Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Student Summer Jobs (2)

Why? Won't your parents help with your university expenses?

They'll contribute, of course. But they told me they won't pay for everything.

Why not? They make an adequate amount of money don't they?

Yes, but they said I should learn to pay my own way.

They're right, I guess. And if you focus on your studies, you'll be able to do that!

They also say a summer job provides more than just money.

Like what?

Like work experience and the chance to develop important skills.

Important skills? Making hamburgers or cutting grass?

Hey, there's nothing wrong with jobs like those. They teach you to get along in the workplace and to be dependable. And they show that you can take responsibility.

Maybe. But my parents just want me to get top grades. That's my "job."

And that's fine if they can afford to pay for your education.

Hey, they can't afford not to if they want me to have a good career. Which they do.

Well, let's get in touch again in ten years and compare outcomes.

Sounds good. Well, have a great summer!

Info Cloud
inside job指內賊所犯下的案件

Hello, friends. Welcome to Info Cloud. I love watching movies, and I heard that Rex is a movie lover, too. What kind of movies do you like, Rex?

I like crime movies, especially the stories that have a criminal committing an inside job. And you're trying to figure out who it is. In the end, you're always very surprised when you finally know who the real criminal is.

Nice. Maybe we should explain what an inside job is. It is a very interesting expression.

Inside job refers to a crime committed by someone who is very closely related to the victim or the crime scene.

You can say that an inside job is committed by someone who is a traitor. The bank robbery was an inside job. The bank teller did it.

Here's another example. The information leak was an inside job. Someone from his company did it.

We do have to be very careful when we assume something to be an inside job. It could easily break trust and hurt people's feelings.

在一些犯罪電影中,我們經常會看到內賊犯案的故事情節,讓氣氛相當地懸疑刺激,英文可以用 inside job來形容這種罪行,inside 就是內部的、job是工作,但也可以用來形容犯罪行為。inside job 就是指內賊所犯下的案件,The bank robbery is an inside job. The bank teller did it. 這起銀行搶案是一起銀行行員所犯下的內賊案件。

Language Lab
contribute v. 捐獻 (金錢) 
to give (something, such as money, goods, or time) to help a person, group, cause, or organization — usually + to or toward
- When everyone heard about Jeremy’s huge medical bill, they all decided to contribute some money to help him.
contribute v. 投稿
to write (something, such as a story, poem, or essay) for a magazine
- The writer occasionally contributes to the local newspaper.
contributor n. 捐錢的人、投稿的人
- We want to thank all our contributors for their generosity, this event would not have been possible without their support.
contribution n. 捐獻、貢獻
something that is contributed: such as a : something that is given to help a person, a cause, etc.
b : something that is done to cause something to happen
- The scientist received an award for all this contributions to society.

adequate adj. 足夠的
enough for some need or requirement
- You might be watching your diet and getting a lot of exercise but you also need adequate rest.
- The office assistant did an adequate job preparing the meeting room.
adequately adv. (動作)合格的
- The family members of the patient are angry because they do not think the patient is adequately cared for by the hospital.
- This movie does not adequately show what life was like in the concentration camp.

dependable adj. 可靠的
able to be trusted to do or provide what is needed : able to be depended on
- I would not take my car to that mechanic because he is not a dependable guy.
- These appliances are rather old, but they are still very dependable.
dependent n. 需要依靠別人的人  (如: 需要別人的救濟或撫養)  adj. 需要照顧
a person (such as a child) whose food, clothing, etc., you are responsible for providing
- Mr. Larson is working long hours because he needs a lot of money to support his dependents.
Larson 先生每天工作好幾個小時,因為他需要很多錢來撫養家人。
dependent adj. 需要照顧
needing someone or something else for support, help, etc.
- Mark doesn’t like to work with Nelly because she is unable to get anything done and is always dependent on him.
Mark 不喜歡跟Nelly工作,因為她無法完成任何事,而且非常依賴他。

outcome n. 後果、結果
something that happens as a result of an activity or process : result
- I just started reading the book, so please don’t tell me the outcome of the story!
- No matter which card you pick, the magician still controls the outcome.
- The choice is not hard to make, you just need to decide which outcome works better for you.

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