bringing people together? Whatever Vessel's future, its designers have created a unique and attractive structure for people to enjoy now.
Info Cloud
We are all in the same boat.
Welcome to Info Cloud, friends. You know, recently, I've been thinking about the time I spent in language school. When studying a new language, it's easy to get discouraged. Learning Chinese is really overwhelming.
But, Anne Marie, all of our students here know what that feels like. They're learning English as their foreign language. And I studied Japanese as a foreign language as well. See? We're all in the same boat.
That's so encouraging, Rex. Students, when someone uses the phrase "We're all in the same boat," they are saying it to encourage you not to feel alone. They know what it's like, too.
Just like people in a boat are all traveling in the same direction, the phrase "we're all in the same boat" gives the idea that we are in this together.
Saying "we're all in the same boat" lets someone know that you are on their side, experiencing the same thing or understand how they feel. I've been there, too, and want to help you through it.
I think the scariest part of learning a new language is speaking out loud and be willing to make mistakes.
But, remember, don't be afraid to try because we are all in the same boat.
當你想要跟一個朋友表達同理心,告訴他們你經歷過相同的困難,你可以說: We are all in the same boat. 我們都在同一艘船上。這句話是用來安慰一些朋友,跟他們說你不是孤單一個人,我們經歷過或是正在經歷相同的挑戰。你是不是在學英文的路上感到有點挫折? We are all in the same boat. 你是不是在工作上感到有很多壓力? We are all in the same boat. 這句話除了安慰,也是一種鼓勵。
Language Lab
pavement n. 走道、人行道
a usually concrete path along the side of a street for people to walk on
- Rodney got a ticket for parking his car on the pavement.
Rodney 車子停在人行道而被開罰單。
- A lot of people like to go running on the pavement in this neighborhood.
pavement n. 鋪過的路面
the hard surface of a road, driveway, etc.
- Ann fell off her bike and almost hit her head on the pavement.
Ann 從腳踏車上摔下來,頭有差一點碰到路面。
pave v. 鋪築
to cover (something) with a material (such as stone, tar, or concrete) that forms a hard, level surface for walking, driving, etc.
- The old town is full of charm, and its streets are paved with cobblestones. 這座古鎮很有魅力,它的街道都是用鵝卵石鋪築的。
descend v. 下降, 走下
to go down : to go or move from a higher to a lower place or level
- The airplane is getting ready to descend.
- Descending the mountain was harder than I thought.
descend v. 面或不好的感覺的蔓延或擴展
to go or change to a worse state or condition — + into
- Fear began to descend on the hikers as they waited for someone to come and help them.
descend v. 天黑了
to appear or happen like something that comes down from the sky
- As night descends, the tiger slowly comes out of its cave.
exploration n. 探索、探測的活動
the act of exploring something
explore v. 探索、探險
to look at (something) in a careful way to learn more about it : to study or analyze (something)
- After Cynthia put her stuff in her hotel room, she went to explore the area around the hotel building.
Cynthia 在把她的東西放在飯店房間後,她就去探索飯店附近的區域。
- Wayne loves the ocean and hopes to do some undersea exploration someday.
Wayne 熱愛海洋,希望有機會能做海底探索。
- The professor thinks the money spent on space exploration could have been used to fix some of the problems here on earth.
aspiration n. 志向、目標
something that a person wants very much to achieve
- Unlike his brothers who all became successful in their jobs, Trent never had any aspirations.
Trent 沒有志向,不像他們的兄長們那樣在事業方面都很成功。
- Sasha likes to talk about her aspirations, but she has never done anything to accomplish her dreams.
Sasha 老是講她有志向,卻從來沒有任何實際的行動。
aspire v. 立志要做到、完成某一件事
to want to have or achieve something (such as a particular career or level of success) — often + to
- Gwendolyn aspires to become a doctor.
Gwendolyn 立志要成為一位醫生。
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Vessel (1)
A beautiful, unique structure rises in New York City
Vessel ── 紐約新地標 矗立於美國紐約 獨一無二新建築
Heatherwick Studios, run by British architect Thomas Heatherwick, has created a beautiful, complex structure temporarily known as Vessel. The designers call Vessel an interactive artwork; it's a network of staircases and platforms that offers views of New York City from a variety of perspectives. But the best views, according to Stuart Wood, group leader and partner at Heatherwick Studios, are those looking inward.
