Saturday, May 30, 2020

Family of Joy (2)

The main mission of Family of Joy is teaching "Don't Hide Your Child." It wants families with special-needs children to connect with the community. It tries to make that possible by organizing a variety of events. Its yearly hiking event at the zoo and park draws large numbers. The organization hopes to find more volunteers to go with the parents and kids on the walk.

Members of Family of Joy perform drama and music programs regularly as an outreach. For each performance, children team up with their parents and perform side by side. This year, Family of Joy is celebrating its 20th anniversary by producing a musical. The theme is "Love, I Do." It's inspired by George Leslie Mackay's legacy. They hope Dr. Mackay's love for his patients will be influential in inspiring people to love special-needs children. For the families raising these children, it is not an easy journey. But they are not alone. They get inspiration and support from the other Family of Joy members. That helps them keep walking with joy.

Info Cloud
go it alone

Welcome to Info Cloud, everyone. I know that it can be hard to handle all of the stresses in daily life and find time to learn English.

Well, you don't have to go it alone. There is an entire community of people who are also working hard to learn English, too.

I like that expression that Anne Marie used: You don't have to go it alone. That means that you don't have to do something by yourself.

Sometimes people might choose to go it alone. That can be a good thing. It shows you want to be independent.

But some people feel like they have to go it alone that they don't have anyone to support them or to share difficulties with.

When we try to remind you that you don't have to go it alone, it also means that there is a community of people that you can share with.

We are glad that you come to Info Cloud to enjoy learning English. Speaking in another language means connecting with other people.

You really can't go it alone. You have to share what you learn with others. That helps you learn even more.

很多人喜歡單打獨鬥,不喜歡跟別人合作,我們可以用 go it alone 來形容這樣的人。Learning English is challenging. Don’t go it alone. 學習英文是很大的挑戰,你不要一個人學習,意思就是要跟別人一起,這樣子學習的效率會比較好,你也不會那麼孤單。go it alone 是一種流行用語,聽起來非常地通俗,雖然有時候我們會勸人不要 go it alone,但它不一定不好,對於一些喜歡獨立自主的人,或許 go it alone 可以讓他們很快地完成一件事情或是一份工作。

Language Lab
volunteer n. 志工; 志願者
someone who does something without being forced to do it: such as
a : a person who chooses to join the military
b : a person who does work without getting paid to do it
- A lot of volunteers came to help give our food to the homeless people.
- During the magic show, the magician asked for two volunteers to come up to the stage.
volunteer v.  自願參與;  以志工身分參與活動
to offer to do something without being forced to or without getting paid to do it;
to say that someone will do something without asking if he or she wants to do it
- Jonathan is finished with his work, but he has volunteered to stay a little longer to help his coworkers.
Jonathan 已經做完她自己的工作,但是他自願留下來幫助其他的同事。
- Every weekend, Bryan volunteers at the senior center.
Bryan 每個周末都會去老人中心當志工。

perform v.  演出, 表演
to entertain an audience by singing, acting, etc.
- The students will be performing a play for their parents to watch.
As the dancers performed on the stage, the audience cheered and clapped.
perform v.  執行
to do an action or activity that usually requires training or skill
- The office has received a notification that someone from the fire department will be performing tests on the fire alarm.
perform v.  表現
used to describe how effective or successful someone or something is
- How you performed in next week’s meeting will determine whether you get to lead another project or not.

influential adj. 有影響力的
having the power to cause changes : having influence
- Picasso is considered to be one of the most influential painters of all time.
- For Bruce, his uncle was an influential person in his life because it was his uncle who raised him.
influence n. 影響力
the power to change or affect someone or something : the power to cause changes without directly forcing them to happen
- Donna was worried that her son’s best friend might be a bad influence on him.
Donna 擔心她兒子最要好的朋友會對她兒子有不好的影響。
influence v. 影響
to affect or change (someone or something) in an indirect but usually important way : to have an influence on (someone or something)
- Taylor’s decision to become a vet was influenced by his grandfather who had a farm full of animals.

inspiration n. 靈感
something that makes someone want to do something or that gives someone an idea about what to do or create : a force or influence that inspires someone
- The concert was amazing, and filled me with inspiration.
- The fashion designer took a trip to Morocco to look for some inspirations.
inspiration n. 會激發人心的人
a person, place, experience, etc., that makes someone want to do or create something — usually singular
- The speaker is very popular, and many people find her to be an inspiration.
inspire v. 啟發、激勵
to make (someone) want to do something : to give (someone) an idea about what to do or create
- After Rupert watched the detective movie, he was inspired to become a detective.
Rupert 看了偵探影片後,就想要成為一名偵探。

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