Wednesday, September 16, 2020


She loves nature, and people love her
賓蒂.厄文──稟賦天成 她繼承父親衣缽 她熱愛野生自然

Some children of well-known people never emerge from their parents’ shadow. Bindi Irwin, daughter of world-famous “Crocodile Hunter” Steve Irwin, doesn’t have that problem. Although she was gifted with her father’s name and legacy, this talented young woman has earned her own place in the spotlight.

Born in Queensland, Australia, in 1998, Bindi began appearing on TV with her father at the age of 2. By 2006 she was hosting a TV wildlife show for kids, Bindi the Jungle Girl. In September of that year, her father died in an encounter with a stingray. At his funeral, Bindi gave a speech she wrote herself. The 5,000 attendees gave her a standing ovation. Hundreds of millions of TV viewers, many seeing her for the first time, fell in love.

Overcoming her loss, Bindi soon began pressing ahead in her father’s footsteps. In 2007, she hosted a TV show about him called My Daddy the Crocodile Hunter. This was followed by appearances on popular American talk shows. The same year she was named a tourism ambassador for Australia.

Info Cloud

a chip off the old block 形容一個人的外型和個性很像自己的父親

Welcome, friends. It's great to have you with us on Info Cloud today. Rex, I have a question for you. Would you say you are like your parents in any way? 

Hmm... great question. Well, I commonly get told that I look a lot like my dad. Some people have said that I'm just a chip off the old block. 

Oh. That means you look just like him. A chip off the old block is a phrase we say to mean that the son or daughter seems like they were made from the same material as their parent. 

In most cases, the old block is the father. This phase can be used to describe the resemblance with either looks or personality. 

Speaking of fathers, I heard that Rex's son recently got a great grade for a project in school. He must be really smart. 

That's right, he's a chip off the old block. Hey, I've heard another phrase to describe looking or acting like your parents, too. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. 

Oh. That's a good one. Apples come from apple trees. And children come from their parents. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree means that you look or are acting just like one of your parents. 

當我們看到一個人在某方面跟他的父母很像,我們會說: 喔~那是遺傳。美國人有一句經典諺語 a chip off the old block,用來形容一個人的外型和個性很像自己的父親,chip 是碎片,old block 是老舊的木塊,a chip off the old block 就是從舊的木塊上掉下來的碎片,它的材料和本質都是跟木塊一樣。通常 a chip off the old block 是形容一個人很像他的父親,因為老舊的木塊用來比喻父親,好像比母親還要適合。另外一個幾乎是一模一樣的諺語,就是: The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. 蘋果掉下來,不會離樹太遠,因為那棵樹就是生產那顆蘋果的地方。這句諺語可以用來同時形容一個人很像自己的父親或是母親。

Language Lab

gift n. 禮物   
something that is given to another person or to a group or organization
- I love receiving gifts, thank you very much!
gift n. 天生就擁有的
a special ability
- Mary was gifted with blond curls, and her sister was envious.
Mary 天生就有金色捲髮,而她妹妹非常羨慕她。
- You need to be patient when you’re coaching kids; not everyone is gifted with athletic abilities.
gift v. 贈送
to present (someone) with a gift
- Mr. Anderson is gifting each of his grandkids a smartphone.
Anderson 先生贈送給他每個孫子一支智慧型手機。 

spotlight n. 聚光燈 
a device that directs a narrow, bright beam of light on a small area
in the spotlight ph. 備受矚目
the spotlight : public attention or notice
- At the beginning of the play, there was nothing on the stage except for one actor under a spotlight.
- Although the actress is very popular, she doesn’t enjoy being in the spotlight.
- The scandal quickly came in the spotlight.
spotlight v. 用聚光燈直接照亮 
to shine a spotlight on (someone or something)
- The director wants to spotlight the door.
spotlight v. 把焦點放在某人事物上
to give special attention to (something)
- There is no reason to spotlight local gossip.

standing ovation n. 起立鼓掌  
an occurrence in which the people at a play, speech, sporting event, etc., stand up and applaud to show enthusiastic approval or appreciation
ovation n. 熱烈鼓掌; 熱烈的歡迎
an occurrence in which a group of people at a play, speech, sporting event, etc., show enthusiastic approval or appreciation by clapping their hands together over and over
- The hospital workers received quite the ovation for all their hard work.
- The visitors were surprised to receive such a warm ovation from the villagers.
- When the director won the Best Director of the Year Award, the audience gave him a standing ovation.
- The people gave the brave firefighter a standing ovation.

overcome v. 克服、戰勝  
to defeat (someone or something);
to successfully deal with or gain control of (something difficult)
- Because Jacob was determined to reach his goal, he overcame every obstacle along the way.
由於Jacob 下定決心要達到目標,他克服了過程中的每一個障礙。
- Paul was able to overcome the challenges because he had support from his friends and family.
Paul 因為有親朋好友的支持,能夠克服所有的挑戰。
overcome v. 被極度地影響到、承受不了
to affect (someone) very strongly or severely — usually used as (be) overcome
- Allie was overcome with grief and could not go to work.
Allie 因為悲痛到不行,而無法去上班。
- Thomas didn’t say anything because he was overcome by fear.
Thomas 一句話都沒說,因為他完全被嚇壞了。