Vessel Stands at the heart of Hudson Yards, a real-estate development in New York City that includes offices, residences and stores.
Hudson Yards is currently the largest private development in the U.S. and is built over the top of an active rail yard. Vessel is meant to be a meeting point at the center of the area as well as an attraction for tourists. The designers say that they want the structure to bring people together, and they expect its use to evolve over time.
The name "Vessel" comes from the structure's shape: narrow at its base and then expanding up and out to a height of 46 meters and a width of 46 meters at its top. This is partly for pragmatic reasons: the designers didn't want the structure to take up too much space on the ground.
Info Cloud
New York State
Hello, friends. Welcome to Info Cloud. Anne Marie, have you ever been to New York before? I'm thinking of taking a trip there.
I have. My husband graduated from a college in New York. I visited with him before.
Wow! How did he like studying in such a busy place? I bet it was hard to concentrate with everything there was to do.
Actually, his college was located in New York State. He lived up in the mountains surrounded by nature, not in the city. A lot of people get that confused. New York City is located in New York State.
Oh, right. Did you know although New York City makes up less than 1 percent of New York State's land area, it holds 40 percent of the state's population? New York City is the most populous city in the United States.
That's amazing. New York State is actually geographically really diverse, too. The Adirondack Mountains, Catskill Mountains, Lake Ontario, Lake Erie and Niagara Falls are all located there.
I've heard New York City referred to as the Big Apple before. Do you know why?
No one really knows why. But I think we all can guess why sometimes New York City is called The City That Never Sleeps.
美國紐約是一個充滿魅力的城市,有些人可能不知道 New York 是一個城市,但也是一個州的名稱。New York City 紐約市其實是 New York State 紐約州裡面的一個小城市,佔地面積只有整個州的不到百分之一的大小。雖然如此,一個小小的 New York City 紐約市 卻擁有New York State 紐約州 百分之四十的人口。
其實紐約州的其它地方擁有相當多樣的天然地理環境,像是 Lake Ontario 安大略湖、Catskill Mountains 卡茲奇山, 以及 Niagara Falls 尼加拉大瀑布,都是在紐約州的北部地區。
Language Lab
architect n. 建築師
a person who designs buildings
- Denise wants to become an architect because she is interested in designing buildings.
Denise 想成為一位建築師,因為她對建築設計有興趣。
architect n. 創立者
a person who designs and guides a plan, project, etc. — usually + of
- That prime minister was the architect of the country’s successful foreign policy.
architectural adj. 跟建築(學)有關的
- This hotel’s architectural design was inspired by the Versailles.
architecture n. 建築物
a method or style of building
- Nobody knows the history of the old castle, but the architecture itself is beautiful to look at.
residence n. 住宅、住所
the state of living in a particular place
- Although this building is called the Governor’s Mansion, the governor’s actual residence is on the other side of town.
- After being away for thirty years, Alice couldn’t recognize her childhood residence.
離開了三十年後,Alice 認不出她兒時的住所。
resident n. 住戶、居民
someone who lives in a particular place
- The residents in this area are worried about the factory polluting their water and air.
- Abe is always having parties at night, and the residents in his neighborhood don’t like the noise. Abe常常在他家晚上開趴,所以附近的居民都不堪其擾。
evolve v. 逐步地發展、演變、形成
to change or develop slowly often into a better, more complex, or more advanced state : to develop by a process of evolution
- What started out as a weekend club for women interested in baking has evolved into a community food bank for the homeless.
- The original donut was a simple dough fried in oil, but it has since evolved into different shapes, sizes and flavors.
evolution n. 演化、進化
a process of slow change and development
- It is interesting to see the evolution of women’s workout clothes because what women used to wear to exercise and what women wear now are very different.
evolution n. 進化論
a theory that the differences between modern plants and animals are because of changes that happened by a natural process over a very long time
- Darwin is the founder of the modern theory of Evolution.
pragmatic adj. 實際的、講究實際的
dealing with the problems that exist in a specific situation in a reasonable and logical way instead of depending on ideas and theories
- The team worked together to come up with a pragmatic solution to the problem.
pragmatically adv. 用實際的方法做事
- We need to handle the situation pragmatically or things will get worse.
pragmatism n. 實用或務實的思想、實用主義
a reasonable and logical way of doing things or of thinking about problems that is based on dealing with specific situations instead of on ideas and theories
- Pragmatism and common sense led to Tom’s decision to abandon the project.
