Friday, June 19, 2020

60-Second Habits for Personal Growth (1)

Six quick ways of amping up personal growth 
60秒成長法 六個快速促進個人 成長的方法

Anyone working in a business can benefit from personal growth. There's much to learn when you start your own thing and often there's so little feedback. Personal growth includes growth as a leader and businessperson because it means you're expanding your overall capacity for learning, adapting and fostering change.

Not all personal growth has to be lengthy processes. Sometimes quick strike efforts suffice. I reconnected with personal growth once I left my corporate job and dove into my own entrepreneurial venture.

Combining this experience [with] coaching people like me who left corporate to become an entrepreneur, I can share six quick hacks for enabling personal growth.

1. What good and great looks like
Before engaging in an important project or task, take 60 seconds to ask a mentor or boss to clarify the difference between good and great.

If the definition of great is such that it requires you learning new things, you just built yourself a mini-learning plan. Growth will follow.

2. Emphasize assets
The next time you find yourself about to face a daunting challenge, remind yourself of all the assets you have, like your strengths and your experience. Resist the temptation to focus on the things you don't have.

Growth happens when we build up from a place of possibility, not tear down from a place of pessimism.

Info Cloud
build up 形容建造人的信心
build up 表達炒作的行為
tear down 拆毀,通常是用來形容一個人的信心被拆毀了

Hello. And welcome to Info Cloud. Today we'd like to talk about how you can build someone up.

If you build up something, you slowly increase something like your vocabulary or strengthen. It also means to encourage or say good things about something.

You know, everyone really built up how good the last Star Wars movie was, but I really didn't enjoy it so much.

Anne Marie just gave a good example of how sometimes things get built up but are then actually a disappointment.

When people are feeling discouraged, you can try to build them up by talking about how good they are at something.

When I coach people for performing in public, everyone has to overcome their fear. I try to build up my students with encouragement.

Now the opposite of building someone up is tearing someone down. This is usually a very terrible experience for people.

If someone you admire - like a teacher or a parent or friend - tears you down , it can be an awful experience.

The only way that it could be good for you is if they are trying to tear you down before they build you up.

That's the practice of making your bad habits really obvious so that you can replace them with good ones.

But I think it's better to teach people with encouragements.

今天要跟大家分享兩個很簡單明瞭的用語,第一個是 build up,字面上是建造。build up 通常是用來形容建造人的信心,像是說一些正面的話來鼓勵一些人,I try to build up my students with encouragement. 我試著鼓勵我的學生們建造他們的信心。

另外,build up 也可以用來表達炒作的行為,像是 People built up how good this movie was. 很多人都說這部電影有多棒、有多好,把它評價的很高,言下之意就是: 這部電影其實沒有那麼好。

除了build up之外,第二個要介紹的是 tear down 拆毀,通常是用來形容一個人的信心被拆毀了。When a teacher tears you down, it’s very painful. 當一位老師把你批評地體無完膚,這是很痛苦的經歷。因此,我們要多跟人說正面鼓勵的話。

Language Lab
foster v. 培養、促進
to help (something) grow or develop
- The science museum provides an environment that fosters learning.
- The government is pushing for policies that foster economic opportunities.
foster v. 收養、代養
to provide the care that a parent usually gives to a child : to be or become the foster parent of a child
- Since Anita doesn’t have any children, she has decided to foster one.
Anita 因為沒有她自己的小孩,所以決定要收養一位。
foster adj. 跟代養、寄養有關的
— used to describe a situation in which for a period of time a child lives with and is cared for by people who are not the child's parents
- Brent was eventually adopted by his foster parents.
Brent 最後是被他的養父養母領養。

venture n. 有風險的商業活動或是商業機會
a new activity, project, business, etc., that typically involves risk
- Ever since Cedric heard about business venture, he has wondered if it is time for him to try something different.
自從 Cedric 聽到那個商業機會,他就不停地思考是否該嘗試不一樣的工作。
- Don joined the business venture last year, and now he is trying to find a way to get out of it.
Don 去年加入這個商業機會,現在正試著找個方法退出。
venture v. 冒險去做一件事
always followed by an adverb or preposition, [no object] : to go somewhere that is unknown, dangerous, etc.
- After being sick in bed for a very long time, Ethan is finally well enough to venture outside.
Ethan 臥病在床很久,但他終於有好一點,可以外出去看看。
venture v. 冒昧地說
to do, say, or offer something (such as a guess or an opinion) even though you are not sure about it
- The intern did not venture to ask his supervisor any questions but chose to stay quiet through the whole meeting.

asset n. 優點、長處
- Before looking for a job, think about your assets and what you’re really good at.
- Know yourself and use your assets, don’t copy someone else.
asset n. 一位有用的人或寶貴的人才
a valuable person or thing
- Freddy has been a major asset to this company, and we are sorry to hear that he is leaving us.
Freddy 是我們公司寶貴的人才,而聽到消息說他要離開,真的讓人很難過。
asset n. 資產
something that is owned by a person, company, etc. — usually plural
- The silver mine is probably the little town’s greatest asset.

pessimism n. 悲觀的情緒或悲觀的看法
a feeling or belief that bad things will happen in the future : a feeling or belief that what you hope for will not happen
- It is hard to motivate the team when everyone is trapped in pessimism.
- George has refused to give in to pessimism and continues to see things in a positive way.
George 拒絕與悲觀妥協,而繼續以正面的角度看待事情。
pessimistic adj. 悲觀的
having or showing a lack of hope for the future : expecting bad things to happen
- I know our team is not doing well in the game right now, but let’s not be so pessimistic!
pessimist n.悲觀的人
a person who usually expects bad things to happen
- Nobody wants to work with Herbert because he is such a pessimist who says very depressing things.
沒有人想跟Herbert合作, 因為他很悲觀又會講非常令人沮喪的話。

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