Thursday, September 3, 2020


Stories behind the words we use
詞彙濫觴 一些尋常字詞背後的源起故事

We often use popular brand names when referring to general things. We often say "Google" when we mean "search" or "PowerPoint" instead of "slides."

Here are two toy brand names that have become general words:


Many kids grew up spinning toy hoops around their waists. Wham-O, an American toy company, introduced a toy hoop as the Hula-Hoop in 1958. Users moved like hula dancers as they spun one around their waists. Other companies sold the same toy using different names, but Wham-O's was the most successful. After 62 years, people still call this kind of toy a Hula-Hoop. 


Wham-O also presented another toy: Frisbee! The toy looked like an empty pie tin, which reminded some people of the Frisbie Pie Company. College students liked throwing their empty pie tins at each other. Wham-O took notice of this trend and released a toy called the Frisbee. The flying disk led to the invention of the sports Ultimate Frisbee and Frisbee golf. They remain popular today. 

Info Cloud

Kleenex, Q-Tip, Band-Aid

Hello, and welcome to Info Cloud. (Sneezing). 

Are you OK, Anne Marie? Do you have a cold? 

No. Just allergies. Do you have any Kleenex? 

Well, I have some tissue, but I don't think there’s a Kleenex brand. Is that OK? 

Oh, of course. 

When I asked for Kleenex, I was referring to a generic item. I didn't mean that I needed that specific brand. 

Right. Kleenex has been around for a long time. It's a very recognized brand. So much so that its name has become a synonym for all facial tissue. 

Is this good for a company? Some say it points to the popularity of a specific brand. But others are worried about copyright issues. 

Oh, so that's why sometimes when these words are seen in writing, there might be a small circle with an R inside. 

Yes. The R means registered trademark. This is very useful for people from other countries who might not be familiar with these brands. Can you think of any other examples? 

Sure. Q-Tips are cotton buds, and Band-Aids are bandages. Those are things we use often. 

Yes. Just like Kleenex, you will hear Americans use these words a lot, even if they're using a generic brand of these items. 

我們到美國旅遊時,很容易發現他們那邊的用語,跟平常時學的不太一樣,像是衛生紙 tissue,你會聽到他們統稱為Kleenex,因為Kleenex是老牌衛生紙品牌,在美國人心裡面,幾乎變成衛生紙的同義字了。另外,如果你要找棉花棒 cotton bud,通常美國人會說Q-Tip,這也是一個棉花棒的經典品牌,還有受傷的時候會需要用到的OK蹦 bandage,美國人統稱Band-Aid,這當然也是OK蹦的品牌。為了要解決品牌的版權問題,通常你會看到這些名稱的上方會出現一個小圈圈,裡面有一個R的字樣,意思就是註冊商標,不過這是為了正式發表的文字,如果日常對話就不需要擔心這些了。 

Language Lab

refer v. 簡短地提起或談起  
to talk about or write about (someone or something) especially briefly : to mention (someone or something) in speech or in writing
- I know you were talking about one of your teammates, but who exactly were you referring to?
refer v. 意思是
to have a direct connection or relationship to (something)
- If you hear my grandma say ‘that kid,’ she is referring to her neighbor’s little boy.
refer v. 介紹
to send (someone or something) to a particular person or place for treatment, help, advice, etc.
- When I had a bad headache, I went to see a doctor, but he referred me to a specialist.

spin v. 旋轉  
to turn or cause someone or something to turn around repeatedly
- The boy likes to spin, and make himself dizzy.
- If you open the music box, you will see a little ballet dancer spinning inside.
spin v. 紡織、紡紗
to draw out and twist fibers of cotton, wool, silk, etc., into yarn or thread
- Women in this village used to spin their own yarn, but now they just buy it at the store.
spin v. 蜘蛛結網
of insects : to form (something) by producing a fluid that quickly hardens into a thread
- It's amazing that spiders are able to spin such huge webs.

empty adj. 空的 
containing nothing
- Scott drank all the water, and now his bottle is completely empty.
Scott 把水都喝完了,他的瓶子現在是空的。
empty adj. 沒有人
not having any people : not occupied
- The restaurant is usually busy at lunchtime, but today it is empty.
empty adj.  沒誠意
having no effect : not sincere or meaningful
- Vanessa is breaking up with her boyfriend, because she is tired of his empty promises.
Vanessa 要跟她的男朋友分手,因為她對他沒誠意的承諾感到厭倦。
empty adj. 無意義 
having no real purpose or value
- Even though William has a good job and a nice family, his life still feels empty.
William 雖然有好的工作,以及美滿的家庭,但是他還是感到生活空虛。 

trend n. 趨勢;傾向  
a general direction of change : a way of behaving, proceeding, etc., that is developing and becoming more common
- There is a growing trend of people working after the age of 65.
trend v. 社群網站上的流行主題的熱門分享 
- The marketing team is always discussing what is trending on social media.
trend n. 時尚
something that is currently popular or fashionable
- If you want to know about the latest trends, talk to Sabrina.
- The latest trends can go out of style very quickly.