Vessel ── 紐約新地標 矗立於美國紐約 獨一無二新建築
Heatherwick Studios, run by British architect Thomas Heatherwick, has created a beautiful, complex structure temporarily known as Vessel. The designers call Vessel an interactive artwork; it's a network of staircases and platforms that offers views of New York City from a variety of perspectives. But the best views, according to Stuart Wood, group leader and partner at Heatherwick Studios, are those looking inward.
Vessel Stands at the heart of Hudson Yards, a real-estate development in New York City that includes offices, residences and stores.
Hudson Yards is currently the largest private development in the U.S. and is built over the top of an active rail yard. Vessel is meant to be a meeting point at the center of the area as well as an attraction for tourists. The designers say that they want the structure to bring people together, and they expect its use to evolve over time.
The name "Vessel" comes from the structure's shape: narrow at its base and then expanding up and out to a height of 46 meters and a width of 46 meters at its top. This is partly for pragmatic reasons: the designers didn't want the structure to take up too much space on the ground.
Info Cloud
New York State
Hello, friends. Welcome to Info Cloud. Anne Marie, have you ever been to New York before? I'm thinking of taking a trip there.
I have. My husband graduated from a college in New York. I visited with him before.
Wow! How did he like studying in such a busy place? I bet it was hard to concentrate with everything there was to do.
Actually, his college was located in New York State. He lived up in the mountains surrounded by nature, not in the city. A lot of people get that confused. New York City is located in New York State.
Oh, right. Did you know although New York City makes up less than 1 percent of New York State's land area, it holds 40 percent of the state's population? New York City is the most populous city in the United States.
That's amazing. New York State is actually geographically really diverse, too. The Adirondack Mountains, Catskill Mountains, Lake Ontario, Lake Erie and Niagara Falls are all located there.
I've heard New York City referred to as the Big Apple before. Do you know why?
No one really knows why. But I think we all can guess why sometimes New York City is called The City That Never Sleeps.
美國紐約是一個充滿魅力的城市,有些人可能不知道 New York 是一個城市,但也是一個州的名稱。New York City 紐約市其實是 New York State 紐約州裡面的一個小城市,佔地面積只有整個州的不到百分之一的大小。雖然如此,一個小小的 New York City 紐約市 卻擁有New York State 紐約州 百分之四十的人口。
其實紐約州的其它地方擁有相當多樣的天然地理環境,像是 Lake Ontario 安大略湖、Catskill Mountains 卡茲奇山, 以及 Niagara Falls 尼加拉大瀑布,都是在紐約州的北部地區。
Language Lab
architect n. 建築師
a person who designs buildings
- Denise wants to become an architect because she is interested in designing buildings.
Denise 想成為一位建築師,因為她對建築設計有興趣。
architect n. 創立者
a person who designs and guides a plan, project, etc. — usually + of
- That prime minister was the architect of the country’s successful foreign policy.
architectural adj. 跟建築(學)有關的
- This hotel’s architectural design was inspired by the Versailles.
architecture n. 建築物
a method or style of building
- Nobody knows the history of the old castle, but the architecture itself is beautiful to look at.
residence n. 住宅、住所
the state of living in a particular place
- Although this building is called the Governor’s Mansion, the governor’s actual residence is on the other side of town.
- After being away for thirty years, Alice couldn’t recognize her childhood residence.
離開了三十年後,Alice 認不出她兒時的住所。
resident n. 住戶、居民
someone who lives in a particular place
- The residents in this area are worried about the factory polluting their water and air.
- Abe is always having parties at night, and the residents in his neighborhood don’t like the noise. Abe常常在他家晚上開趴,所以附近的居民都不堪其擾。
evolve v. 逐步地發展、演變、形成
to change or develop slowly often into a better, more complex, or more advanced state : to develop by a process of evolution
- What started out as a weekend club for women interested in baking has evolved into a community food bank for the homeless.
