Saturday, September 19, 2020


What? You're going to stay up all night?

Yes! I'm one of the top 10 students in the class. I don't want to lose my place! 

But Max, skipping sleep is bad for your health. 

On a regular basis, sure, but it's OK once in a while. And I have a pretty good system for pulling all nighters. 

Really? What do you do to stay awake? Do you drink coffee and eat candy all night? 

No. I usually snack on fruit and food with a lot of protein. Apples with peanut butter is my favorite!

Sleeping helps your brain retain things. What good is memorizing facts if you're too tired to remember them the next day? 

I just take a few naps throughout the night. Thirty minutes here and there makes a big difference. 

It sounds like you're good at this. But I still think it's important to get enough rest. 

I can catch up on sleep tomorrow. Tonight, I'm going to get ready for my A-plus! 

Well, I hope that works. But try to get a little rest, OK?

We'll see. See you tomorrow!

Bye, Max. Good luck!

Info Cloud

rack your brain 很用力地思考、絞盡腦汁地要擠出一些創意

Hi, everyone. Welcome to Info Cloud. I'm sorry, everyone, but I'm just not sure what to talk about today. I've been racking my brain trying to come up with something. 

Rex, that's the perfect expression to talk about. We use it all the time when we are trying really hard to think of something or to remember something. 

Oh, of course. The idea is you stretch your brains to the point of racking them because you are thinking so hard about something. 

There have been times when I lost my keys and had to rack my brains to try and remember where I left them. 

I think we have all experienced that. Now sometimes you see wracks spelled W-R-A-C-K, and another time just R-A-C-K. Both spellings are OK. 

Both words mean roughly the same in this case. You are torturing or ruining your brain trying to think of something. 

Anyone who is thinking really hard under pressure understands it's not exactly a pleasant feeling. 

Yes. So we all appreciate Rex working so hard to come up with such an interesting lesson. 

當我們很用力地思考、絞盡腦汁地要擠出一些創意,你可以用今天分享的用語 rack your brain 來形容這樣的狀況,I’m racking my brain trying to come up with ideas. 我很努力地在思考,希望可以想出一些點子。rack 這個字有折磨的涵義,它可以拼成 rack 或是 wrack,看起來像是不同字,但意思和唸法都完全相同。rack your brain 就代表你正在折磨自己的大腦,希望想出一些事情。

Language Lab

skip v. 輕快地跳(單腳起步) 
to move forward in a light or playful way by taking short, quick steps and jumps
- You can tell the child is in a good mood because she is skipping around.
skip v. 跳過去
to not discuss, read, do, or deal with (something) and go instead to the next thing : to pass over or leave out (something)
- The speaker was running out of time, so he decided to skip the middle section of his talk.
skip v. 省略掉、故意不做
to not do (something that is usual or expected)
- Trent was running late for work and had to skip breakfast.
Trent 因為工作快遲到,只好不吃早餐。
- We decided to skip the movie and just go to the restaurant for dinner.

awake adj. 醒著的  
not asleep
- Were you awake during the earthquake?
- The mother was trying to be very quiet, but her baby was already awake.
awake to [phrasal verb] v. 意識到、領悟到 
to become aware of (something)
- The spy’s report awoke the king to the possible threat of an invasion.
- Brian was sore from playing basketball, and it awoke him to the truth that he was getting older.
Brian 因為打籃球而全身痠痛,他領悟到他人漸漸老了。

retain v. 記住 
to keep (something) in your memory especially for a long period of time
- When Aimee is very busy, it’s harder for her brain to retain information.
Aimee 忙起來的時候,她的腦子很難記住東西。
- Now that we have cellphones, my head cannot retain one single important phone number.
retain v. 保留、保住
to continue to have or use (something) : keep
- Although Timothy had a pretty rough day, he was still able to retain a cheerful attitude.
雖然有很多不順的事情發生,但是Timothy 還是能夠保持一個愉悅的態度。
- Isaac’s family wants to sell their farmland, but Isaac is hoping to retain the farmhouse.
Isaac 的家人想把農地賣了,但是他希望農舍可以保留下來。 

memorize v. 背起來、熟記  
to learn (something) so well that you are able to remember it perfectly
- Katherine memorized the multiplication table when she was in second grade. 
Katherine 二年級的時候,把九九乘法表背起來。
- Tony is trying to memorize every word in the dictionary.
- Tony 試著把字典裡的每一個字背下來。
memorization n. 記住、背起來的過程
- There seems to be no other way to learn this difficult material but to commit it to memorization.
- Some students have incredible memorization skills and have no trouble preparing for tests.