Friday, September 11, 2020


Mukbangers share their meals and leave audiences hungry for more
「吃播」魅力無法擋 為什麼在電腦前看別人吃喝那麼療癒?

I have a secret to confess. I like to watch people eat on camera, and I'm not the only one. Millions of people log onto YouTube to watch something called mukbang. These online videos show people eating and sometimes talking to their audience. It might seem strange, but these videos are surprisingly satisfying to watch. 

Mukbang started in South Korea in the late 2000s. South Korea is a country known for its pop stars' carefully created images. But mukbang shows the exact opposite in many ways. Mukbangers, those that make mukband videos, can be dirty, noisy and even rude. 

Today people all over the world are streaming their eating habits as mukbang. Some mukbangers eat with just their hands as sauces run down their fingers. They wipe their mouths on their sleeves and stress every chew, slurp and swallow. These mukbangers aim to give you those ASMR tingles that some people enjoy. 

Info Cloud


Welcome to Info Cloud, friends. Anne Marie has told us many times that she doesn't enjoy watching sports. I'm curious about the reason why. 

Hmm. Well, there are several reasons. One of them is that I don't enjoy all of the showboating that goes on. 

Showboating is when someone does something for attention or specifically to impress others. 

Have you ever seen an athlete do a dance after they score a touchdown or hit a home run? That's an example of showboating. 

Anne Marie, I think our students understand what it means. But where did this term come from? 

Well, showboats were a cultural phenomenon in mid-19th century America. 

A showboat was a large riverboat that usually traveled along the Mississippi River in the American Midwest. 

Oh. I've seen photos of those showboats before. They were decorated with bright colors and were very gaudy. 

Exactly. Well, the showboats would travel along the Mississippi River and stop at different towns along the way. 

At each stop, they would do a performance and bring entertainment to the people there. Like a traveling stage or a traveling theater. 

And that explains why we call showing off or giving a performance for attention showboating. 

當你看到一些人很愛現,或者是很喜歡炫耀,你可以用 showboating 來形容他們。Football players often showboat after making a touchdown. 美式足球員經常在得分之後,賣弄肢體動作、炫耀自己。showboat 其實是19世紀在美國密西西比河的沿線,巡迴演出的演藝船,這些 showboats 的外觀被裝飾地光彩奪目,每次停靠在一個地點,都會吸引很多人去看表演,像是一個行動的劇場一樣。因此,showboating 在今天可以用來形容炫耀的行為。

Language Lab

confess v. 承認、坦白地說  
to talk about or admit something that makes you embarrassed, ashamed, etc.
- I must confess I haven’t done one single house chore all day.
- Alan was on a diet, but then he confessed to eating a whole box of donuts.
Alan 在節食,但是他承認他把整盒甜甜圈都吃掉了。
confess v.  認罪
to admit that you did something wrong or illegal
- The thief finally confessed to stealing the motorcycle.
confess v. 為了宗教信仰或心靈方面的需求而懺悔
to tell (your sins) to God or to a priest
- James felt peaceful after he had confessed his sins.

opposite n. 相反 
someone or something that is completely different from someone or something else
- We were hoping to enjoy a nice quiet dinner, but what we experienced was the exact opposite. 我們原本希望能夠享用一頓寧靜的晚餐,結果碰到的卻是完全相反。
- Trina always prefers the opposite of what her siblings like.
Trina 老是選擇和他兄弟姊妹不同喜好的東西。
opposite adj. 完全相反
completely different
- Mr. Cranshaw had trouble working with his business partner because they had opposite ideas.
Cranshaw 先生很難跟他的商業夥伴合作,因為他們的想法是完全相反的。
opposite adj. 對面、另一邊
located at the other end, side, or corner of something : located across from something
- Josephine wants to sit on the opposite side of the table because she wants to look out the window.
Josephine 想坐在桌子的另一邊,因為她想看窗戶外面。

wipe v. 擦  
to clean or dry (something) by using a towel, your hand, etc.
- Please use this towel to wipe your hands.
- After we finish dinner, mom always asks us to wipe the table.
wipe v. 擦掉
to remove (something) by rubbing
- There is water on this chair, please wipe it off.
wipe n. 擦東西的那個動作
an act of cleaning or drying something by using a towel, your hand, etc.
- The furniture is very dusty, someone needs to give them a good wipe.

slurp n. 一大口 
- Ned was given a big tall glass of iced tea, and he took a nice big slurp.
slurp v. 吃喝東西的時候,很大聲地把飲料或是食物吸進嘴巴裡 
to eat or drink (something) noisily or with a sucking sound
- In some cultures, it is very rude to slurp when you eat.
- The children like to slurp their noodles because they like making funny sounds.