- The original donut was a simple dough fried in oil, but it has since evolved into different shapes, sizes and flavors.
evolution n. 演化、進化
a process of slow change and development
- It is interesting to see the evolution of women’s workout clothes because what women used to wear to exercise and what women wear now are very different.
evolution n. 進化論
a theory that the differences between modern plants and animals are because of changes that happened by a natural process over a very long time
- Darwin is the founder of the modern theory of Evolution.
pragmatic adj. 實際的、講究實際的
dealing with the problems that exist in a specific situation in a reasonable and logical way instead of depending on ideas and theories
- The team worked together to come up with a pragmatic solution to the problem.
pragmatically adv. 用實際的方法做事
- We need to handle the situation pragmatically or things will get worse.
pragmatism n. 實用或務實的思想、實用主義
a reasonable and logical way of doing things or of thinking about problems that is based on dealing with specific situations instead of on ideas and theories
- Pragmatism and common sense led to Tom’s decision to abandon the project.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The Burger Battle (2)
Consumers are paying attention. Sales of traditional types of meat are falling while sales of plant-based meats are rising. But beef porducts are fighting back. They want plant-based meat products to be clearly labeled "imitation" because plant- based "meat" isn't really meat. They are also asking scientists to test the plant-based products for possible dangers to people's health. They've started advertising campaigns to promote real beef's nutritional benefits.
While many believe plant-based products are better for the planet, these products may not be better for people's health.
Impossible Foods says its plant-based products are lower in cholesterol. Furthermore, a plant-based burger contains about 250 calories while a ground beef patty has 290. But a high degree of processing is required to make plant-based burgers. An Impossible Burger contains 21 ingredients. A beef patty has just on - ground beef. Real beef also contains less fat and sodium and more protein than similar-sized servings of plant-based meat.
This amount of processing goes against consumers' desire for simple and natural products. Which is the better burger? It really depends on an individual's taste. The burger battle is on.
Info Cloud
food coma
Hello, friends. Welcome to Info Cloud. Rex... Rex! Are you OK? We're teaching Info Cloud now.
I'm sorry. I'm afraid I'm in a food coma now. I had too much to eat over lunch.
Oh, I understand that feeling. Maybe a cup of coffee would help. There you go.
Just what I need. Thanks so much.
Since you mentioned it, why don't you explain to us what a food coma is?
Oh. You know that feeling when you eat too much, all your blood flows to your stomach, and you become really drowsy and sleepy. That's what a food coma is.
Although the word "coma" is a medical condition in which a person becomes unconscious due to illness or accident, a food coma is not an official medical term.
That's right. It's just a funny way to describe feeling really tired and sleepy after eating a lot of food.
Well, next time, make sure you don't eat too much before we teach Info Cloud. I don't want you falling asleep in front of the camera.
大家都有過吃飽飯後昏昏欲睡的經驗,英文有個很有趣的名稱叫做 food coma,就是用來形容這種情況。food是食物,coma其實就是醫學上的昏迷狀態。
food coma 當然就是飯後昏迷,當然吃太飽不會讓你真的昏迷,而是頭昏昏的很想睡覺,精神也很難集中。John was in a food coma after lunch. John吃完午餐之後,就開始頭昏想睡覺。要注意的是,food coma 只是一個有趣的流行用語,不是正式的醫學名詞。
Language Lab
imitation n. 仿製品
something that is made or produced as a copy
- While all the ladies at the banquet wore expensive jewelry, Nadia showed up with a cheap imitation around her neck.
宴會裡所有的女士都戴著昂貴的珠寶首飾,惟有Nadia 戴著便宜的仿製品現身。
- This watch looks nice but how do I know it’s not an imitation?
imitation adj. 仿的物品
made to look like something that is valuable : not genuine
- Mary used imitation crab to make a seafood salad.
Mary 用仿蟹肉來做一道海鮮沙拉。
imitation n. 模仿
- People were impressed with Bruce’s imitation of Elvis Presley.
大家對Bruce模仿貓王Elvis Presley感到欽佩。
- A child’s imitation of his or her parents is a part of growing up.
campaign n. 商業方面的活動, 政治方面的活動
a series of activities designed to produce a particular result
- The boss decided his company needed a new campaign to change the public’s impression of the company.
- The mayor appeared at the political campaign to show his support.
a series of military battles, attacks, etc., designed to produce a particular result in a war 軍事活動
- The military campaign led by the general was a complete disaster.
degree n. 程度
a measure of how severe or serious something is
- The child showed a high degree of understanding of the video content.
- There was a degree of bitterness in the widow’s tone of voice as she explained her story to us.
a unit for measuring the size of an angle 度數、角度
- Let’s try to turn this cabinet ninety degrees.
an official document and title that is given to someone who has successfully completed a series of classes at a college or university 學位
- It took Carrie six years to get her psychology degree.
Carrie 花了六年的時間來拿到她的心理學學位。
process v. 加工
to change (something) from one form into another by preparing, handling, or treating it in a special way
- The beautiful pieces of fruit go straight to the produce market while the ugly ones go to a factory to be processed.
to deal with (something, such as an official document or request) by using a particular method or system 文件方面的辦理、處理
- After the office receives the application form, it will need three days to process it.
process n. 過程
To become a licensed technician in this field of work is a lengthy process.
While many believe plant-based products are better for the planet, these products may not be better for people's health.
Impossible Foods says its plant-based products are lower in cholesterol. Furthermore, a plant-based burger contains about 250 calories while a ground beef patty has 290. But a high degree of processing is required to make plant-based burgers. An Impossible Burger contains 21 ingredients. A beef patty has just on - ground beef. Real beef also contains less fat and sodium and more protein than similar-sized servings of plant-based meat.
This amount of processing goes against consumers' desire for simple and natural products. Which is the better burger? It really depends on an individual's taste. The burger battle is on.
Info Cloud
food coma
Hello, friends. Welcome to Info Cloud. Rex... Rex! Are you OK? We're teaching Info Cloud now.
I'm sorry. I'm afraid I'm in a food coma now. I had too much to eat over lunch.
Oh, I understand that feeling. Maybe a cup of coffee would help. There you go.
Just what I need. Thanks so much.
Since you mentioned it, why don't you explain to us what a food coma is?
Oh. You know that feeling when you eat too much, all your blood flows to your stomach, and you become really drowsy and sleepy. That's what a food coma is.
Although the word "coma" is a medical condition in which a person becomes unconscious due to illness or accident, a food coma is not an official medical term.
That's right. It's just a funny way to describe feeling really tired and sleepy after eating a lot of food.
Well, next time, make sure you don't eat too much before we teach Info Cloud. I don't want you falling asleep in front of the camera.
大家都有過吃飽飯後昏昏欲睡的經驗,英文有個很有趣的名稱叫做 food coma,就是用來形容這種情況。food是食物,coma其實就是醫學上的昏迷狀態。
food coma 當然就是飯後昏迷,當然吃太飽不會讓你真的昏迷,而是頭昏昏的很想睡覺,精神也很難集中。John was in a food coma after lunch. John吃完午餐之後,就開始頭昏想睡覺。要注意的是,food coma 只是一個有趣的流行用語,不是正式的醫學名詞。
Language Lab
imitation n. 仿製品
something that is made or produced as a copy
- While all the ladies at the banquet wore expensive jewelry, Nadia showed up with a cheap imitation around her neck.
宴會裡所有的女士都戴著昂貴的珠寶首飾,惟有Nadia 戴著便宜的仿製品現身。
- This watch looks nice but how do I know it’s not an imitation?
imitation adj. 仿的物品
made to look like something that is valuable : not genuine
- Mary used imitation crab to make a seafood salad.
Mary 用仿蟹肉來做一道海鮮沙拉。
imitation n. 模仿
- People were impressed with Bruce’s imitation of Elvis Presley.
大家對Bruce模仿貓王Elvis Presley感到欽佩。
- A child’s imitation of his or her parents is a part of growing up.
campaign n. 商業方面的活動, 政治方面的活動
a series of activities designed to produce a particular result
- The boss decided his company needed a new campaign to change the public’s impression of the company.
- The mayor appeared at the political campaign to show his support.
a series of military battles, attacks, etc., designed to produce a particular result in a war 軍事活動
- The military campaign led by the general was a complete disaster.
degree n. 程度
a measure of how severe or serious something is
- The child showed a high degree of understanding of the video content.
- There was a degree of bitterness in the widow’s tone of voice as she explained her story to us.
a unit for measuring the size of an angle 度數、角度
- Let’s try to turn this cabinet ninety degrees.
an official document and title that is given to someone who has successfully completed a series of classes at a college or university 學位
- It took Carrie six years to get her psychology degree.
Carrie 花了六年的時間來拿到她的心理學學位。
process v. 加工
to change (something) from one form into another by preparing, handling, or treating it in a special way
- The beautiful pieces of fruit go straight to the produce market while the ugly ones go to a factory to be processed.
to deal with (something, such as an official document or request) by using a particular method or system 文件方面的辦理、處理
- After the office receives the application form, it will need three days to process it.
process n. 過程
To become a licensed technician in this field of work is a lengthy process.
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